AM243x Motor Control SDK  09.02.00
Migration Guide

Components under Motor Control SDK were available in MCU+ SDK 7.x and 8.x releases.

If you are a user of MCU+ SDK, then items listed on this page that will assist you in migration to Motor Control SDK.

  • To build examples from Industrial Communications SDK and MCU+ SDK using CCS projects, user has to add ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/ind_comms_sdk path and ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/mcu_plus_sdk path to "Product discovery path" respectively in CCS (from Window->Preferences->Code Composer Studio->Products).
  • The examples, drivers and PRU-ICSS firmwares for position sense encoders and current sense SDFM (using PRU-ICSS) are moved from MCU+ SDK to Motor Control SDK. Folder location changes are also shown below.
Module MCU+ SDK Folder Location Motor Control SDK Folder Location
Position Sense EnDat examples/motor_control/endat_diagnostic examples/position_sense/endat_diagnostic
source/motor_control/position_sense/endat source/position_sense/endat
Position Sense HDSL examples/motor_control/hdsl_diagnostic examples/position_sense/hdsl_diagnostic
examples/motor_control/hdsl_diagnostic_with_traces Merged with hdsl_diagnostic example
source/motor_control/position_sense/hdsl source/position_sense/hdsl
Position Sense Tamagawa examples/motor_control/tamagawa_diagnostic examples/position_sense/tamagawa_diagnostic
source/motor_control/position_sense/tamagawa source/position_sense/tamagawa
Current Sense SDFM examples/motor_control/icss_sdfm examples/current_sense/icss_sdfm
source/motor_control/current_sense/sdfm source/current_sense/sdfm