AM243x Motor Control SDK  09.01.00
TI HDSL Exceptions List

Notable exceptions in TI HDSL Solution when compared with SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core release version 1.07 are described below:

  1. SPI interface is not available to access the HDSL Master. Registers are present in Data Memory of Programmable Real-Time Unit and Industrial Communication Subsystem (PRU-ICSS), which can be accessed directly by the ARM processor core.
  2. Pipeline Status for SensorHub Channel is not available. Pipeline data is updated for each horizontal frame.
  3. Control signals similar to SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core are not available, except SYNC signal. Instead of INTERRUPT signal, interrupts are triggered to ARM processor core.
  4. Test signals similar to SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core are not available.
  5. TI HDSL Solution's register map is register compatible with SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core release version 1.07, with few exceptions listed below:

    Register(s) Remarks
    SYS_CTRL Bits 5:0 (FRST, LOOP, PRDY, SPPE, SPOL, OEN) Not available in TI HDSL Solution
    EVENT_H Bit 7 (INT) Not available in TI HDSL Solution
    EVENT_H Bit 1 (DTE)
    MASK_H Bit 1 (MDTE)
    Not available in TI HDSL Solution
    EDGES Not available in TI HDSL Solution in this release
    This will be available in future releases.
    Different implementation from SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core
    "Major Release Number" field is 4 bits wide instead of 2 bits. "Coding" field is not available.
    RELEASE Not available in TI HDSL Solution
    MIR_SUM Not available in TI HDSL Solution
    Please see SAFE_SUM (0x36) for getting summary information.
    Not available in TI HDSL Solution
    PC_DATA Not available in TI HDSL Solution
    Please see S_PC_DATA (0x37) for “short message” transactions.
    ACC_ERR_CNT Different implementation from SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core
    • This register gives the count of transmitted fast position values with consecutive transmission errors.
    • Writing to this register does not set any threshold for setting an error signal. ACC_ERR_CNT_TRESH (0x41) register allows triggering protocol reset if ACC_ERR_CNT crosses a threshold.
    • This count is a 8 bit value.
    Not available in TI HDSL Solution
    ENC2_ID Not available in TI HDSL Solution
    EVENT_S Bit 7 (SINT) Not available in TI HDSL Solution
    ONLINE_STATUS_1_L Bits 7:6 (POSTX)
    ONLINE_STATUS_2_L Bits 7:6 (POSTX)
    Different implementation from SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core
    POSTX bits are available in a separate register POSTX register (0x4F) instead of ONLINE_STATUS_D_L, ONLINE_STATUS_1_L and ONLINE_STATUS_2_L registers.
    Not available in TI HDSL Solution
    ONLINE_STATUS_D_H Bit 6 (SUM) Different implementation from SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core
    SAFE_SUM is used instead of MIR_SUM.
    Register address is different from SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core
    TI implementation uses 0x44 instead of 0x0B
    Register address is different from SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core
    TI implementation uses 0x45 instead of 0x0F
    Register address is different from SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core
    TI implementation uses 0x46 instead of 0x18
    Register address is different from SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core
    TI implementation uses 0x47 instead of 0x19
    Register address is different from SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core
    TI implementation uses 0x48 instead of 0x1A
    Register address is different from SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core
    TI implementation uses 0x49 instead of 0x1B
    Register address is different from SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core
    TI implementation uses 0x4A instead of 0x1C
    Register address is different from SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core
    TI implementation uses 0x4B instead of 0x1D
    Register address is different from SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core
    TI implementation uses 0x4C instead of 0x1E
    Register address is different from SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core
    TI implementation uses 0x4D instead of 0x1F
  6. Reset values of registers are not same as SICK HDSL MASTER IP Core.
  7. As registers are implemented using Data Memory of Programmable Real-Time Unit and Industrial Communication Subsystem (PRU-ICSS), the application has a read-write access for all registers.
  8. When safe position is invalid (VPOS bit is set in EVENT_S), 0xFDFDFDFDFD value is not set in fast and safe position registers.
  9. For long message offset, only 15-bit wide offset is supported. If offset is enabled, then master will always send 2 bytes of offset.