AM243x Motor Control SDK  09.00.00
EnDat Protocol Design


This design implements EnDat Receiver (a.k.a subsequent electronics) on TI Sitara™ AM64x/AM243x EVM. EnDat is a digital bidirectional serial interface for position encoders, also suited fo safety related applications. Only four signal lines are required, differential pair each for clock and data. Clock is provided by receiver and data is bidirectional. Data is transmitted in synchronism with clock. Transfer between receiver and encoder at the physical layer is in accordance with RS485, with transceiver at both ends.

System Overview

Position feedback system consists of a position encoder attached to a motor, up to 100 meter of cable which provides power and serial communication and the receiver interface for position encoder. In case of Sitara™ AM64x/AM243x processor the receiver interface for position encoder is just one function of a connected drive controller. The AM64x/AM243x provides in addition to the resources for Industrial Ethernet and motor control application including on-chip ADCs, Delta Sigma demodulator for current measurement. EnDat Receiver on Sitara™AM64x/AM243x processor uses one ICSSGx Slice. Clock, data transmit, data receive and receive enable signals from PRU1 of ICSS_G is available in AM64x/AM243x EVM.


The EnDat receiver function is implemented on TI Sitara™ Devices. Encoder is connected to IDK via universal Digital Interface TIDA-00179(, TIDEP-01015(3-axis board) and 3 Axis Interface card. Design is split into three parts – EnDat hardware support in PRU, firmware running in PRU and driver running in ARM. Application is supposed to use the EnDat driver APIs to leverage EnDat functionality. SDK examples used the EnDat hardware capability in Slice 1 (either 1 core or 3 cores based ont the confiuration) of PRU-ICSSG0. Remaining PRUs in the AM64x/AM243x EVM are available for Industrial Ethernet communication and/or motor control interfaces.


Parameter Value Details
Maximum Cable Length 100m Supports up-to 8MHz with delay compensation
Maximum Frequency 16 MHz Supports up-to 20m cable
Startup/Initialization Frequency 200 KHz After power on or reset
Frequencies supported Upto 8 MHz Changeable at run-time
CRC 6 bits Position/data verification
Receive oversample ratio 8

EnDat PRU hardware

Refer TRM for details

EnDat Firmware Implementation

Following section describes the firmware implementation of EnDat receiver on PRU-ICSS. Deterministic behavior of the 32 bit RISC core running upto 333MHz provides resolution on sampling external signals and generating external signals. It makes uses of EnDat hardware support in PRU for data transmission.

There are three different variations of PRU-ICSS firmware.

  1. Single Channel
  2. Multi Channel with Encoders of Same Make
  3. Multi Channel with Encoders of Different Make

Implementation for Single Channel and Multi Channel with Encoders of Same Make

Single core of PRU-ICSSG slice used in this configuration.

ARM, PRU, EnDat module Integration for for

Single Channel" or "Multi Channel with Encoders of Same Make" configuration"

Implementation for Multi Channel with Encoders of Different Make

Each of PRU, TX-PRU and RTU-PRU handle one channel in this configuration Enbale load share mode in case of multi make encoders.

PRU, EnDat module Integration for

Multi Channel with Encoders of Different Make" configuration"

Firmware Architecture

Overall Block Diagram

Firmware first does initialization of PRU-ICSSG's EnDat hardware interface and EnDat encoder. Then it waits for the user to provide command (user after setting up the command, sets command trigger bit), upon detecting trigger, first it checks whether the command requested is a continuous mode or a normal command.

If it is a normal command, reads command, it’s attribute like transmit bits, receive bits etc., then it transmits the data and collected the data sent by the encoder stored onto a buffer with one byte representing a bit (since oversample ration of 8 is used). Next it checks whether there is 2.2 command supplement to be transmitted based on attributes, if so it transmits it. The received data is now downsampled to extract bit from oversampled 8 bits and the result written to the defined PRU RAM locations.

If command requested is continuous mode, 2.1 position command will be transmitted. During receive, it is different from the normal mode that downsampling is done on-the-fly, i.e. downsampling is done as soon as each bit is received. This is done due to the timing constraints with continuous mode, as data is continuously being received.

At the end of transaction as requested by the user, trigger bit that is set by the user is unset. User can wait on this bit to know that the command has been completed. EnDat driver provides API to achieve this.


Initialization for "Single Channel" and "Multi Channel with Encoders of Same Make" configurations
Initilization for Single PRU mode
Initialization for "Single Channel" and "Multi Channel with Encoders of Different Make" configuration
Initilization for Load share mode

Before executing the firmware, the ARM (R5) core needs to enable EnDat mode in PRU-ICSSG first, then configure the clock to 200KHz, with oversample ratio of 8 (hence receive clock would be 200 * 8 KHz). The entire EnDat configuration MMRs are cleared. Through the defined interface (PRU RAM location), user requested channel is determined in Single pru configuration. Then power-on-init as per specification is implemented, after which encoder is reset by sending reset command. Firmware setups the command and it’s attribute for all the commands that are sent during initialization. Alarms, errors and warning are cleared. Firmware then determines number of clock pulses for position and whether encoder supports EnDat 2.2. Propagation delay is then estimated. If user has required for clock to be configured, it is obeyed, else it defaults to 8MHz. At the end of the initialization status is updated.

Synchronization among PRU cores for "Multi Channel with Encoders of Different Make" configuration

If using "Multi Channel with Encoders of Different Make" configuration where load share mode is enabled, one of the cores among enabled cores will be set as the primary core for performing global configurations of PRU-ICSSG's EnDat interface. These global configurations include clock frequency configuration and TX global re-initialization.

There needs to be a synchronization between PRUs before changing any global configuration. For this purpose, each active PRU core sets synchronization bit before any operation needing synchronization and clears the synchronization bit when it is ready. The assigned primary core will wait for all active channel's synchronization bits to be cleared and then perform the global configuration.

Send and Receive

Send And Receive

If requested command attribute indicates 2.2 command supplement, clock is configured to free run stop low mode, else to free run stop high. Command is written to the transmit fifo and send routine followed by receive is invoked.


Transmit and receive frame sizes are configured in PRU EnDat hardware. With long cables, it may be required to configure receive frame size lesser than receive bits so that extra clocks are not sent to the encoder. If transmit was going on, it will till it has finished and then transmit GO bit is set, which would start the new transmission.


Receive bits obtained via command attribute is stored as header (initial 2 bytes) in the receive buffer. Then wait’s till receive valid flag has been set, once set, 1 byte corresponding 1 bit (because of oversampling of 8) is read and stored in receive buffer and the flags are cleared. Receive buffer pointer is incremented & receive bit count decremented. This continues till count is zero, once zero, it extracts receive data one more time to take care of SB (receive count excludes SB). If 2.2 command supplement is not present, transmit re-init is done. If using "Multi Channel with Encoders of Different Make" configuration where load share mode is enabled, the primary core waits for synchronization bits for active channels to be cleared before performing TX Global Init.

Receive In load share mode
EnDat 2.2 Command Supplement Send
EnDAT 2.2 command supplement send

Clock mode is configured to stop low after transmit. 2.2 command supplement to transmitted is written to fifo preceded by 7 dummy bits & SB. Transmission is configure to transmit till end of the fifo. Transmission is started after making sure that transmit module is not busy.

Receive Downsample

This is the most complex portion of the firmware. Received data is exposed through PRU interface in four bytes. First two words (word = 4 bytes) holds the position data, third holds additional information 2 (if only second additional info is present or both present) or 1 (if only first additional info is present) & the last additional information 1 (if both present). The order is as mentioned in EnDat 2.2 specification. Splitting the received data on word boundaries when additional info’s are present causes the complexity here.

If command is neither 2.2 nor position request or if no additional info is present, handling is easy – just copy the received data into initial 2 words in the order it is received. If command is 2.2 position command and depending on the number of additional info’s, markers (used in the downsampling loop) are set to write additional info’s to next word boundaries. If only one addinfo is present, marker “rx pos bits” stores clocks required to receive position (inclusive of CRC, F1 & F2). If both addinfo’s are present another marker is set to 2 words (first 2 words holds the position) plus 30 bit to account for addinfo. If markers are not required, then their values are set so that it never matches the counting receive bits, hence the value “0xff”.

After updating the marker, number of received bits is retrieved from the receive buffer header. SB is skipped for downsampling and the result registers are cleared. Next, each byte (8 bit, oversample of 8) is read from the receive buffer, 4th bit of each decide the actual received bit. This is continued till the end of receive buffer. If during the loop, receive bit count matches any of the marker, bit count is updated appropriately. This helps is naturally bringing the received data as per the word format specified by the interface. In the loop, as the number of bits reaches word boundary, it will start saving received data to next word. At the end of the loop, the last word is copied to the result register.

Continuous mode
Continuous Mode

2.1 position command as well as it’s attribute that been setup by the user is read first. Clock is configured for free run mode. Position command is written fifo and send routine is invoked. Then receive is done along with on-the-fly downsampling, this is required as time between receipt of successive position data is less than the time that dowsampling routine (mentioned earlier) takes. Once data is read and dowsampled on-the-fly, command trigger interface is read to see if user wants to stop continuous mode, if so, do transmit re-init, disable receive and wait till the end of re-init.

Receive and On-The-Fly Downsample
Endat on the fly Downsampling

Two registers (a word each) that hold the result are cleared initially. Upon receiving the first receive valid, it discards it and proceeds to wait for the next one as the first one is SB. Thereafter for every valid flag set, 4th bit in the received byte is checked to find the actual received bit and it stored, word crossing is also taken care. After all the bits for a position command is received, receive is disabled and is activated only after 2T clock cycles – this is to prevent falsely detecting SB immediately (upon calling this routine back-to-back as mentioned in previous section) after encoder has finished sending data as it can pull data line high for 2T more clock cycles.

Recovery Time Measurement

Recovery Time is measured only for Type 2.2 commands. The factory default settings for the Recovery Time is programmed to 10us <= RT <= 30us. It can only be changed to 1.25us <= RT <=3.75us for type 2.2 mode commands. For clock pulse frequence <= 1MHz, RT must be set to 10us <= RT <= 30us. The User can set the function parameters in word 3 at "0xB9" memory area for RT range. If bit 0th is unset and 1st bit is set of word3 then RT will belong to large range(10us-30us) and if 0th bit is set and 1st bit is unset of word3 then RT will belong to short range(1.25us to 3.75us).

Method for measuring the recovery time for position command

Endat Recovery time for Endat 2.2 position command
Endat Recovery time flow-chart for Endat 2.2 position command
  1. After the CRC bits are received, there is a wait for rising clock edge.
  2. Start the measurement of Recovery Time using PRU cycle counter (The cycle counter is set to zero).
  3. Wait for falling edge of the data from encoder (RX).
  4. Read the PRU cycle counter which gives the value of Recovery Time in PRU Clock Cycle units and store it to DMEM.

Method for measuring the recovery time for supplement command

Endat Recovery time for Endat 2.2 supplement command
Endat Recovery time flow-chart for Endat 2.2 supplement command
  1. After TX_GO bit is set which starts the TX, wait for TX FIFO level to reach 0
  2. In case of Single Channel or Multi Channel with Encoders of Different Make mode, wait for RX enable. But In case of Multi Channel with Encoders of Same Make mode, wait for TX complete.
  3. After the CRC bits are received, there is a wait for rising clock edge.
  4. Start the measurement of Recovery Time using PRU cycle counter (The cycle counter is set to zero).
  5. Wait for falling edge of the data from encoder (RX).
  6. Read the PRU cycle counter which gives the value of Recovery Time in PRU Clock Cycle units and store it to DMEM.

NOTE for Multi-channel Single PRU Mode

We can not measure the recovery time as accurately as single channel or multi channel load share, because same PRU has to poll for 3 channels. So we are doing a sequential polling for each channel.

  1. Wait for rising edge in clock for all connected channels
  2. Start the measurement of Recovery Time using PRU cycle counter (The cycle counter is set to zero).
  3. Wait for RX completion on all connected channels. We start checking completion for all connected channels one by one. Whenever completion is detected for a channel, we save the PRU cycle counter value and continue the wait for remaining channels.

EnDat Hardware interface

The physical data transmission in EnDat is done using RS-485 standard. The data is transmitted as differential signals using the RS485 between the EnDat Receiver and the Encoder.

The Receiver sends the clock to the EnDat encoder, data transmission in either direction (one at a time) occurs in synchronism with the clock. The design uses two differential signals for each of the lines (clock and data).

EnDat Receiver and the encoder is connected using the RS-485 transceiver. Data is transmitted differentially over RS-485. It has the advantages of high noise immunity and long distance transmission capabilities.

AM64x/AM243x EVM Pin-Multiplexing

Pin name Signal name Function
PRG0_PRU1_GPO0 pru1_endat0_clk Channel 0 clock
PRG0_PRU1_GPO1 pru1_endat0_out Channel 0 transmit
PRG0_PRU1_GPO2 pru1_endat0_outen Channel 0 transmit enable
PRG0_PRU1_GPI13 pru1_endat0_in Channel 0 receive
PRG0_PRU1_GPO3 pru1_endat1_clk Channel 1 clock
PRG0_PRU1_GPO4 pru1_endat1_out Channel 1 transmit
PRG0_PRU1_GPO5 pru1_endat1_outen Channel 1 transmit enable
PRG0_PRU1_GPI14 pru1_endat1_in Channel 1 receive
PRG0_PRU1_GPO6 pru1_endat2_clk Channel 2 clock
PRG0_PRU1_GPO12 pru1_endat2_out Channel 2 transmit
PRG0_PRU1_GPO8 pru1_endat2_outen Channel 2 transmit enable
PRG0_PRU1_GPI11 pru1_endat2_in Channel 2 receive
GPIO42 endat_en Onboard RS485 receive enable

AM243x-LP Booster Pack Pin-Multiplexing

Pin name Signal name Function
PRG0_PRU1_GPO0 pru1_endat0_clk Channel 0 clock
PRG0_PRU1_GPO1 pru1_endat0_out Channel 0 transmit
PRG0_PRU1_GPO2 pru1_endat0_outen Channel 0 transmit enable
PRG0_PRU1_GPI13 pru1_endat0_in Channel 0 receive
GPIO Pin(GPIO1_78) ENC1_EN Enbale endat mode in Axis 1 of BP (C16 GPIO pin)