- Attention
- Also refer to individual module pages for more details on each feature, unsupported features, important usage guidelines.
For release notes of MCU+ SDK, please refer to AM64X MCU+ SDK Release Notes 09.01.00.
- Note
- The examples will show usage of SW modules and APIs on a specific CPU instance and OS combination.
Unless noted otherwise, the SW modules would work on all supported EVMs
New in this Release
Feature |
Refactoring of EtherCAT API |
Improvements in Discrete I/O Device example |
Ethernet IP Conformance Tool v20 Support |
ICSSM Ethernet/IP FW supports additional MAC address for traffic routing |
IOLINK Improvements - Added NVRAM support for AM243 LP and EVM in example app. Support for flexible Maximum number of Ports. |
Moved ICSSG ENET LLD examples back to MCU SDK |
Bug Fixes |
Device and Validation Information
SOC | Supported CPUs | Boards | Host PC |
AM64x | R5F | AM64x PG2 EVM (referred to as am64x-evm in code) | Windows 10 64b or Ubuntu 18.04 64b |
Tools, Compiler and Other Open Source SW Module Information
Tools / SW module | Version |
Code Composer Studio | 12.5.0 |
SysConfig | 1.18.0, build 3266 |
TI ARM CLANG | 3.2.0.LTS |
MCU+ SDK | 9.1.0 |
- Attention
- TI ARM CLANG 3.2.0.LTS is not part of CCS by default, Follow steps at TI CLANG Compiler Toolchain to install the compiler.
Key Features
Profinet Device Stack and example. For more information, see Profinet Stack Transition
Fixed Issues
ID | Head Line | Module | Applicable Releases | Resolution/Comments |
PINDSW-5668 | HSR/PRP is not functional in rgmii mode | HSR-PRP | 08.04.00 | |
PINDSW-5669 | Read access for 0x0984 Register not enabled | EtherCAT Device | 08.06.00 | |
PINDSW-5675 | HSR/PRP - PTP Device is unable to keep offset under 1000 ns | HSR-PRP | 08.04.00 | |
PINDSW-6644 | EtherCAT - Disable Link Polling Mode Support in MDIO Workaround firmware | EtherCAT Device | 08.06.00 | |
PINDSW-6904 | Change of IP configuration does not work | EtherNet/IP Adapter | 09.00.00 | |
PINDSW-7099 | Reg.0x805.bit1 remains 0 and does not change | EtherCAT Device | 08.05.00 | |
Known Issues
ID | Head Line | Module | Applicable Releases | Workaround |
PINDSW-5122 | DLR does not work in RGMII mode | EtherNet/IP Adapter | 08.04.00 | |
PINDSW-5508 | Observed "tcp_err_handler: Connection aborted (-13) while running CTT | EtherNet/IP Adapter | 08.06.00 | |
PINDSW-5666 | EtherNet/IP : PTP Device is unable to keep offset under 1000 ns | EtherNet/IP Adapter | 08.04.00 | Value of OFFSET_THRESHOLD_FOR_RESET is set to 10000 ns by default in SDK |
PINDSW-6587 | EtherCAT syscfg - Rx MLINK enable does not enables MLINK if it is disabled from application | EtherCAT Device | 08.06.00 | |
Upgrade and Compatibility Information
This section lists changes which could affect user applications developed using older SDK versions. Read this carefully to see if you need to do any changes in your existing application when migrating to this SDK version relative to previous SDK version. Also refer to older SDK version release notes to see changes in earlier SDKs.
Module | Affected API | Change | Additional Remarks |
| | | |