AM263x MCU+ SDK  09.00.00
ADC Differential Mode


This example sets up ePWM0 to periodically trigger a set of conversions (SOC0,1) on ADC1 for conversion of inputs on ADC_AIN0, ADC_AIN1 in differential modes (ADC_AIN0 - ADC_AIN1) on SOC0 and (ADC_AIN1 - ADC_AIN0) on SOC1.


  • In differential mode, the outputs are symmetric across "2112 or 0x840".
  • if there is a +1v on differential input, expected output should be around 2752 or 0xAC0.
  • if there is a -1v on differential input, expected output should be around 1472 or 0x5C0.
  • Expect wrapping of output if the readings are above 3.2v

ADC1 Interrupt ISR is used to read results of ADC1 (i.e. digital representations of differential inputs on ADC_AIN0 - ADC_AIN1 and ADC_AIN1 - ADC_AIN0 )

The below watch variables can be used to view ADC conversion results.

Watch Variables

  • gAdc1Result0 - Digital representation of the differential voltage on pins ADC1_AIN0 - ADC1_AIN1
  • gAdc1result1 - Digital representation of the differential voltage on pins ADC1_AIN1 - ADC1_AIN0

The example does the below

  • Configures SOC0,1 of ADC1, to be triggered by EPWM0.
  • Configures ADC interrupt 0 to be generated at end of conversion of SOC1.
  • ADC1 Interrupt ISR is used to read results of ADC1 from SOC0, SOC1.

External Connections

  • ADC1_AIN0, ADC1_AIN1 pins should be connected to signals to be converted in differential mode.

AM263X-CC E2

When using AM263x-CC E2 with TMDSHSECDOCK (HSEC180 controlCARD Baseboard Docking Station)

  • Feed analog inputs to
    • ADC1_AIN0 - HSEC Pin 12
    • ADC1_AIN1 - HSEC Pin 14

AM263X-CC E1

When using AM263x-CC E1 with TMDSHSECDOCK (HSEC180 controlCARD Baseboard Docking Station)

  • Feed analog inputs to
    • ADC1_AIN0 - HSEC Pin 18
    • ADC1_AIN1 - HSEC Pin 20


When using LP

  • Feed analog inputs (non-zero volatage) to Boosterpack header Pin 24,Pin 29.

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS r5fss0-0 nortos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang
Board am263x-cc, am263x-lp
Example folder examples/drivers/adc/adc_differential_mode/

Steps to Run the Example

  • When using CCS projects to build, import the CCS project for the required combination and build it using the CCS project menu (see Using SDK with CCS Projects).
  • When using makefiles to build, note the required combination and build using make command (see Using SDK with Makefiles)
  • Establish connections as mentioned in External Connections section.
  • Launch a CCS debug session and run the executable, see CCS Launch, Load and Run
  • Using the watch variables, view the ADC conversion results.
  • View the ADC conversion results in UART console logs

See Also


Sample Output

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run,

ADC EPWM Triggered Differential Mode Conversions Test Started ...
2111 : 2185
1594 : 2627
1603 : 2620
1603 : 2620
1602 : 2620
1602 : 2621
1604 : 2619
1594 : 2627
1603 : 2621
1603 : 2620
1603 : 2620
ADC Differential Mode Test Passed
All tests have passed!!