Release Notes 10.00.00

Also refer to individual module pages for more details on each feature, unsupported features, important usage guidelines.
For release notes of MCU+ SDK, please refer to AM263PX MCU+ SDK Release Notes 10.00.00.
The examples will show usage of SW modules and APIs on a specific CPU instance and OS combination.
Unless noted otherwise, the SW modules would work on all supported EVMs

New in this Release

EtherNet/IP Adapter Demos
EtherCAT SubDevice Demos
IO-Link Controller Demo

Device and Validation Information

SOC Supported CPUs Boards Host PC
AM263Px R5F AM263Px ControlCard E2 Rev (referred to as am263Px-cc in code).
Windows 10 64b or Ubuntu 18.04 64b
AM263Px R5F AM263Px LaunchPad (referred to as am263Px-lp in code).
Windows 10 64b or Ubuntu 18.04 64b

Tools, Compiler and Other Open Source SW Module Information

Tools / SW module Supported CPUs Version
Code Composer Studio R5F 12.8.0
SysConfig R5F 1.21.0 build, build 3721
FreeRTOS Kernel R5F 10.4.3
Mbed-TLS R5F mbedtls-3.0.0

Key Features

Features not tested/supported in this release

Feature Module
QuickConnect (QC) EtherNet/IP

Fixed Issues

ID Head Line Module Applicable Releases Resolution/Comments
PINDSW-47 Single datagram accessing multiple FMMU mapped areas using LRD/LWR commands from a single SubDevice. EtherCAT Device 09.02.00
PINDSW-141 LRW access to non-interleaved input and output process data of multiple SubDevices does not work. EtherCAT Device 09.02.00
PINDSW-8115 Watchdog error while using LRD and LWR with same logical address. EtherCAT Device 09.02.00
PINDSW-8246 Triple buffer issue - Not getting the latest data from buffer during free-run mode. EtherCAT Device 09.02.00
PINDSW-8060 Reduce Auto-forward (reverse path) delay. EtherCAT Device 09.02.00 Optimization in latency.

Known Issues

ID Head Line Module Applicable Releases Workaround
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Upgrade and Compatibility Information

This section lists changes which could affect user applications developed using older SDK versions. Read this carefully to see if you need to do any changes in your existing application when migrating to this SDK version relative to previous SDK version. Also refer to older SDK version release notes to see changes in earlier SDKs.


Module Affected API Change Additional Remarks
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Module Affected API Change Additional Remarks
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