Table of Contents


The Motor Condition Monitoring example is a code for the TI Reference Design TIDA-01575. The MSP432P4x Host MCU captures the analog output from the 3-axis Accelerometer, computes the FFT and transmits it using the BOOSTXL-CC2650MA boosterpack.

Hardware Prerequisites

The Motor Condition Monitoring code example requires the configuration of an MSP-EXP432P401R LaunchPad with an attached BOOSTXL-CC2650MA BoosterPack. The 3-axis accelerometer from Kionix is available along with its design files TIDA-01575

Software Prerequisites

This code example has been tested with IAR Embeded Workbench 8.20, Code Composer Studio v8.0, and gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2017-q4-major. For more information on how to import this project into your IDE workspace and build/run, please refer to the main user’s guide.

FreeRTOS and MSP432P4111: To be able to run the application on MSP432P4111 device with FreeRTOS the Heap Size has to be increased. This has to be done by changing the define configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE from the default of 0x8000 to 0xC000 in the file FreeRTOSConfig.h

Service/Profile Table

Purpose UUID Format Unit Properties Profile Source
FFT Data F000AA04-0451-4000-B000-000000000000 IEEE-754 32-bit floating point NA Notify motor_conditioning_profile.c


Once the motor condition code example starts, the Host MCU shall start sampling the data, perform the FFT and store the data in an array structure. It will then calculate the maximum energy frequency other than DC point and advertise the data.

SimpleLink SDK Explorer

SimpleLink SDK Explorer is a customized mobile application from Texas Instruments that is designed to compliment various aspects of the SimpleLink SDK mobile ecosystem. Currently this application is available for iOS and Android devices. The code examples included in the SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin are fully modeled and showcased as a part of SimpleLink SDK Explorer. From the Apple AppStore or Google Play Store search for SimpleLink SDK and download the SimpleLink SDK Explorer.

The app can also be found at the links below:

Apple AppStore:

Google Play:

Additionally, the full BSD licensed source code for both applications can be found at the link below:

Open the mobile application once it has been downloaded:

SimpleLink SDK Explorer Main Menu

From the main screen select the Demos/Designs menu item. This will take you to the design that correspond to the motor condition monitoring code example in the SimpleLink MSP432 SDK Bluetooth Plugin:

SimpleLink SDK Explorer Profiles

Select the Motor Condition Monitor menu item. On the next screen SimpleLink SDK Explorer will automatically scan for TIDA-01575 devices in your vicinity. Make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your iOS device or else no devices will show up in this view:

SimpleLink SDK Explorer Device View

Select this device. The next screen will read the auto-advertisement data from the setup and display the maximum energy for X, Y and Z-axis:

SimpleLink SDK Config

Connect to the device. After a few seconds the graph for the X, Y and Z-axis FFT shall be displayed:

SimpleLink SDK Explorer Graph

On the graph view you will have the ability to see the data for X, Y and Z axis independently by using the slide button on the bottom of the screen.