This Ultrasonic Water Flow Meter application is a portable and modular software designed to guide developers in the implementation and customization of their own water meter solutions.
This document is divided into the following sections:
IAR Water Demo reports an algorithm error when using the optimized library version
USS Library:
Please check USSLib Release Notes
Revision History
MSP430FR604X USS Water Demo:
Bug Fix:
Updated USS_userConfig.h to configure algorithmsConfig->volumeCalOption = USS_Alg_volume_flow_Calculation_Option_water.
Updated USS_userConfig.h based on USS SW Library 2.30.00.
Added support for temperature estimation using ATOF.
Added support for Flow + Temperature VFR calibration. Debug Plots 1 - 4 used.
Updated support for Flow VFR calibration. Debug Plots 4 used.
Added support for additional scale factor for VFR used in cases of larger pipes.
Updated application to use background timer for accurate periodic measurements.
Changed Design Center timer configuration from TIMER_A1 to TIMER_A2.
Known Issues:
IAR Water Demo reports an algorithm error when using the optimized library version
USS Library:
Please check USSLib Release Notes
MSP430FR6047 USS Water Demo:
Bug Fix:
Fixed Volume Flow Calibration Calculation
Fixed EVM430-FR6043 LCD Driver
Minor bug fixes to MSP430FR6043 application to match MSP430FR6047
Updated MSP430FR6043 IAR project to fix build configuration
Updated MSP430FR6047 IAR project configuration to communicate with GUI
Added IAR debug configuration file to default to MSP430 FET
Updated CCS compiler to v8.2.0 for prebuilt binary images.
Updated Demo Project to use optimized Lobe library
Known Issues:
Clock error correction functionality has not yet been thoroughly tested in the Water Demo
IAR Water Demo reports an algorithm error when using the optimized library version
MSP430FR6047 USS Water Demo:
Bug Fix:
Properly accounts for DToF offset before sending DToF value to the GUI
AbsToF DToF offset calibration
When APPLICATION_ENABLE_ABSTOF_DTOF_OFFSET_CALIBRATION is enabled, the DToF offset update command from the GUI is ignored since the device is performing self-calibration
Meter calibration for multiple volume flow rate ranges
Disabled by default, can be enabled in the GUI by checking the Advanced Calibration Table button in the waveforms tab
Interpolation correlation lookup table to enhance AbsToF accuracy
Compatibility for transmitting debug data to multiple debug panels in the GUI
Debug Clock Correction pre-define shows example of how to print debug data to different debug panels of the GUI
Application migration from previous release:
When APPLICATION_ENABLE_ABSTOF_DTOF_OFFSET_CALIBRATION is enabled, watchdog timeout is increased to account for offset calibration initialization
Default DToF calculation option set to Option Estimate to also support high volume flow rates
Known Issues:
Clock error correction functionality has not yet been thoroughly tested in the Water Demo
IAR Water Demo reports an algorithm error when using the optimized library version
USS Library:
Please check USSLib Release Notes
MSP430FR6047 USS Water Demo:
Bug Fix:
Check envelope crossing threshold to be different than zero
Supports library release
Timer used for USSLib changed from TA4 to TA2
Change error message based on timer selection for Design Center
Update bandpass LEA filter Coefficients
Initialize LEA temp buffer to zero
Send clockRelative Error to Design Center when resonator calibration is enabled
Place multi-tone memory in RAM (no impact on water demo)
Application migration from previous release:
Timer used for USSLib changed from TA4 to TA2 (compatible with previous release
Application will send clock relative error to Design Center instead of amplitude if resonator calibration is enabled
Known Issues:
IAR shows warning due to inconsistent declaration of USS_LEA_IFG in USS_Lib_HAL against USS_lea module. No issues expected.
IAR shows warning due to placing of initialized memory segment. No issues expected.
USS Library:
Please check USSLib Release Notes
MSP430FR6047 USS Water Demo:
Bug Fix:
Fix issue with hal_adc referencing incorrect vectors
Change MCLK definition to 8Mhz instead of 16Mhz
Update Envelope Crossing Treshold for Lobe and Hilbert Algorithms
Report error with PLL Frequency outside valid range
Fix problems with IAR project
Supports library release
Rename project from "USS GUI demo" to "MSP430FR6047 USS Water Demo"
Add configuration LPM_EVM1 supporting EVM 1.0
Add support for 16Mhz in hal_system
Add definition of __EVM430_ID__ and __EVM430_VERSION__ to select EVM configuration
Add definition of __EXTRA_VERSION__ to define extra information about firmware version
hal_system gets clock configuration from USS Config
Remove meter configurations from release
Rework HMI layer to remove unnecessary depth and one-call functions. Simplify some functions which were doing overly complicated calculations
Report different errors when GUI parameter validation fails
Place USS config structure in a defined memory section
Add support for additional TX pattern (disabled by default)
Application migration from previous release:
Application was renamed. Demo project needs to be re-imported to CCS/IAR
New CCS/IAR project configuration added to support EVM 1.0
Design Center must send a TX pattern of "Single Tone", otherwise the GUI will show an error
Design Center must send an algorithm 0 or 1, otherwise the GUI will show an error
The Design Center configuration must include the Envelope Crossing Treshold (in percentage) for both Algorithm #0 and #1, otherwise the algorithms won't work properly
The Design Center configuration must include Negative and Positive search ranges for Algorithm #1 (not used for Algorithm #0), otherwise the algorithm won't work properly
Application now reports signal amplitude in the Design Center Debug panel. Prototype of Testing_Update_Results was modified
HAL files use and require new definitions __EVM430_ID__, __EVM430_VER__ to configure hardware (__FR6047_EVM__ deprecated). Project won't build without these definitions
Application version stored in "VERSION" segment now includes __EXTRA_VERSION, __EVM430_ID__ and __EVM430_VER__. Project won't build without these definitions
New Error packet implemented to send errors to Design Center. Some prototypes of ussDCCommandHandlers were modified
Prototypes of functions in USSLibGUIApp changed to support new functionality
Several lower-layer functions removed from hmi.h and made local to reduce unecessary depth
Clock definition in HAL_System make reference to USS_userConfig.h definitons. User must make sure USS_userConfig.h has the correct clock definitions
Default MCLK definition in USS_userConfig.h was changed to 8Mhz
Definitions in USS_App_userConfig.h changed. Functionality such as AGC calibration can be enabled in code, but controlled through the calibration interval variable
CCS Linker file was modified to place USS_userConfig persistent arrays at top of memory. This change is not required but it's useful for debugging
Option for additional TX sequence added. Not used for water application
Some variables for multi-tone were placed in "RAM_Trill" memory segment requiring linker file changes. Not used for water application.
USS Library:
Please check USSLib Release Notes
USS GUI demo project:
Bug Fix:
Fix IAR linker file pointing to wrong file
Supports library release
USS GUI demo project:
Bug Fix:
Fix default configuration to work out-of-the-box with RevA and RevB
Fix size of gNVMemBlock
Supports library release
Add USS_ALG_WIN_NUM_CYCLES_DELTA to library configuration
USS GUI demo project:
Bug Fix:
Fix incorrect PPG duty cycle calculation
Supports library release with support for gas
Add option to use gas in configuration file (not supported by project)
Add support for Hilbert based computation
Add design center support for computation mode using Param1 (options 0 and 1 supported)
Add design center support for ULP bias using Param2
Remove use of Param10 for winNumCycles
Add design center support for envelope crossing treshold using Param8
Add design center support for tracking range using Param9/10
USS GUI demo project:
Bug Fix:
Supports library release
Change application version scheme
Add periodic DC Offset estimation, disabled by default
winNumCycles updated with number of pulses
USS_BIAS_IMPEDANCE set to 2800 by default
Add checks for OSR, PLL Freq, Param[3:5,7]
Rename GUI param structures and DCCommand Handler functions
GUI shows "0.0" when result is close to zero
Remove references to PPG prescaler
Application released independently of library
Remove Library version from application
USS GUI demo project:
Bug Fix:
Add initalization of restartLowPowerCaptureCount configuration parameter
Fix build error when disabling LCD
Stop timer used by Design Center Comm when not used
Move timer used by USS to optimize power consumption
Disable ADC when not used
Fix build error when disabling LCD
Fix issue when error is detected during resonator calibration
Removed unnecessary USS_DTC_START_ADDRESS macro from library configuration in all example projects
Supports library release
Updated USS_DIAGNOSTIC_MODE Library configuration from USS_diagnostics_mode_2 to USS_diagnostics_mode_0
Add option to enable/disable SVSH
Change high/low PPG periods to improve granularity
Change range of transdducer frequency to >2Mhz
Detect PLL error and reset USS module
Add option to control muxChargePumpMode
Add option to control bias impedance
Updated application to reset USS module when a PLL unlock event is detected
ULP bias configuration can be controlled using Param2 from USS Design Center
USS GUI demo project:
Bug Fix:
Supports library release
Implement resonator calibration
Added filter coefficients for four different sampling frequencies
IQMath libraries for MSP430FR5xx/6xx. This library is added as part of the
release. The template project has been setup to reference the library
included in this release.
USS Library. This library is added as part of the release. The template
project has been setup to reference the library included in this release.