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MSP Debug Stack v3.4.2.7
Key Changes in This Release
New Device Support
MSP430FR2033 Family
MSP430FG6626 Family
MSBDebugStack Changes
Early MSP430FR6989 family silicon (older than revision C) is no longer supported
Early MSP430FR5969 family silicon (older than revision F) is no longer supported
Improved EnergyTrace stability on longer runs
Improved stability during UIF firmware update from v2 to v3
SMCLK no longer listed for clock control on MSP430i2040
Changed voltage of 3000mV to 3300mV during UIF start-up
Changed MSP-FET UART lines power up state - UART lines are configured to High-Z during MSP-FET start-up
Changed MSP-FET UART to only support fixed baud rates - 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 56000, 57600 and 115200
New MSBDebugStack Features
MSP-FET BSL support - I2C and UART BSL
Can be activated via invalid baud rate commands:
9620 Tristate of all UART/ BSL pins – no current flow into target device
9621 Configure UART communication without handshake (default start behavior)
9622 Configure UART communication with handshake
9623 Voltage configuration command. Set target VCC hard to 3.3V
9601 BSL-Entry sequence + Power up 3.3V (UART BSL)
100000(1) BSL-Entry sequence + Power up 3.3V (I2C BSL)
400000(1) BSL-Entry sequence + Power up 3.3V (I2C BSL)
Corrected UBSSEL__MODCLK definition for FR41xx devices (Bugzilla 8516)
Fixed macro definitions for MSP430 GCC (Assembler) (Bugzilla 8540)
Removed linker warnings when using the IPE dialog (Bugzilla 8438)
Added missing LCD_B and LCD_C definitions (Bugzilla 8383)
Added word access definitions for LCD_E memory registers (Bugzilla 8371)
Missing defintion for LCDBMEM on FR4133 (Bugzilla 8363)
Missing defintion for LCDBLKPRE_x on FR4133 (Bugzilla 8359)
MSP430 gcc compiler cannot compile C++ code which includes iomacros.h (Bugzilla 8328)
USCI29 workaround missing in some command linker files (Bugzilla 8299)
Known Issues
When running the GNU debugger on Microsoft Windows, pressing Ctrl-C may terminate the debugger
The GDB Agent is not able to connect to MSP430L092 target devices
Older Releases
1_00_00_00 Initial release (version 271, beta) 1_00_01_00 Minor update - source code only (version 317, beta) 1_01_00_00 Version 371, beta 2_00_00_00 Version 14r1-10, first official production release
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