Loading and Running Generated Projects

Importing/Opening Generated Projects

Code Composer Studio v 6 or later

To import CCS project generated by FlowESI GUI follow the next instructions:

  • Launch CCSv6 or later.
  • Go to File –> Import.
  • Select "Existing CCS Eclipse Project".
  • Provide location of Generated Project.
  • Click "Finish".

MSP430 IAR v 6.10.2 or later

To open an IAR project generated by FlowESI GUI follow the next instructions:

  • Launch IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 6.10 or later
  • Go to File –> Open workspace and navigate to the directory where FlowESI GUI generated the project.
  • Select the workspace found under IAR/{PROJECT_NAME}.eww

Running Generated Projects

Once the projects have been imported/opened in CCS or IAR. Compile and load the code to the target. Running the code is dependent on the selections made in the "Output Selection" tab. The main difference between generated codes is way that auto calibration routines are initiated.

IMPORTANT: Selecting "Enable target communication via HID/UART communication bridge" will require the user to use the "Target Comm" panel in Flow ESI to start the auto calibration routines. If you are running the application on a linux platform, please see this note.

In order to start detecting rotation the application must perform the following tasks:

  • Auto calibrate TSM delay
    • Requires the user to place rotor about 5mm from LC sensors and do move the rotor during calibration.
  • Auto calibrate DAC thresholds
    • Requires user to start clockwise rotation of the rotor until DAC calibration is complete.

Depending on the output selection the calibration routines will let the user know the calibration process is complete using different methods. The table below shows the notification available for every output selection.

Output Option Calibration type Calibration Done notification
Toggle LED every time a rotation is detected Auto calibrate TSM delay Rotation LED is turn ON when TSM calibration is DONE
Auto calibrate DAC thresholds Rotation LED is turn OFF when DAC calibration is DONE
Display Rotation on LCD Auto calibrate TSM delay LCD displays "8888" when TSM calibration is DONE
Auto calibrate DAC thresholds LCD displays "0" when DAC calibration is DONE
Enable target communication via HID/UART communication bridge Auto calibrate TSM delay In "Target Comm" tab under "Sensor Calibration" Time State Machine calibration button will turn green and TSM delays will be displayed
Auto calibrate DAC thresholds In "Target Comm" tab under "Sensor Calibration" Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) calibration button will turn green and DAC thresholds will be displayed

Starting calibrations using Target Communication panel

To start auto calibration using "Target Comm" panel follow these steps:

  1. Connect HID/UART bridge to PC
  2. In the Target Comm panel click on "Connect"
  3. Click "Start Calibration"
  4. Follow instructions prompted by FlowESI GUI