(explanation of the fields in the Manifest Table below)
Software Name | The name of the application or file |
Version | Version of the application or file |
License Type | Type of license(s) under which TI will be providing software to the licensee (e.g. BSD-3-Clause, GPL-2.0, TI TSPA License, TI Commercial License). The license could be under Commercial terms or Open Source. See Open Source Reference License Disclaimer in the Disclaimers Section. Whenever possible, TI will use an SPDX Short Identifier for an Open Source License. TI Commercial license terms are not usually included in the manifest and are conveyed through a variety of means such as a clickwrap license upon install, a signed license agreement and so forth. |
Location | The directory name and path on the media or a specific file where the Software is located. Typically fully qualified path names are not used and instead the relevant top level directory of the application is given. A notation often used in the manifests is [as installed]/directory/*. Note that the asterisk implies that all files under that directory are licensed as the License Type field denotes. Any exceptions to this will generally be denoted as [as installed]/directory/* except as noted below which means as shown in subsequent rows of the manifest. |
Delivered As | This field will either be “Source”, “Binary” or “Source and Binary” and is the primary form the content of the Software is delivered in. If the Software is delivered in an archive format, this field applies to the contents of the archive. If the word Limited is used with Source, as in “Limited Source” or “Limited Source and Binary” then only portions of the Source for the application are provided. |
Modified by TI | This field will either be “Yes” or “No”. A “Yes” means TI has made changes to the Software. A “No” means TI has not made any changes. Note: This field is not applicable for Software “Obtained from” TI. |
Obtained from | This field specifies from where or from whom TI obtained the Software. It may be a URL to an Open Source site, a 3rd party licensor, or TI. See Links Disclaimer in the Disclaimers Section. |
Any use of ECCNs listed in the Manifest is at the user’s risk and without recourse to TI. Your company, as the exporter of record, is responsible for determining the correct classification of any item at the time of export. Any export classification by TI of Software is for TI’s internal use only and shall not be construed as a representation or warranty regarding the proper export classification for such Software or whether an export license or other documentation is required for exporting such Software
Any links appearing on this Manifest (for example in the “Obtained from” field) were verified at the time the Manifest was created. TI makes no guarantee that any listed links will remain active in the future.
Your company is responsible for confirming the applicable license terms for any open source Software listed in this Manifest that was not “Obtained from” TI. Any open source license specified in this Manifest for Software that was not “Obtained from” TI is for TI’s internal use only and shall not be construed as a representation or warranty regarding the proper open source license terms for such Software.
ECCN for Software included in this release:
Publicly AvailableSoftware Name | Version | License Type | Delivered As | Modified by TI | ||
CMSIS-CORE | 5.3.1 | Apache-2.0 | Source | No | Location | [as installed]/source/third_party/CMSIS/Core/Include |
Obtained from | ARM Software | |||||
MSP Zero Code Studio | 1.0 | TI-TXT | Source | N/A | Location | [as installed]/mspm0_sdk/.metadata/* [as installed]/ /examples/* [as installed]/mspm0_sdk/workspace/* [as installed]/mspm0_sdk/source/ti/* Except files listed for DriverLib |
Obtained from | Texas Instruments | |||||
DriverLib | 1.34 | BSD-3-Clause | Source | N/A | Location | [as installed]/mspm0_sdk/source/ti/driverlib/* |
Obtained from | Texas Instruments |
Software Name | Version | License Type | Delivered As | Modified by TI | ||
Marked | 1.0.0 | MIT | Source | No | Location |
Obtained from | https://github.com/qiao/PathFinding.js | |||||
Material Design Icons | 4.0.0 | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location |
Obtained from | https://ngspice.sourceforge.io/ | |||||
stencil/core | 2.11.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ionic-team/stencil | |||||
stencil/sass | 1.5.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ionic-team/stencil-sass | |||||
xterm/addon-fit | 0.9.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtermjs/xterm.js/tree/master/addons/addon-fit | |||||
xterm/xterm | 5.5.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtermjs/xterm.js | |||||
accepts | 1.3.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/accepts | |||||
array-flatten | 1.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/blakeembrey/array-flatten | |||||
body-parser | 1.19.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/expressjs/body-parser | |||||
bytes | 3.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/visionmedia/bytes.js | |||||
GUI Composer Component Library | 3.5.0 | TI Text File | Binary, partial source | N/A | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | TI | |||||
plotly.js | 2.0.0 | MIT | Source | No | Location |
Obtained from | https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js | |||||
content-disposition | 0.5.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/content-disposition | |||||
content-type | 1.0.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/content-type | |||||
cookie-signature | 1.0.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/visionmedia/node-cookie-signature | |||||
cookie | 0.4.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/cookie | |||||
debug | 2.6.9 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/visionmedia/debug | |||||
depd | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/dougwilson/nodejs-depd | |||||
destroy | 1.0.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/stream-utils/destroy | |||||
ee-first | 1.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonathanong/ee-first | |||||
encodeurl | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/pillarjs/encodeurl | |||||
escape-html | 1.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/component/escape-html | |||||
etag | 1.8.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/etag | |||||
express | 4.17.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/expressjs/express | |||||
finalhandler | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/pillarjs/finalhandler | |||||
forwarded | 0.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/forwarded | |||||
fresh | 0.5.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/fresh | |||||
fs-extra | 8.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra | |||||
graceful-fs | 4.2.11 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/node-graceful-fs | |||||
http-errors | 1.7.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/http-errors | |||||
iconv-lite | 0.4.24 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ashtuchkin/iconv-lite | |||||
inherits | 2.0.3 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/inherits | |||||
ipaddr.js | 1.9.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/whitequark/ipaddr.js | |||||
jsonfile | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jprichardson/node-jsonfile | |||||
lru-cache | 6.0.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/node-lru-cache | |||||
media-typer | 0.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/media-typer | |||||
merge-descriptors | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/component/merge-descriptors | |||||
methods | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/methods | |||||
mime-db | 1.52.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/mime-db | |||||
mime-types | 2.1.35 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/mime-types | |||||
mime | 1.6.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/broofa/node-mime | |||||
ms | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/zeit/ms | |||||
ms | 2.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/zeit/ms | |||||
negotiator | 0.6.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/negotiator | |||||
nouislider | 13.1.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/leongersen/noUiSlider | |||||
on-finished | 2.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/on-finished | |||||
parseurl | 1.3.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/pillarjs/parseurl | |||||
path-to-regexp | 0.1.7 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/component/path-to-regexp | |||||
proxy-addr | 2.0.7 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/proxy-addr | |||||
qs | 6.7.0 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/qs | |||||
range-parser | 1.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/range-parser | |||||
raw-body | 2.4.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/stream-utils/raw-body | |||||
safe-buffer | 5.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/feross/safe-buffer | |||||
safer-buffer | 2.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ChALkeR/safer-buffer | |||||
semver | 7.6.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/npm/node-semver | |||||
send | 0.17.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/pillarjs/send | |||||
serve-static | 1.14.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/expressjs/serve-static | |||||
setprototypeof | 1.1.1 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wesleytodd/setprototypeof | |||||
statuses | 1.5.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/statuses | |||||
toidentifier | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/component/toidentifier | |||||
type-is | 1.6.18 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/type-is | |||||
universalify | 0.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/RyanZim/universalify | |||||
unpipe | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/stream-utils/unpipe | |||||
utils-merge | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jaredhanson/utils-merge | |||||
vary | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/vary | |||||
wnumb | 1.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/leongersen/wnumb | |||||
ws | 8.5.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/websockets/ws | |||||
yallist | 4.0.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/yallist |
Software Name | Version | License Type | Delivered As | Modified by TI | ||
filter-obj | 1.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/filter-obj | |||||
filter-obj | 2.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/filter-obj | |||||
finalhandler | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/pillarjs/finalhandler | |||||
find-root | 1.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/js-n/find-root | |||||
fontsource-roboto | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/fontsource/fontsource | |||||
for-each | 0.3.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Raynos/for-each | |||||
forever-agent | 0.6.1 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mikeal/forever-agent | |||||
form-data | 2.3.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/form-data/form-data | |||||
forwarded | 0.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/forwarded | |||||
fresh | 0.5.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/fresh | |||||
fs-extra | 9.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra | |||||
fs.realpath | 1.0.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/fs.realpath | |||||
function-bind | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Raynos/function-bind | |||||
functions-have-names | 1.2.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/functions-have-names | |||||
get-caller-file | 2.0.5 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/stefanpenner/get-caller-file | |||||
get-intrinsic | 1.2.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/get-intrinsic | |||||
getpass | 0.1.7 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/arekinath/node-getpass | |||||
readable-stream | 2.3.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/nodejs/readable-stream | |||||
readable-stream | 3.6.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/nodejs/readable-stream | |||||
readable-stream | 4.5.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/nodejs/readable-stream | |||||
readdirp | 3.5.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/paulmillr/readdirp | |||||
regenerator-runtime | 0.13.11 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/tree/main/packages/runtime | |||||
regenerator-runtime | 0.14.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/tree/main/packages/runtime | |||||
regexp.prototype.flags | 1.5.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/es-shims/RegExp.prototype.flags | |||||
remark-gfm | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/remarkjs/remark-gfm | |||||
remark-parse | 11.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/tree/main/packages/remark-parse | |||||
remark-rehype | 11.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/remarkjs/remark-rehype | |||||
remark-stringify | 11.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/tree/main/packages/remark-stringify | |||||
request | 2.88.2 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/request/request | |||||
require-directory | 2.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/troygoode/node-require-directory | |||||
require-from-string | 2.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/floatdrop/require-from-string | |||||
resolve-from | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/resolve-from | |||||
resolve-pathname | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mjackson/resolve-pathname | |||||
resolve | 1.22.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/browserify/resolve | |||||
TI SysConfig Application | 1.22.0 | TI Text File | Binary, partial source | N/A | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | TI | |||||
Node Webkit | 0.70.0 | LGPL-2.0 and MIT and BSD-3-Clause and Apache-2.0 and APSL-2.0 and Public Domain |
Binary and Source, Source: https://software-dl.ti.com/manifest/esd/index.html |
No | Location | sysconfig/nw |
Obtained from | https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit | |||||
Node.js | 18.16.0 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | sysconfig/nodejs |
Obtained from | https://nodejs.org | |||||
pathfinding.js | 0.4.17 | MIT | Source | Yes | Location | sysconfig/nodejs |
Obtained from | https://github.com/qiao/PathFinding.js | |||||
ngspice | 38 | Modified BSD and unnamed, compatible to DFSG and LGPLv2 and unnamed MIT license, compatible to New BSD and LGPLv2.1 and MPLv2.0 and public domain and LGPLv2 or newer and Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA) v4.0 | Binary | Yes | Location | sysconfig/spice64 |
Obtained from | https://ngspice.sourceforge.io/ | |||||
dfu.js | 0.0.0 | ISC License, functionally equivalent to MIT and BSD 2-Clause | Source | Yes | Location | sysconfig/dist/embed.js,ui.js |
Obtained from | https://github.com/devanlai/webdfu/tree/56d5d1d961587aca381a1ce97acbc8ff5d807acd | |||||
babel/code-frame | 7.12.11 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/babel/babel | |||||
babel/helper-module-imports | 7.22.15 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/babel/babel | |||||
babel/helper-string-parser | 7.23.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/babel/babel | |||||
babel/helper-validator-identifier | 7.22.20 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/babel/babel | |||||
babel/highlight | 7.23.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/babel/babel | |||||
babel/runtime | 7.23.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/babel/babel | |||||
babel/types | 7.23.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/babel/babel | |||||
emotion/babel-plugin | 11.11.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/babel-plugin | |||||
emotion/cache | 11.11.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/cache | |||||
emotion/hash | 0.9.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/hash | |||||
glob-parent | 5.1.2 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/glob-parent | |||||
glob-to-regexp | 0.4.1 | BSD-2-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/fitzgen/glob-to-regexp | |||||
glob | 7.2.3 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob | |||||
gopd | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/gopd | |||||
graceful-fs | 4.2.11 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/node-graceful-fs | |||||
gud | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jamiebuilds/global-unique-id | |||||
har-schema | 2.0.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ahmadnassri/har-schema | |||||
har-validator | 5.1.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ahmadnassri/node-har-validator | |||||
has-flag | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/has-flag | |||||
has-flag | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/has-flag | |||||
has-property-descriptors | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/has-property-descriptors | |||||
has-proto | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/has-proto | |||||
has-symbols | 1.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/has-symbols | |||||
restore-cursor | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/restore-cursor | |||||
rgbcolor | 1.0.1 | MIT* | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/yetzt/node-rgbcolor | |||||
rimraf | 3.0.2 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/rimraf | |||||
ripemd160 | 2.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/ripemd160 | |||||
safe-buffer | 5.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/feross/safe-buffer | |||||
safe-buffer | 5.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/feross/safe-buffer | |||||
safer-buffer | 2.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ChALkeR/safer-buffer | |||||
sax | 1.3.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/sax-js | |||||
scheduler | 0.23.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/facebook/react | |||||
schema-utils | 3.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/webpack/schema-utils | |||||
semver | 7.3.4 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/npm/node-semver | |||||
send | 0.17.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/pillarjs/send | |||||
serialize-javascript | 6.0.2 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/yahoo/serialize-javascript | |||||
serve-static | 1.14.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/expressjs/serve-static | |||||
set-function-length | 1.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/set-function-length | |||||
set-function-name | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/set-function-name | |||||
set-immediate-shim | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/set-immediate-shim | |||||
emotion/is-prop-valid | 1.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/is-prop-valid | |||||
emotion/memoize | 0.8.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/memoize | |||||
emotion/react | 11.11.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/react | |||||
emotion/serialize | 1.1.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/serialize | |||||
emotion/sheet | 1.2.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/sheet | |||||
emotion/styled | 11.11.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/styled | |||||
emotion/unitless | 0.8.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/unitless | |||||
emotion/use-insertion-effect-with-fallbacks | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/use-insertion-effect-with-fallbacks | |||||
emotion/utils | 1.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/utils | |||||
emotion/weak-memoize | 0.3.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/weak-memoize | |||||
floating-ui/core | 1.5.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/floating-ui/floating-ui | |||||
floating-ui/dom | 1.5.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/floating-ui/floating-ui | |||||
floating-ui/react-dom | 2.0.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/floating-ui/floating-ui | |||||
floating-ui/utils | 0.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/floating-ui/floating-ui | |||||
hypnosphi/create-react-context | 0.3.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/thejameskyle/create-react-context | |||||
jridgewell/gen-mapping | 0.3.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jridgewell/gen-mapping | |||||
has-tostringtag | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/has-tostringtag | |||||
hash-base | 3.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/hash-base | |||||
hash.js | 1.1.7 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/indutny/hash.js | |||||
hasown | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/hasOwn | |||||
hast-util-to-jsx-runtime | 2.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast-util-to-jsx-runtime | |||||
hast-util-whitespace | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast-util-whitespace | |||||
heap | 0.2.7 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/qiao/heap.js | |||||
history | 4.10.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ReactTraining/history | |||||
hmac-drbg | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/indutny/hmac-drbg | |||||
hoist-non-react-statics | 3.3.2 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mridgway/hoist-non-react-statics | |||||
html-to-image | 1.11.11 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/bubkoo/html-to-image | |||||
html-url-attributes | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype-minify/tree/main/packages/html-url-attributes | |||||
html2canvas | 1.4.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/niklasvh/html2canvas | |||||
http-errors | 1.7.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/http-errors | |||||
http-signature | 1.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/joyent/node-http-signature | |||||
https-browserify | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/substack/https-browserify | |||||
hyphenate-style-name | 1.0.4 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/rexxars/hyphenate-style-name | |||||
setimmediate | 1.0.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/YuzuJS/setImmediate | |||||
setprototypeof | 1.1.1 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wesleytodd/setprototypeof | |||||
sha.js | 2.4.11 | (MIT AND BSD-3-Clause) | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/sha.js | |||||
side-channel | 1.0.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/side-channel | |||||
signal-exit | 3.0.7 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/tapjs/signal-exit | |||||
sloc | 0.3.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/flosse/sloc | |||||
source-map-support | 0.5.19 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/evanw/node-source-map-support | |||||
source-map-support | 0.5.21 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/evanw/node-source-map-support | |||||
source-map | 0.5.7 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mozilla/source-map | |||||
source-map | 0.6.1 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mozilla/source-map | |||||
space-separated-tokens | 2.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/space-separated-tokens | |||||
split-on-first | 1.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/split-on-first | |||||
sshpk | 1.18.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/joyent/node-sshpk | |||||
stackblur-canvas | 2.7.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/flozz/StackBlur | |||||
statuses | 1.5.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/statuses | |||||
stream-browserify | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/browserify/stream-browserify | |||||
stream-http | 3.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jhiesey/stream-http | |||||
jridgewell/resolve-uri | 3.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jridgewell/resolve-uri | |||||
jridgewell/set-array | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jridgewell/set-array | |||||
jridgewell/source-map | 0.3.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jridgewell/source-map | |||||
jridgewell/sourcemap-codec | 1.4.15 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jridgewell/sourcemap-codec | |||||
jridgewell/trace-mapping | 0.3.20 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jridgewell/trace-mapping | |||||
mui/base | 5.0.0-beta.31 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mui/material-ui | |||||
mui/core-downloads-tracker | 5.15.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mui/material-ui | |||||
mui/lab | 5.0.0-alpha.160 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mui/material-ui | |||||
mui/material | 5.15.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mui/material-ui | |||||
mui/private-theming | 5.15.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mui/material-ui | |||||
mui/styled-engine | 5.15.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mui/material-ui | |||||
mui/styles | 5.15.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mui/material-ui | |||||
mui/system | 5.15.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mui/material-ui | |||||
mui/types | 7.2.13 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mui/material-ui | |||||
mui/utils | 5.15.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mui/material-ui | |||||
popperjs/core | 2.11.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/popperjs/popper-core | |||||
types/debug | 4.1.12 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
iconv-lite | 0.4.24 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ashtuchkin/iconv-lite | |||||
ieee754 | 1.2.1 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/feross/ieee754 | |||||
immediate | 3.0.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/calvinmetcalf/immediate | |||||
import-fresh | 3.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/import-fresh | |||||
inflight | 1.0.6 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/npm/inflight | |||||
inherits | 2.0.3 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/inherits | |||||
inherits | 2.0.4 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/inherits | |||||
inline-style-parser | 0.2.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/remarkablemark/inline-style-parser | |||||
invariant | 2.2.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/zertosh/invariant | |||||
ipaddr.js | 1.9.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/whitequark/ipaddr.js | |||||
is-alphabetical | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/is-alphabetical | |||||
is-alphanumerical | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/is-alphanumerical | |||||
is-arguments | 1.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/is-arguments | |||||
is-arrayish | 0.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/qix-/node-is-arrayish | |||||
is-binary-path | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-binary-path | |||||
is-callable | 1.2.7 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/is-callable | |||||
is-core-module | 2.13.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/is-core-module | |||||
strict-uri-encode | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/kevva/strict-uri-encode | |||||
string-width | 4.2.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/string-width | |||||
string_decoder | 1.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/nodejs/string_decoder | |||||
string_decoder | 1.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/nodejs/string_decoder | |||||
stringify-entities | 4.0.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/stringify-entities | |||||
strip-ansi | 5.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chalk/strip-ansi | |||||
strip-ansi | 6.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chalk/strip-ansi | |||||
style-loader | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/webpack-contrib/style-loader | |||||
style-to-object | 1.0.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/remarkablemark/style-to-object | |||||
stylis | 4.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/thysultan/stylis.js | |||||
supports-color | 5.5.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chalk/supports-color | |||||
supports-color | 8.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chalk/supports-color | |||||
supports-preserve-symlinks-flag | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/node-supports-preserve-symlinks-flag | |||||
svg-pathdata | 6.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/nfroidure/svg-pathdata | |||||
tapable | 2.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/webpack/tapable | |||||
terser-webpack-plugin | 5.3.10 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/webpack-contrib/terser-webpack-plugin | |||||
terser | 5.26.0 | BSD-2-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/terser/terser | |||||
types/eslint-scope | 3.7.7 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
types/eslint | 8.56.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
types/estree-jsx | 1.0.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
types/estree | 1.0.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
types/hast | 3.0.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
types/json-schema | 7.0.15 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
types/mdast | 4.0.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
types/ms | 0.7.34 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
types/node | 14.14.31 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
types/parse-json | 4.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
types/prop-types | 15.7.11 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
types/raf | 3.4.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
types/react-transition-group | 4.4.10 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
types/react | 18.2.47 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
types/scheduler | 0.16.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
types/unist | 2.0.10 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
is-date-object | 1.0.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/is-date-object | |||||
is-decimal | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/is-decimal | |||||
is-extglob | 2.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-extglob | |||||
is-fullwidth-code-point | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-fullwidth-code-point | |||||
is-generator-function | 1.0.10 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/is-generator-function | |||||
is-glob | 4.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromatch/is-glob | |||||
is-hexadecimal | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/is-hexadecimal | |||||
is-in-browser | 1.1.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/tuxsudo/is-in-browser | |||||
is-nan | 1.3.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/es-shims/is-nan | |||||
is-number | 7.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-number | |||||
is-plain-obj | 4.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-plain-obj | |||||
is-regex | 1.1.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/is-regex | |||||
is-typed-array | 1.1.12 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/is-typed-array | |||||
is-typedarray | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/hughsk/is-typedarray | |||||
is-wsl | 1.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-wsl | |||||
isarray | 0.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/juliangruber/isarray | |||||
isarray | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/juliangruber/isarray | |||||
text-segmentation | 1.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/niklasvh/text-segmentation | |||||
timers-browserify | 2.0.12 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jryans/timers-browserify | |||||
tiny-invariant | 1.3.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/alexreardon/tiny-invariant | |||||
tiny-warning | 1.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/alexreardon/tiny-warning | |||||
to-fast-properties | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/to-fast-properties | |||||
to-regex-range | 5.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromatch/to-regex-range | |||||
toidentifier | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/component/toidentifier | |||||
tough-cookie | 2.5.0 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/salesforce/tough-cookie | |||||
trim-lines | 3.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/trim-lines | |||||
trough | 2.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/trough | |||||
ts-node | 9.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-node | |||||
tty-browserify | 0.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/browserify/tty-browserify | |||||
tunnel-agent | 0.6.0 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mikeal/tunnel-agent | |||||
tweetnacl | 0.14.5 | Unlicense | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/dchest/tweetnacl-js | |||||
type-fest | 2.19.0 | (MIT OR CC0-1.0) | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest | |||||
type-is | 1.6.18 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/type-is | |||||
typed-styles | 0.0.7 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | Unspecified | |||||
types/unist | 3.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
types/w3c-web-usb | 1.0.10 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | |||||
ungap/structured-clone | 1.2.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ungap/structured-clone | |||||
webassemblyjs/ast | 1.11.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtuc/webassemblyjs | |||||
webassemblyjs/floating-point-hex-parser | 1.11.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtuc/webassemblyjs | |||||
webassemblyjs/helper-api-error | 1.11.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtuc/webassemblyjs | |||||
webassemblyjs/helper-buffer | 1.11.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtuc/webassemblyjs | |||||
webassemblyjs/helper-numbers | 1.11.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtuc/webassemblyjs | |||||
webassemblyjs/helper-wasm-bytecode | 1.11.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtuc/webassemblyjs | |||||
webassemblyjs/helper-wasm-section | 1.11.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtuc/webassemblyjs | |||||
webassemblyjs/ieee754 | 1.11.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtuc/webassemblyjs | |||||
webassemblyjs/leb128 | 1.11.6 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtuc/webassemblyjs | |||||
webassemblyjs/utf8 | 1.11.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtuc/webassemblyjs | |||||
webassemblyjs/wasm-edit | 1.11.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtuc/webassemblyjs | |||||
webassemblyjs/wasm-gen | 1.11.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtuc/webassemblyjs | |||||
webassemblyjs/wasm-opt | 1.11.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtuc/webassemblyjs | |||||
webassemblyjs/wasm-parser | 1.11.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtuc/webassemblyjs | |||||
isarray | 2.0.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/juliangruber/isarray | |||||
isstream | 0.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/rvagg/isstream | |||||
jasmine-console-reporter | 3.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/onury/jasmine-console-reporter | |||||
jasmine-core | 3.6.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jasmine/jasmine | |||||
jasmine-reporters | 2.3.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/larrymyers/jasmine-reporters | |||||
jasmine | 3.6.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jasmine/jasmine-npm | |||||
jest-worker | 27.5.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/facebook/jest | |||||
js-tokens | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/lydell/js-tokens | |||||
js2xmlparser | 4.0.1 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/michaelkourlas/node-js2xmlparser | |||||
jsbn | 0.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/andyperlitch/jsbn | |||||
json-parse-even-better-errors | 2.3.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/npm/json-parse-even-better-errors | |||||
json-schema-traverse | 0.4.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/epoberezkin/json-schema-traverse | |||||
json-schema-traverse | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/epoberezkin/json-schema-traverse | |||||
json-schema | 0.4.0 | (AFL-2.1 OR BSD-3-Clause) | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/kriszyp/json-schema | |||||
json-stable-stringify | 1.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/json-stable-stringify | |||||
json-stringify-safe | 5.0.1 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/json-stringify-safe | |||||
json5 | 2.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/json5/json5 | |||||
typescript-json-schema | 0.49.0 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/YousefED/typescript-json-schema | |||||
typescript | 4.9.5 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript | |||||
typescript | 5.2.2 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript | |||||
unified | 11.0.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified | |||||
unist-util-is | 6.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist-util-is | |||||
unist-util-position | 5.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist-util-position | |||||
unist-util-remove-position | 5.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist-util-remove-position | |||||
unist-util-stringify-position | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist-util-stringify-position | |||||
unist-util-visit-parents | 6.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist-util-visit-parents | |||||
unist-util-visit | 5.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist-util-visit | |||||
universalify | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/RyanZim/universalify | |||||
unpipe | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/stream-utils/unpipe | |||||
update-browserslist-db | 1.0.13 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/browserslist/update-db | |||||
uri-js | 4.4.1 | BSD-2-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/garycourt/uri-js | |||||
urijs | 1.19.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/medialize/URI.js | |||||
url | 0.11.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/defunctzombie/node-url | |||||
use-debounced-effect | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/samanmohamadi/use-debounced-effect | |||||
webassemblyjs/wast-printer | 1.11.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtuc/webassemblyjs | |||||
xtuc/ieee754 | 1.2.0 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/feross/ieee754 | |||||
xtuc/long | 4.2.2 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/dcodeIO/long.js | |||||
abort-controller | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mysticatea/abort-controller | |||||
accepts | 1.3.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/accepts | |||||
acorn-import-assertions | 1.9.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtuc/acorn-import-assertions | |||||
acorn | 7.4.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/acornjs/acorn | |||||
acorn | 8.11.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/acornjs/acorn | |||||
ajv-formats | 2.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ajv-validator/ajv-formats | |||||
ajv-keywords | 3.5.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/epoberezkin/ajv-keywords | |||||
ajv-keywords | 5.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/epoberezkin/ajv-keywords | |||||
ajv | 6.12.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ajv-validator/ajv | |||||
ajv | 8.12.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ajv-validator/ajv | |||||
ansi-regex | 4.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chalk/ansi-regex | |||||
ansi-regex | 5.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chalk/ansi-regex | |||||
ansi-styles | 3.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chalk/ansi-styles | |||||
ansi-styles | 4.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chalk/ansi-styles | |||||
anymatch | 3.1.3 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromatch/anymatch | |||||
jsonfile | 6.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jprichardson/node-jsonfile | |||||
jsonify | 0.0.1 | Public Domain | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/jsonify | |||||
jspdf | 2.5.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/MrRio/jsPDF | |||||
jsprim | 1.4.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/joyent/node-jsprim | |||||
jss-plugin-camel-case | 10.10.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/cssinjs/jss | |||||
jss-plugin-default-unit | 10.10.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/cssinjs/jss | |||||
jss-plugin-global | 10.10.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/cssinjs/jss | |||||
jss-plugin-nested | 10.10.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/cssinjs/jss | |||||
jss-plugin-props-sort | 10.10.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/cssinjs/jss | |||||
jss-plugin-rule-value-function | 10.10.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/cssinjs/jss | |||||
jss-plugin-vendor-prefixer | 10.10.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/cssinjs/jss | |||||
jss | 10.10.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/cssinjs/jss | |||||
jszip | 3.6.0 | (MIT OR GPL-3.0) | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Stuk/jszip | |||||
junitxml-to-javascript | 1.1.4 | Apache* | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ladariha/junitxml-to-javascript | |||||
konva | 9.2.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/konvajs/konva | |||||
lie | 3.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/calvinmetcalf/lie | |||||
lines-and-columns | 1.2.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/eventualbuddha/lines-and-columns | |||||
loader-runner | 4.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/webpack/loader-runner | |||||
util-deprecate | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/TooTallNate/util-deprecate | |||||
util | 0.12.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/browserify/node-util | |||||
utils-merge | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jaredhanson/utils-merge | |||||
utrie | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/niklasvh/utrie | |||||
uuid | 3.4.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid | |||||
value-equal | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mjackson/value-equal | |||||
vary | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/vary | |||||
verror | 1.10.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/davepacheco/node-verror | |||||
vfile-message | 4.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/vfile/vfile-message | |||||
vfile | 6.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/vfile/vfile | |||||
vm-browserify | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/substack/vm-browserify | |||||
warning | 4.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/BerkeleyTrue/warning | |||||
watchpack | 2.4.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/webpack/watchpack | |||||
wcwidth | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/timoxley/wcwidth | |||||
web-worker | 1.0.0 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/developit/web-worker | |||||
webpack-sources | 3.2.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/webpack/webpack-sources | |||||
webpack | 5.89.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/webpack/webpack | |||||
which-typed-array | 1.1.13 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/which-typed-array | |||||
arg | 4.1.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/zeit/arg | |||||
array-flatten | 1.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/blakeembrey/array-flatten | |||||
asn1.js | 5.4.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/indutny/asn1.js | |||||
asn1 | 0.2.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/joyent/node-asn1 | |||||
assert-plus | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mcavage/node-assert-plus | |||||
assert | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/browserify/commonjs-assert | |||||
async | 3.2.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/caolan/async | |||||
asynckit | 0.4.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/alexindigo/asynckit | |||||
at-least-node | 1.0.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/RyanZim/at-least-node | |||||
atob | 2.1.2 | (MIT OR Apache-2.0) | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | git://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/atob.js | |||||
available-typed-arrays | 1.0.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/available-typed-arrays | |||||
aws-sign2 | 0.7.0 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mikeal/aws-sign | |||||
aws4 | 1.12.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mhart/aws4 | |||||
babel-plugin-macros | 3.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/kentcdodds/babel-plugin-macros | |||||
bail | 2.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/bail | |||||
balanced-match | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/juliangruber/balanced-match | |||||
base64-arraybuffer | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/niklasvh/base64-arraybuffer | |||||
loader-utils | 2.0.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/webpack/loader-utils | |||||
lodash | 4.17.21 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/lodash/lodash | |||||
log-symbols | 2.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/log-symbols | |||||
longest-streak | 3.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/longest-streak | |||||
loose-envify | 1.4.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/zertosh/loose-envify | |||||
lru-cache | 6.0.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/node-lru-cache | |||||
lzutf8 | 0.6.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/rotemdan/lzutf8.js | |||||
make-error | 1.3.6 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/JsCommunity/make-error | |||||
markdown-table | 3.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/markdown-table | |||||
marked | 12.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/markedjs/marked | |||||
md5.js | 1.3.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/md5.js | |||||
mdast-util-find-and-replace | 3.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-find-and-replace | |||||
mdast-util-from-markdown | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-from-markdown | |||||
mdast-util-gfm-autolink-literal | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-gfm-autolink-literal | |||||
mdast-util-gfm-footnote | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-gfm-footnote | |||||
mdast-util-gfm-strikethrough | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-gfm-strikethrough | |||||
mdast-util-gfm-table | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-gfm-table | |||||
wrap-ansi | 7.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chalk/wrap-ansi | |||||
wrappy | 1.0.2 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/npm/wrappy | |||||
xml2js-parser | 1.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/vavere/xml2js-parser | |||||
xmlcreate | 2.0.4 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/michaelkourlas/node-xmlcreate | |||||
xmldom | 0.1.31 | MIT* | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom | |||||
xtend | 4.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Raynos/xtend | |||||
xterm-addon-fit | 0.5.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtermjs/xterm.js | |||||
xterm | 4.19.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/xtermjs/xterm.js | |||||
y18n | 5.0.8 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/yargs/y18n | |||||
yallist | 4.0.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/yallist | |||||
yaml | 1.10.2 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/eemeli/yaml | |||||
yargs-parser | 20.2.9 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/yargs/yargs-parser | |||||
yargs | 16.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/yargs/yargs | |||||
yn | 3.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/yn | |||||
zwitch | 2.0.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/zwitch | |||||
base64-js | 1.5.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/beatgammit/base64-js | |||||
batch-processor | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wnr/batch-processor | |||||
bcrypt-pbkdf | 1.0.2 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/joyent/node-bcrypt-pbkdf | |||||
big-integer | 1.6.48 | Unlicense | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/peterolson/BigInteger.js | |||||
big.js | 5.2.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/MikeMcl/big.js | |||||
binary-extensions | 2.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/binary-extensions | |||||
bn.js | 4.12.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/indutny/bn.js | |||||
bn.js | 5.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/indutny/bn.js | |||||
body-parser | 1.19.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/expressjs/body-parser | |||||
brace-expansion | 1.1.11 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/juliangruber/brace-expansion | |||||
braces | 3.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromatch/braces | |||||
brorand | 1.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/indutny/brorand | |||||
browserify-aes | 1.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/browserify-aes | |||||
browserify-cipher | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/browserify-cipher | |||||
browserify-des | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/browserify-des | |||||
browserify-rsa | 4.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/browserify-rsa | |||||
browserify-sign | 4.2.2 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/browserify-sign | |||||
mdast-util-gfm-task-list-item | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-gfm-task-list-item | |||||
mdast-util-gfm | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-gfm | |||||
mdast-util-mdx-expression | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-mdx-expression | |||||
mdast-util-mdx-jsx | 3.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-mdx-jsx | |||||
mdast-util-mdxjs-esm | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-mdxjs-esm | |||||
mdast-util-phrasing | 4.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-phrasing | |||||
mdast-util-to-hast | 13.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-to-hast | |||||
mdast-util-to-markdown | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-to-markdown | |||||
mdast-util-to-string | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-to-string | |||||
mdi-material-ui | 7.8.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/TeamWertarbyte/mdi-material-ui | |||||
media-typer | 0.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/media-typer | |||||
merge-descriptors | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/component/merge-descriptors | |||||
merge-stream | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/grncdr/merge-stream | |||||
methods | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/methods | |||||
micromark-core-commonmark | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-core-commonmark | |||||
micromark-extension-gfm-autolink-literal | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark-extension-gfm-autolink-literal | |||||
browserify-zlib | 0.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/devongovett/browserify-zlib | |||||
browserslist | 4.22.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/browserslist/browserslist | |||||
btoa | 1.2.1 | (MIT OR Apache-2.0) | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | git://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/btoa.js | |||||
buffer-from | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/LinusU/buffer-from | |||||
buffer-xor | 1.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/buffer-xor | |||||
buffer | 6.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/feross/buffer | |||||
builtin-status-codes | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/bendrucker/builtin-status-codes | |||||
bytes | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/visionmedia/bytes.js | |||||
bytes | 3.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/visionmedia/bytes.js | |||||
call-bind | 1.0.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/call-bind | |||||
callsites | 3.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/callsites | |||||
caniuse-lite | 1.0.30001576 | CC-BY-4.0 | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/browserslist/caniuse-lite | |||||
canvg | 3.0.10 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/canvg/canvg | |||||
caseless | 0.12.0 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mikeal/caseless | |||||
ccount | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/ccount | |||||
chalk | 2.4.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chalk/chalk | |||||
character-entities-html4 | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/character-entities-html4 | |||||
micromark-extension-gfm-footnote | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark-extension-gfm-footnote | |||||
micromark-extension-gfm-strikethrough | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark-extension-gfm-strikethrough | |||||
micromark-extension-gfm-table | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark-extension-gfm-table | |||||
micromark-extension-gfm-tagfilter | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark-extension-gfm-tagfilter | |||||
micromark-extension-gfm-task-list-item | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark-extension-gfm-task-list-item | |||||
micromark-extension-gfm | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark-extension-gfm | |||||
micromark-factory-destination | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-factory-destination | |||||
micromark-factory-label | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-factory-label | |||||
micromark-factory-space | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-factory-space | |||||
micromark-factory-title | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-factory-title | |||||
micromark-factory-whitespace | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-factory-whitespace | |||||
micromark-util-character | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-util-character | |||||
micromark-util-chunked | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-util-chunked | |||||
micromark-util-classify-character | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-util-classify-character | |||||
character-entities-legacy | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/character-entities-legacy | |||||
character-entities | 2.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/character-entities | |||||
character-reference-invalid | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/character-reference-invalid | |||||
chokidar | 3.5.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/paulmillr/chokidar | |||||
chrome-trace-event | 1.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/samccone/chrome-trace-event | |||||
ci-info | 1.6.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/watson/ci-info | |||||
cipher-base | 1.0.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/cipher-base | |||||
classnames | 2.5.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/JedWatson/classnames | |||||
cli-cursor | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/cli-cursor | |||||
cli-spinners | 2.9.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/cli-spinners | |||||
cli-table | 0.3.11 | MIT* | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Automattic/cli-table | |||||
cliui | 7.0.4 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/yargs/cliui | |||||
clone | 1.0.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/pvorb/node-clone | |||||
clsx | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/lukeed/clsx | |||||
color-convert | 1.9.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Qix-/color-convert | |||||
color-convert | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Qix-/color-convert | |||||
color-name | 1.1.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/dfcreative/color-name | |||||
micromark-util-combine-extensions | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-util-combine-extensions | |||||
micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference | |||||
micromark-util-decode-string | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-util-decode-string | |||||
micromark-util-encode | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-util-encode | |||||
micromark-util-html-tag-name | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-util-html-tag-name | |||||
micromark-util-normalize-identifier | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-util-normalize-identifier | |||||
micromark-util-resolve-all | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-util-resolve-all | |||||
micromark-util-sanitize-uri | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-util-sanitize-uri | |||||
micromark-util-subtokenize | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-util-subtokenize | |||||
micromark-util-symbol | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-util-symbol | |||||
micromark-util-types | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark-util-types | |||||
micromark | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromark/micromark/tree/main/packages/micromark | |||||
miller-rabin | 4.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/indutny/miller-rabin | |||||
mime-db | 1.52.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/mime-db | |||||
color-name | 1.1.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/colorjs/color-name | |||||
colors | 1.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Marak/colors.js | |||||
combined-stream | 1.0.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/felixge/node-combined-stream | |||||
comma-separated-tokens | 2.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/comma-separated-tokens | |||||
commander | 11.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/tj/commander.js | |||||
commander | 2.20.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/tj/commander.js | |||||
compressible | 2.0.18 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/compressible | |||||
compression | 1.7.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/expressjs/compression | |||||
concat-map | 0.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/substack/node-concat-map | |||||
console-browserify | 1.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/browserify/console-browserify | |||||
constants-browserify | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/juliangruber/constants-browserify | |||||
content-disposition | 0.5.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/content-disposition | |||||
content-type | 1.0.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/content-type | |||||
convert-source-map | 1.9.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/thlorenz/convert-source-map | |||||
cookie-signature | 1.0.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/visionmedia/node-cookie-signature | |||||
cookie | 0.4.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/cookie | |||||
core-js | 3.36.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/zloirock/core-js | |||||
mime-types | 2.1.35 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/mime-types | |||||
mime | 1.6.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/broofa/node-mime | |||||
mimic-fn | 1.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/mimic-fn | |||||
mini-create-react-context | 0.4.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/StringEpsilon/mini-create-react-context | |||||
minimalistic-assert | 1.0.1 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/calvinmetcalf/minimalistic-assert | |||||
minimalistic-crypto-utils | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/indutny/minimalistic-crypto-utils | |||||
minimatch | 3.1.2 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch | |||||
minimist | 1.2.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/minimistjs/minimist | |||||
mkdirp | 0.5.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/substack/node-mkdirp | |||||
monaco-editor | 0.22.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor | |||||
ms | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/zeit/ms | |||||
ms | 2.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/zeit/ms | |||||
ms | 2.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/zeit/ms | |||||
natural-sort | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/studio-b12/natural-sort | |||||
negotiator | 0.6.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/negotiator | |||||
neo-async | 2.6.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/suguru03/neo-async | |||||
node-emoji | 1.11.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/omnidan/node-emoji | |||||
core-util-is | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/core-util-is | |||||
core-util-is | 1.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/core-util-is | |||||
cosmiconfig | 7.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/davidtheclark/cosmiconfig | |||||
create-ecdh | 4.0.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/createECDH | |||||
create-hash | 1.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/createHash | |||||
create-hmac | 1.1.7 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/createHmac | |||||
create-require | 1.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/nuxt-contrib/create-require | |||||
crypto-browserify | 3.12.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/crypto-browserify | |||||
css-line-break | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/niklasvh/css-line-break | |||||
css-vendor | 2.0.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/cssinjs/css-vendor | |||||
csstype | 3.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/frenic/csstype | |||||
dashdash | 1.14.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/trentm/node-dashdash | |||||
date-fns | 2.17.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns | |||||
debug | 2.6.9 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/visionmedia/debug | |||||
debug | 4.3.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/debug-js/debug | |||||
decode-named-character-reference | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/decode-named-character-reference | |||||
decode-uri-component | 0.2.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/SamVerschueren/decode-uri-component | |||||
node-polyfill-webpack-plugin | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Richienb/node-polyfill-webpack-plugin | |||||
node-releases | 2.0.14 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chicoxyzzy/node-releases | |||||
normalize-path | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/normalize-path | |||||
oauth-sign | 0.9.0 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mikeal/oauth-sign | |||||
object-assign | 4.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/object-assign | |||||
object-inspect | 1.13.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/object-inspect | |||||
object-is | 1.1.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/es-shims/object-is | |||||
object-keys | 1.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/object-keys | |||||
object.assign | 4.1.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/object.assign | |||||
on-finished | 2.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/on-finished | |||||
on-headers | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/on-headers | |||||
once | 1.4.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/once | |||||
onetime | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/onetime | |||||
opn | 6.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/open | |||||
ora | 3.4.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/ora | |||||
os-browserify | 0.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/CoderPuppy/os-browserify | |||||
pako | 1.0.11 | (MIT AND Zlib) | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/nodeca/pako | |||||
deep-equal | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/node-deep-equal | |||||
defaults | 1.0.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/node-defaults | |||||
define-data-property | 1.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/define-data-property | |||||
define-properties | 1.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/define-properties | |||||
delayed-stream | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/felixge/node-delayed-stream | |||||
depd | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/dougwilson/nodejs-depd | |||||
dequal | 2.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/lukeed/dequal | |||||
des.js | 1.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/indutny/des.js | |||||
destroy | 1.0.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/stream-utils/destroy | |||||
devlop | 1.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/devlop | |||||
diff | 4.0.2 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/kpdecker/jsdiff | |||||
diff | 5.0.0 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/kpdecker/jsdiff | |||||
diffie-hellman | 5.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/diffie-hellman | |||||
docopt | 0.6.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/scarnie/docopt.coffee | |||||
dom-helpers | 5.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/react-bootstrap/dom-helpers | |||||
domain-browser | 4.23.0 | Artistic-2.0 | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/bevry/domain-browser | |||||
dompurify | 2.4.7 | (MPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0) | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/cure53/DOMPurify | |||||
parent-module | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/parent-module | |||||
parse-asn1 | 5.1.6 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/parse-asn1 | |||||
parse-entities | 4.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/parse-entities | |||||
parse-json | 5.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/parse-json | |||||
parseurl | 1.3.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/pillarjs/parseurl | |||||
path-browserify | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/browserify/path-browserify | |||||
path-is-absolute | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/path-is-absolute | |||||
path-parse | 1.0.7 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jbgutierrez/path-parse | |||||
path-to-regexp | 0.1.7 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/component/path-to-regexp | |||||
path-to-regexp | 1.8.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/pillarjs/path-to-regexp | |||||
path-type | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/path-type | |||||
pbkdf2 | 3.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/pbkdf2 | |||||
performance-now | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/braveg1rl/performance-now | |||||
perfy | 1.1.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/onury/perfy | |||||
picocolors | 1.0.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors | |||||
picomatch | 2.3.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromatch/picomatch | |||||
plotly.js-basic-dist-min | 2.24.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js | |||||
ecc-jsbn | 0.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/quartzjer/ecc-jsbn | |||||
ee-first | 1.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonathanong/ee-first | |||||
electron-to-chromium | 1.4.628 | ISC | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/kilian/electron-to-chromium | |||||
element-resize-detector | 1.2.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wnr/element-resize-detector | |||||
elkjs | 0.9.3 | EPL-2.0 | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/kieler/elkjs | |||||
elliptic | 6.5.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/indutny/elliptic | |||||
emoji-regex | 8.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mathiasbynens/emoji-regex | |||||
emojis-list | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/kikobeats/emojis-list | |||||
encodeurl | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/pillarjs/encodeurl | |||||
enhanced-resolve | 5.15.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/webpack/enhanced-resolve | |||||
error-ex | 1.3.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/qix-/node-error-ex | |||||
es-module-lexer | 1.4.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/guybedford/es-module-lexer | |||||
escalade | 3.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/lukeed/escalade | |||||
escape-html | 1.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/component/escape-html | |||||
escape-string-regexp | 1.0.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/escape-string-regexp | |||||
escape-string-regexp | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/escape-string-regexp | |||||
escape-string-regexp | 5.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/escape-string-regexp | |||||
popper.js | 1.16.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js | |||||
process-nextick-args | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/calvinmetcalf/process-nextick-args | |||||
process | 0.11.10 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/shtylman/node-process | |||||
prop-types | 15.8.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/facebook/prop-types | |||||
property-information | 6.5.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wooorm/property-information | |||||
proxy-addr | 2.0.7 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/proxy-addr | |||||
psl | 1.9.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/lupomontero/psl | |||||
public-encrypt | 4.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/publicEncrypt | |||||
punycode | 1.4.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/bestiejs/punycode.js | |||||
punycode | 2.3.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mathiasbynens/punycode.js | |||||
qs | 6.11.2 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/qs | |||||
qs | 6.5.3 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/qs | |||||
qs | 6.7.0 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/qs | |||||
query-string | 6.14.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/query-string | |||||
querystring-es3 | 0.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mike-spainhower/querystring | |||||
querystring | 0.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Gozala/querystring | |||||
raf | 3.4.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chrisdickinson/raf | |||||
eslint-scope | 5.1.1 | BSD-2-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/eslint/eslint-scope | |||||
esrecurse | 4.3.0 | BSD-2-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/estools/esrecurse | |||||
estraverse | 4.3.0 | BSD-2-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/estools/estraverse | |||||
estraverse | 5.3.0 | BSD-2-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/estools/estraverse | |||||
estree-util-is-identifier-name | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/syntax-tree/estree-util-is-identifier-name | |||||
etag | 1.8.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/etag | |||||
event-target-shim | 5.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mysticatea/event-target-shim | |||||
events | 3.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Gozala/events | |||||
evp_bytestokey | 1.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/EVP_BytesToKey | |||||
express | 4.17.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/expressjs/express | |||||
extend | 3.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/justmoon/node-extend | |||||
extsprintf | 1.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/davepacheco/node-extsprintf | |||||
fast-deep-equal | 3.1.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/epoberezkin/fast-deep-equal | |||||
fast-json-stable-stringify | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/epoberezkin/fast-json-stable-stringify | |||||
fflate | 0.4.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/101arrowz/fflate | |||||
file-saver | 2.0.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js | |||||
fill-range | 7.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/fill-range | |||||
randombytes | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/randombytes | |||||
randomfill | 1.0.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/crypto-browserify/randomfill | |||||
range-parser | 1.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/range-parser | |||||
raw-body | 2.4.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/stream-utils/raw-body | |||||
react-container-dimensions | 1.4.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/okonet/react-container-dimensions | |||||
react-datepicker | 3.6.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Hacker0x01/react-datepicker | |||||
react-dom | 18.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/facebook/react | |||||
react-is | 16.13.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/facebook/react | |||||
react-is | 18.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/facebook/react | |||||
react-markdown | 9.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/remarkjs/react-markdown | |||||
react-onclickoutside | 6.13.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Pomax/react-onclickoutside | |||||
react-popper | 1.3.11 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/souporserious/react-popper | |||||
react-router-dom | 5.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router | |||||
react-router | 5.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router | |||||
react-transition-group | 4.4.5 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/reactjs/react-transition-group | |||||
react-zoom-pan-pinch | 3.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/prc5/react-zoom-pan-pinch | |||||
react | 18.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | ccs/utils/sysconfig |
Obtained from | https://github.com/facebook/react |
Software Name | Version | License Type | Delivered As | Modified by TI | ||
vaadin-grid | 2.0.3 | Apache-2.0 | Source | No | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/emulation/analysis/gc-usecases/components/web-animations-js |
Obtained from | https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js | |||||
web-animations-js | 2.1.3 | Apache-2.0 | Source | No | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/emulation/analysis/gc-usecases/components/vaadin-grid |
Obtained from | https://github.com/vaadin/vaadin-grid | |||||
Paper-tree | 1.0.3 | MIT | Source | No | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/emulation/analysis/gc-usecases/components/paper-tree |
Obtained from | https://www.webcomponents.org/element/vpusher/paper-tree | |||||
Polymer x-meta component | 0.5.0 | BSD-3-Clause | Source | No | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/emulation/analysis/gc-usecases/components/x-meta |
Obtained from | https://github.com/googlearchive/x-meta | |||||
OpenCSD | 0.10.0 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | /ccs_base/emulation/analysis/bin |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Linaro/OpenCSD | |||||
Node.js | 18.16.0 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | /ccs/tools/node |
Obtained from | https://nodejs.org/en/download/ | |||||
Blackhawk Drivers | | EWA Technologies Inc. Licensef | Binary | No | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/emulation |
Obtained from | www.blackhawk-dsp.com | |||||
Eclipse Platform | 4.23.0 | EPL-1.0 | Binary | No | Location | /ccs/eclipse |
Obtained from | http://www.eclipse.org | |||||
Gmake | 4.1 | GPL-3.0 | Source and Binary | No | Location | /ccs/utils/bin |
Obtained from | Source: https://software-dl.ti.com/manifest/esd/index.html http://www.gnu.org | |||||
Zip | 6.0 | Info-Zip License | Binary | Yes | Location | /ccs/utils/bin |
Obtained from | http://www.info-zip.org/ | |||||
7-Zip | 16.04 22.01 | LGPL-2.1 and Unrar Restriction | Source and Binary | No | Location | Source: https://software-dl.ti.com/manifest/esd/index.html Placed in a temp folder during CCS installation. Deleted after install completes. |
Obtained from | www.7-zip.org | |||||
Microsoft Visual C Runtime Libraries | MSVC9,MSVC110,MSVC141,MSVC142 | MS Windows Driver Kit License | Binary | No | Location | C:\Windows |
Obtained from | www.microsoft.com | |||||
Dpinst | 2.1 | MS Windows Driver Kit License | Binary | No | Location | /ccs?/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows |
Obtained from | www.microsoft.com | |||||
JAVA Runtime Environment | 17.0.2 | GPL-2.0 with the classpath exception | Binary | No | Location | /ccs/eclipse/jre |
Obtained from | https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases/?version=11 | |||||
Lldb | 11.0.x | Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions | Binary | Yes | Location | ccs_base/DebugServer/bin ccs_base/common/bin |
Obtained from | https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project | |||||
Mozilla XPCOM | 1.9 | MPL-1.1 | Binary | Yes | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/DebugServer/win64 |
Obtained from | http://www.mozilla.org | |||||
Mozilla Breakpad | 1.9 | BSD-3-Clause AND Unicode Copyright | Binary | No | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/DebugServer |
Obtained from | https://wiki.mozilla.org/Breakpad | |||||
Xerces | 2.8 | Apache-2.0 | Binary | Yes | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/common/bin CVE Patch applied |
Obtained from | http://xerces.apache.org/ | |||||
Boost | 1.81 | BSL-1.0 | Binary | No | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/DebugServer/win64/components |
Obtained from | http://www.boost.org/ | |||||
Java Native Access | 3.5.2 | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | platform-3.5.2.jar and jna-3.5.2.jar in /ccs/eclipse/plugins/com.ti.binding.stream |
Obtained from | https://github.com/twall/jna | |||||
SQLite | 3.7.17 | Public Domain | Binary | Yes | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/DebugServer |
Obtained from | https://www.sqlite.org/copyright.html | |||||
Expat | 2.0.1 1.9.5 | MIT | Binary | Yes | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/DebugServer?/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/analysis/bin |
Obtained from | http://expat.sourceforge.net/ | |||||
Websocket library | 0.82.0 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/DebugServer |
Obtained from | http://www.zaphoyd.com/websocketpp | |||||
JSON Library | 1.6.5 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/DebugServer |
Obtained from | https://github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp | |||||
SEGGER J-Link software | V7.94.0 | Segger Redistribution | Binary | No | Location | /ccs/ccs_base |
Obtained from | SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG | |||||
Capstone Disassembly Engine | 3.0.1 | Capstone Software License & LLVM Release License | Binary | Yes | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/emulation/tpi/disassembly_capstone.dll |
Obtained from | www.capstone-engine.org | |||||
TI Cloud Agent | 0.5.5046 | TI Text File | Source | No | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/cloudagent |
Obtained from | TI | |||||
Node.js | 18.16.0 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/cloudagent |
Obtained from | https://nodejs.org/en/download/ | |||||
Java serial port | 2.8 | LGPL-3.0 | Source and Binary | No | Location | /ccs/ti/xdctools directory |
Obtained from | Source: https://software-dl.ti.com/manifest/esd/index.html Java Serial Port | |||||
Java web socket client | NA | MIT | Binary | No | Location | /ccs/ti/xdctools directory |
Obtained from | https://github.com/TooTallNate/Java-WebSocket | |||||
Ziplib | 1.2.11 | zlib | Binary | No | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/DebugServer |
Obtained from | https://bitbucket.org/wbenny/ziplib/src/master/ | |||||
FTDI Driver (Windows) | 2.08.14 | FTDI License | Binary | No | Location | C:\ProgramData\Texas Instruments\TICloudAgent\loaders\ccs_base\emulation\windows\ftdi_drivers |
Obtained from | http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/D2XX.htm | |||||
libFTDI | 1.2 | LGPL-2.1-only | Source and Binary | No | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/common |
Obtained from | Source: https://software-dl.ti.com/manifest/esd/index.html http://www.intra2net.com/en/developer/libftdi/ | |||||
libUSB | 1.0.19 | LGPL-2.1-only | Source and Binary | No | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/common |
Obtained from | Source: https://software-dl.ti.com/manifest/esd/index.html http://www.libusb.org/ | |||||
dygraph | 2.1.0 | MIT | Source | No | Location | /ccs/ccs_base/emulation/analysis/gc-usecases/components/dygraph |
Obtained from | http://dygraphs.com/ |
(1) This is the GPLv3 license with the GCC Runtime Exception 3.1 (see the License section). Sources are available at the obtained from download location.
(2) Texas Instruments is using these under MIT.
Software Name | Version | License Type | Delivered As | Modified by TI | ||
GUI Composer Runtime | 13.0.1 | TI Text File License | Binary, partial source | N/A | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | TI | |||||
Node webkit | 0.77 | See Credits.html in node-webkit folder. | Binary | No | Location | node-webkit/ Source: https://software-dl.ti.com/manifest/esd/index.html |
Obtained from | https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit | |||||
gulpjs/messages | 1.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/messages | |||||
gulpjs/to-absolute-glob | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/to-absolute-glob | |||||
accepts | 1.3.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/accepts | |||||
tar-stream | 1.6.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mafintosh/tar-stream | |||||
tar-stream | 2.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mafintosh/tar-stream | |||||
tar-stream | 3.1.7 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mafintosh/tar-stream | |||||
teex | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mafintosh/teex | |||||
through | 2.3.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/dominictarr/through | |||||
ti-guicomposer-designer | 3.0.0 | UNLICENSED | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | ssh://git@bitbucket.itg.ti.com/gc/ti-guicomposer-designer | |||||
to-buffer | 1.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mafintosh/to-buffer | |||||
to-regex-range | 5.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromatch/to-regex-range | |||||
to-through | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/to-through | |||||
toidentifier | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/component/toidentifier | |||||
type-is | 1.6.18 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/type-is | |||||
type | 2.7.2 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/medikoo/type | |||||
typedarray-to-buffer | 3.1.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/feross/typedarray-to-buffer | |||||
unbzip2-stream | 1.4.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/regular/unbzip2-stream | |||||
unc-path-regex | 0.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/regexhq/unc-path-regex | |||||
undertaker-registry | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/undertaker-registry | |||||
undertaker | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/undertaker | |||||
ansi-regex | 5.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chalk/ansi-regex | |||||
ansi-styles | 4.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chalk/ansi-styles | |||||
anymatch | 3.1.3 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromatch/anymatch | |||||
archiver-utils | 4.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/archiverjs/archiver-utils | |||||
archiver | 6.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/archiverjs/node-archiver | |||||
array-each | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/array-each | |||||
array-flatten | 1.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/blakeembrey/array-flatten | |||||
array-slice | 1.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/array-slice | |||||
async-done | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/async-done | |||||
async-settle | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/async-settle | |||||
async | 3.2.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/caolan/async | |||||
b4a | 1.6.6 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/holepunchto/b4a | |||||
bach | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/bach | |||||
balanced-match | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/juliangruber/balanced-match | |||||
bare-events | 2.2.2 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/holepunchto/bare-events | |||||
base64-js | 1.5.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/beatgammit/base64-js | |||||
binary-extensions | 2.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/binary-extensions | |||||
universalify | 0.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/RyanZim/universalify | |||||
unpipe | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/stream-utils/unpipe | |||||
utf-8-validate | 5.0.10 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/websockets/utf-8-validate | |||||
util-deprecate | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/TooTallNate/util-deprecate | |||||
utils-merge | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jaredhanson/utils-merge | |||||
v8flags | 4.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/v8flags | |||||
value-or-function | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/value-or-function | |||||
vary | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/vary | |||||
vinyl-contents | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/vinyl-contents | |||||
vinyl-fs | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/vinyl-fs | |||||
vinyl-sourcemap | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/vinyl-sourcemap | |||||
vinyl | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/vinyl | |||||
websocket | 1.0.34 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/theturtle32/WebSocket-Node | |||||
which | 1.3.1 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/node-which | |||||
wordwrap | 0.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/substack/node-wordwrap | |||||
wrap-ansi | 7.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chalk/wrap-ansi | |||||
wrappy | 1.0.2 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/npm/wrappy | |||||
bl | 1.2.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/rvagg/bl | |||||
bl | 4.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/rvagg/bl | |||||
bl | 5.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/rvagg/bl | |||||
body-parser | 1.19.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/expressjs/body-parser | |||||
brace-expansion | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/juliangruber/brace-expansion | |||||
braces | 3.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromatch/braces | |||||
buffer-alloc-unsafe | 1.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/LinusU/buffer-alloc-unsafe | |||||
buffer-alloc | 1.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/LinusU/buffer-alloc | |||||
buffer-crc32 | 0.2.13 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/brianloveswords/buffer-crc32 | |||||
buffer-fill | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/LinusU/buffer-fill | |||||
buffer | 5.7.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/feross/buffer | |||||
buffer | 6.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/feross/buffer | |||||
bufferutil | 4.0.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/websockets/bufferutil | |||||
bytes | 3.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/visionmedia/bytes.js | |||||
chalk | 4.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chalk/chalk | |||||
chokidar | 3.6.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/paulmillr/chokidar | |||||
chownr | 1.1.4 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/chownr | |||||
cliui | 7.0.4 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/yargs/cliui | |||||
xtend | 4.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Raynos/xtend | |||||
y18n | 5.0.8 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/yargs/y18n | |||||
yaeti | 0.0.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ibc/yaeti | |||||
yargs-parser | 20.2.9 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/yargs/yargs-parser | |||||
yargs | 16.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/yargs/yargs | |||||
yauzl | 2.10.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/thejoshwolfe/yauzl | |||||
zip-stream | 5.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/archiverjs/node-zip-stream | |||||
clone-stats | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/hughsk/clone-stats | |||||
clone | 2.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/pvorb/node-clone | |||||
color-convert | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Qix-/color-convert | |||||
color-name | 1.1.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/colorjs/color-name | |||||
commander | 2.20.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/tj/commander.js | |||||
compress-commons | 5.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/archiverjs/node-compress-commons | |||||
content-disposition | 0.5.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/content-disposition | |||||
content-type | 1.0.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/content-type | |||||
convert-source-map | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/thlorenz/convert-source-map | |||||
cookie-signature | 1.0.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/visionmedia/node-cookie-signature | |||||
cookie | 0.4.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/cookie | |||||
copy-props | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/copy-prop | |||||
core-util-is | 1.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/core-util-is | |||||
crc-32 | 1.2.2 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/SheetJS/js-crc32 | |||||
crc32-stream | 5.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/archiverjs/node-crc32-stream | |||||
d | 1.0.2 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/medikoo/d | |||||
debug | 2.6.9 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/visionmedia/debug | |||||
decompress-tar | 4.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/kevva/decompress-tar | |||||
decompress-tarbz2 | 4.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/kevva/decompress-tarbz2 | |||||
decompress-targz | 4.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/kevva/decompress-targz | |||||
decompress-unzip | 4.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/kevva/decompress-unzip | |||||
decompress | 4.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/kevva/decompress | |||||
depd | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/dougwilson/nodejs-depd | |||||
destroy | 1.0.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/stream-utils/destroy | |||||
detect-file | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/doowb/detect-file | |||||
dom-serializer | 0.2.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/cheeriojs/dom-renderer | |||||
domelementtype | 1.3.1 | BSD-2-Clause | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/fb55/domelementtype | |||||
domelementtype | 2.3.0 | BSD-2-Clause | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/fb55/domelementtype | |||||
domhandler | 2.4.2 | BSD-2-Clause | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/fb55/DomHandler | |||||
domutils | 1.7.0 | BSD-2-Clause | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/FB55/domutils | |||||
each-props | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/each-props | |||||
ee-first | 1.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonathanong/ee-first | |||||
emoji-regex | 8.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mathiasbynens/emoji-regex | |||||
encodeurl | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/pillarjs/encodeurl | |||||
end-of-stream | 1.4.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mafintosh/end-of-stream | |||||
entities | 1.1.2 | BSD-2-Clause | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/fb55/entities | |||||
entities | 2.2.0 | BSD-2-Clause | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/fb55/entities | |||||
es5-ext | 0.10.64 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/medikoo/es5-ext | |||||
es6-iterator | 2.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/medikoo/es6-iterator | |||||
es6-symbol | 3.1.4 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/medikoo/es6-symbol | |||||
escalade | 3.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/lukeed/escalade | |||||
escape-html | 1.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/component/escape-html | |||||
esniff | 2.0.1 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/medikoo/esniff | |||||
etag | 1.8.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/etag | |||||
event-emitter | 0.3.5 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/medikoo/event-emitter | |||||
eventemitter3 | 3.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/primus/eventemitter3 | |||||
expand-tilde | 2.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/expand-tilde | |||||
express | 4.17.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/expressjs/express | |||||
ext | 1.7.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/medikoo/es5-ext.git#ext | |||||
extend | 3.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/justmoon/node-extend | |||||
fast-fifo | 1.3.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mafintosh/fast-fifo | |||||
fast-levenshtein | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/hiddentao/fast-levenshtein | |||||
fastest-levenshtein | 1.0.16 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ka-weihe/fastest-levenshtein | |||||
fastq | 1.17.1 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mcollina/fastq | |||||
fd-slicer | 1.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/andrewrk/node-fd-slicer | |||||
file-type | 3.9.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/file-type | |||||
file-type | 5.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/file-type | |||||
file-type | 6.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/file-type | |||||
fill-range | 7.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/fill-range | |||||
finalhandler | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/pillarjs/finalhandler | |||||
findup-sync | 5.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/findup-sync | |||||
fined | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/fined | |||||
flagged-respawn | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/flagged-respawn | |||||
follow-redirects | 1.15.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/follow-redirects/follow-redirects | |||||
for-in | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/for-in | |||||
for-own | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/for-own | |||||
forwarded | 0.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/forwarded | |||||
fresh | 0.5.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/fresh | |||||
fs-constants | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mafintosh/fs-constants | |||||
fs-extra | 8.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra | |||||
fs-mkdirp-stream | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/fs-mkdirp-stream | |||||
fs.realpath | 1.0.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/fs.realpath | |||||
function-bind | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Raynos/function-bind | |||||
get-caller-file | 2.0.5 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/stefanpenner/get-caller-file | |||||
get-stream | 2.3.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/get-stream | |||||
glob-parent | 5.1.2 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/glob-parent | |||||
glob-parent | 6.0.2 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/glob-parent | |||||
glob-stream | 8.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/glob-stream | |||||
glob-watcher | 6.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/glob-watcher | |||||
glob | 8.0.3 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob | |||||
global-modules | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/global-modules | |||||
global-prefix | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/global-prefix | |||||
glogg | 2.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/glogg | |||||
graceful-fs | 4.2.11 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/node-graceful-fs | |||||
gulp-cli | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp-cli | |||||
gulp | 5.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp | |||||
gulplog | 2.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/gulplog | |||||
has-flag | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/has-flag | |||||
hasown | 2.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/hasOwn | |||||
homedir-polyfill | 1.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/doowb/homedir-polyfill | |||||
htmlparser2 | 3.10.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/fb55/htmlparser2 | |||||
http-errors | 1.6.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/http-errors | |||||
http-errors | 1.7.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/http-errors | |||||
http-proxy | 1.17.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/nodejitsu/node-http-proxy | |||||
iconv-lite | 0.4.24 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ashtuchkin/iconv-lite | |||||
iconv-lite | 0.6.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ashtuchkin/iconv-lite | |||||
ieee754 | 1.2.1 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/feross/ieee754 | |||||
inflight | 1.0.6 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/npm/inflight | |||||
inherits | 2.0.3 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/inherits | |||||
inherits | 2.0.4 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/inherits | |||||
ini | 1.3.8 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/ini | |||||
interpret | 3.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/interpret | |||||
ipaddr.js | 1.9.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/whitequark/ipaddr.js | |||||
is-absolute | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-absolute | |||||
is-binary-path | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-binary-path | |||||
is-core-module | 2.13.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/is-core-module | |||||
is-extglob | 2.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-extglob | |||||
is-fullwidth-code-point | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-fullwidth-code-point | |||||
is-glob | 4.0.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromatch/is-glob | |||||
is-natural-number | 4.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/shinnn/is-natural-number.js | |||||
is-negated-glob | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-negated-glob | |||||
is-number | 7.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-number | |||||
is-plain-object | 5.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-plain-object | |||||
is-relative | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-relative | |||||
is-stream | 1.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-stream | |||||
is-typedarray | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/hughsk/is-typedarray | |||||
is-unc-path | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-unc-path | |||||
is-valid-glob | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-valid-glob | |||||
is-windows | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-windows | |||||
is-wsl | 1.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/is-wsl | |||||
isarray | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/juliangruber/isarray | |||||
isexe | 2.0.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/isexe | |||||
isobject | 3.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/isobject | |||||
json5 | 2.2.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/json5/json5 | |||||
jsonfile | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jprichardson/node-jsonfile | |||||
last-run | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/last-run | |||||
lazystream | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jpommerening/node-lazystream | |||||
lead | 4.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/lead | |||||
liftoff | 5.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/liftoff | |||||
lodash | 4.17.21 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/lodash/lodash | |||||
make-dir | 1.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/make-dir | |||||
map-cache | 0.2.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/map-cache | |||||
media-typer | 0.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/media-typer | |||||
merge-descriptors | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/component/merge-descriptors | |||||
methods | 1.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/methods | |||||
micromatch | 4.0.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromatch/micromatch | |||||
mime-db | 1.52.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/mime-db | |||||
mime-types | 2.1.35 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/mime-types | |||||
mime | 1.4.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/broofa/node-mime | |||||
mime | 1.6.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/broofa/node-mime | |||||
minimatch | 5.1.6 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch | |||||
minimist | 0.0.10 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/substack/minimist | |||||
minimist | 1.2.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/minimistjs/minimist | |||||
mkdirp | 0.5.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/substack/node-mkdirp | |||||
ms | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/zeit/ms | |||||
ms | 2.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/zeit/ms | |||||
mute-stdout | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/mute-stdout | |||||
negotiator | 0.6.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/negotiator | |||||
next-tick | 1.1.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/medikoo/next-tick | |||||
node-fetch | 2.6.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/bitinn/node-fetch | |||||
node-gyp-build | 4.8.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/prebuild/node-gyp-build | |||||
normalize-path | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/normalize-path | |||||
now-and-later | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/now-and-later | |||||
object-assign | 4.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/object-assign | |||||
object.defaults | 1.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/object.defaults | |||||
object.pick | 1.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/object.pick | |||||
on-finished | 2.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/on-finished | |||||
once | 1.4.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/isaacs/once | |||||
open | 6.4.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/open | |||||
optimist | 0.6.1 | MIT* | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/substack/node-optimist | |||||
parse-filepath | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/parse-filepath | |||||
parse-passwd | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/doowb/parse-passwd | |||||
parseurl | 1.3.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/pillarjs/parseurl | |||||
path-parse | 1.0.7 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jbgutierrez/path-parse | |||||
path-root-regex | 0.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/regexhq/path-root-regex | |||||
path-root | 0.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/path-root | |||||
path-to-regexp | 0.1.7 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/component/path-to-regexp | |||||
pend | 1.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/andrewrk/node-pend | |||||
picomatch | 2.3.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/micromatch/picomatch | |||||
pify | 2.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/pify | |||||
pify | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/pify | |||||
pinkie-promise | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/floatdrop/pinkie-promise | |||||
pinkie | 2.0.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/floatdrop/pinkie | |||||
process-nextick-args | 2.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/calvinmetcalf/process-nextick-args | |||||
proxy-addr | 2.0.7 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/proxy-addr | |||||
pump | 3.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mafintosh/pump | |||||
q | 1.5.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/kriskowal/q | |||||
qs | 6.7.0 | BSD-3-Clause | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ljharb/qs | |||||
queue-tick | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mafintosh/queue-tick | |||||
range-parser | 1.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/range-parser | |||||
raw-body | 2.4.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/stream-utils/raw-body | |||||
readable-stream | 2.3.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/nodejs/readable-stream | |||||
readable-stream | 3.6.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/nodejs/readable-stream | |||||
readdir-glob | 1.1.3 | Apache-2.0 | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/Yqnn/node-readdir-glob | |||||
readdirp | 3.6.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/paulmillr/readdirp | |||||
rechoir | 0.8.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/rechoir | |||||
remove-trailing-separator | 1.1.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/darsain/remove-trailing-separator | |||||
replace-ext | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/replace-ext | |||||
replace-homedir | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/replace-homedir | |||||
require-directory | 2.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/troygoode/node-require-directory | |||||
requires-port | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/unshiftio/requires-port | |||||
resolve-dir | 1.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jonschlinkert/resolve-dir | |||||
resolve-options | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/resolve-options | |||||
resolve | 1.22.8 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/browserify/resolve | |||||
reusify | 1.0.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mcollina/reusify | |||||
safe-buffer | 5.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/feross/safe-buffer | |||||
safe-buffer | 5.2.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/feross/safe-buffer | |||||
safer-buffer | 2.1.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/ChALkeR/safer-buffer | |||||
seek-bzip | 1.0.6 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/cscott/seek-bzip | |||||
semver-greatest-satisfied-range | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/semver-greatest-satisfied-range | |||||
semver | 6.3.1 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/npm/node-semver | |||||
send | 0.16.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/pillarjs/send | |||||
send | 0.17.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/pillarjs/send | |||||
serve-static | 1.13.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/expressjs/serve-static | |||||
serve-static | 1.14.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/expressjs/serve-static | |||||
setprototypeof | 1.1.0 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wesleytodd/setprototypeof | |||||
setprototypeof | 1.1.1 | ISC | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/wesleytodd/setprototypeof | |||||
sparkles | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/gulpjs/sparkles | |||||
statuses | 1.4.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/statuses | |||||
statuses | 1.5.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/jshttp/statuses | |||||
stream-composer | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mafintosh/stream-composer | |||||
stream-exhaust | 1.0.2 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chrisdickinson/stream-exhaust | |||||
streamx | 2.16.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mafintosh/streamx | |||||
string-width | 4.2.3 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/sindresorhus/string-width | |||||
string_decoder | 1.1.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/nodejs/string_decoder | |||||
string_decoder | 1.3.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/nodejs/string_decoder | |||||
strip-ansi | 6.0.1 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chalk/strip-ansi | |||||
strip-dirs | 2.1.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/shinnn/node-strip-dirs | |||||
supports-color | 7.2.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/chalk/supports-color | |||||
supports-preserve-symlinks-flag | 1.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/inspect-js/node-supports-preserve-symlinks-flag | |||||
sver | 1.8.4 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/guybedford/sver | |||||
tar-fs | 2.0.0 | MIT | source | No | Location | components/@ti |
Obtained from | https://github.com/mafintosh/tar-fs |
Software Name | Version | License Type | Delivered As | Modified by TI | ||
XDS110 utilities and firmware | | TI Text file | Binary | Yes | Location | [install_dir] |
Obtained from | TI | |||||
libusb | 1.0.19 | LGPL-2.1+ | Binary and Source | No | Location | [install_dir] |
Obtained from | http://libusb.info |
Software Name | Version | License Type | Delivered As | Modified by TI | ||
TI Arm Clang Compiler snprintf.c Usage | 4.x | Patrick Powell (Public Domain) | Binary | Yes | Location | [installed path]/bin |
Obtained from | http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/distcc/distcc-17/src/snprintf.c | |||||
TI Arm Clang RTS Mklib | 4.x | BSD-3-Clause | Source and Binary | N/A | Location | [installed path]/lib |
Obtained from | Texas Instruments | |||||
TI Arm Clang RTS Library | 4.x | Apache-2.0 with LLVM-exception and MIT and BSD-2-Clause and BSD-3-Clause and BSD-4-Clause and Public Domain and other similar licenses (1). | Source and Binary | Yes | Location | [installed path]/include and [installed path]/lib |
Obtained from | FreeBSD, OpenBSD, llvm.org, Texas Instruments, https://github.com/ARM-software/optimized-routines/blob/master/string/arm/strcmp.S | |||||
TI Arm Clang Compiler | 4.x | TI Text File with portions under Apache 2.0 License with LLVM exceptions | Binary | Yes | Location | [installed path]/bin |
Obtained from | Texas Instruments, llvm.org | |||||
TI Arm Clang Compiler Boost Usage | 4.x | BSL-1.0 | Binary | No | Location | [installed path]/bin |
Obtained from | www.boost.org |
(1) Information on the copyrights and licenses for each RTS file are provided in SPDX Tag/Value format in the file TI_ARM_CLANG_RTS_4_0_0_LTS-a9812660-5d4e-4896-baea-458bbf54f61d.spdx. See http://spdx.org for information about the SPDX format.