MSPM0G1X0X_G3X0X TI-Driver Library
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 ADC.hAnalog to Digital Conversion (ADC) Input Driver
 ADCMSPM0.hADC driver implementation for the ADC peripheral on MSPM0 devices
 DMAMSPM0.hDMA driver implementation for MSPM0
 GPIO.hGeneral Purpose I/O driver interface
 GPIOMSPM0.hGPIO driver implementation for MSPM0 devices
 I2C.hI2C Driver
 I2CMSPM0.hI2C driver implementation for a MSPM0 I2C controller
 I2CSupport.hHolder of common helper functions for the I2C driver
 I2CTarget.hI2CTarget driver interface
 I2CTargetMSPM0.hI2CTarget driver implementation for a MSPM0 device I2C target
 SPI.hSPI Driver Interface
 SPIMSPM0.hSPI driver implementation for MSPM0 SPI controller using the DMA controller
 UART.hUART driver interface
 UARTMSPM0.hUART driver interface for the MSPM0 devices
 UARTSupportMSPM0.hUART driver support APIs for the MSPM0 devices
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