SensorlessFOCMotorControlLibrary  1.0
Sensorless FOC Library API Reference

Sensorless FOC Library uses a complete fixed-point Sensorless Field-oriented control solution across a wide range of speeds and takes into consideration torque changes with transient phases by processing a dynamic model of the motor. The library follows an architecture which allows configuring settings from TI SysConfig, which makes managing the hardware settings quite easy for the user.

Sensorless Field-Oriented Control (FOC) Library is made of three main layers: Application layer, HAL Layer, and MSPM0 DriverLib.

1. Application Layer

Application Layer is a software layer that does specific functions like Motor control. If any application perform any hardware specific actions, it is done through the HAL Layer APIs.

2. HAL Layer

The Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) creates an abstraction layer that provides APIs to configure different pins and peripherals. The goal of using HAL is to abstract all device specific configurations which simplifies porting of the library to various hardware by minimizing the updates needed to other components. The HAL is meant to abstract only the required pins or peripherals required for the application while still having flexibility and scalability for porting to other MSPM0 MCUs or motor drivers.

3. MSPM0 DriverLib Layer

MSPM0 DriverLib is a set of fully functional APIs used to configure, control, and manipulate the hardware peripherals of the MSPM0 platform. Please refer to the DriverLib documentation for more information.

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