SensorlessFOCMotorControlLibrary  1.0
Sensorless FOC Library API Reference

Sensorless FOC Library uses an incremental system build to demonstrate a complete fixed-point Sensorless Field-oriented control solution across a wide range of speeds and takes into consideration torque changes with transient phases by processing a dynamic model of the motor. The library follows an architecture which allows configuring settings from TI SysConfig, which makes managing the hardware settings quite easy for the user.

The Sensorless FOC consists of four modules:

1. HAL Module

HAL Module is an abstraction layer that provides APIs to configure different pins and peripherals. The goal of using HAL is to abstract all device specific configuration which simplifies porting of the library to various hardware by minimizing the updates needed to other components.

2. Motor Module

The motor module contains the parameters for various motors.

2. Sensorless FOC Module

The sensorless FOC library contains the generic algorithms for field oriented control. This module helps to reduce the code size when using multiple motor driver modules as all the different motor drivers can use the same generic algorithms in this module.

3. Motor Driver Module

Motor Driver Module abstracts all the motor driving tasks into simple APIs like start motor, stop motor, set speed etc. The idea of this module is to be independent of the hardware and use the HAL APIs to perform the hardware tasks.

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