107 #include "Std_Types.h" 129 #define DIO_SW_MAJOR_VERSION (10U) 131 #define DIO_SW_MINOR_VERSION (1U) 133 #define DIO_SW_PATCH_VERSION (0U) 143 #define DIO_AR_RELEASE_MAJOR_VERSION (4U) 145 #define DIO_AR_RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION (3U) 147 #define DIO_AR_RELEASE_REVISION_VERSION (1U) 155 #define DIO_VENDOR_ID ((uint16) 44U) 157 #define DIO_MODULE_ID ((uint16) 120U) 169 #ifndef DIO_E_PARAM_INVALID_CHANNEL_ID 171 #define DIO_E_PARAM_INVALID_CHANNEL_ID (0x0AU) 176 #ifndef DIO_E_PARAM_INVALID_PORT_ID 178 #define DIO_E_PARAM_INVALID_PORT_ID (0x14U) 183 #ifndef DIO_E_PARAM_INVALID_GROUP 185 #define DIO_E_PARAM_INVALID_GROUP (0x1FU) 190 #ifndef DIO_E_PARAM_POINTER 192 #define DIO_E_PARAM_POINTER (0x20U) 205 #define DIO_SID_READ_CHANNEL (0U) 207 #define DIO_SID_WRITE_CHANNEL (1U) 209 #define DIO_SID_READ_PORT (2U) 211 #define DIO_SID_WRITE_PORT (3U) 213 #define DIO_SID_READ_CHL_GROUP (4U) 215 #define DIO_SID_WRITE_CHL_GROUP (5U) 217 #define DIO_SID_FLIP_CHANNEL (7U) 219 #define DIO_SID_GET_VERSION_INFO (18U) 227 #define DIO_PORT_WIDTH (32U) 230 #define DIO_MCAL_2139_FIXED (0U) 301 #if (STD_ON == DIO_REGISTER_READBACK_API) 457 #if (STD_ON == DIO_VERSION_INFO_API) 478 P2VAR(Std_VersionInfoType, AUTOMATIC, DIO_APPL_DATA) versioninfo);
Definition: Dio.h:307
Dio_LevelType Dio_FlipChannel(Dio_ChannelType ChannelId)
Service to flip (change from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1) the level of a channel and return the level of th...
uint32 Dio_ChannelType
type definition for identifying DIO channels (meaning single port pins)
Definition: Dio.h:247
void Dio_WriteChannel(Dio_ChannelType ChannelId, Dio_LevelType Level)
Service to set a level of a channel.
uint32 Dio_PortLevelType
type definition for setting port level values
Definition: Dio.h:264
Type definition for identifying channel groups (meaning a set of pins in one port)
Definition: Dio.h:271
void Dio_WriteChannelGroup(const Dio_ChannelGroupType *ChannelGroupIdPtr, Dio_PortLevelType Level)
Service to set a subset of the adjoining bits of a port to a specified level.
uint8 Dio_LevelType
type definition for setting DIO channnel level values (allowed values: STD_HIGH and STD_LOW)
Definition: Dio.h:289
Dio_DirectionType Dio_Direction
Definition: Dio.h:309
Dio_PortLevelType Dio_ReadChannelGroup(const Dio_ChannelGroupType *ChannelGroupIdPtr)
This Service reads a subset of the adjoining bits of a port.
Dio_PortLevelType Dio_ReadPort(Dio_PortType PortId)
Returns the level of all channels of that port.
Dio_PortLevelType mask
Definition: Dio.h:275
This file contains generated pre compile configuration file for DIO MCAL driver.
uint32 Dio_PortType
type definition for identifying ports
Definition: Dio.h:253
Std_ReturnType Dio_RegisterReadback(Dio_ChannelType ChannelId, Dio_RegisterReadbackType *DioRegRbPtr)
This function reads the important registers of the hardware unit and returns the value in the structu...
void Dio_WritePort(Dio_PortType PortId, Dio_PortLevelType Level)
Service to set a value of the port.
Dio_PortType port
Definition: Dio.h:273
uint8 offset
Definition: Dio.h:277
Definition: Dio.h:295
Dio_LevelType Dio_ReadChannel(Dio_ChannelType ChannelId)
Returns the value of the specified DIO channel.
void Dio_GetVersionInfo(Std_VersionInfoType *versioninfo)
Service to get the version information of this module.