105 #include "Std_Types.h" 106 #include "ComStack_Types.h" 107 #include "Can_GeneralTypes.h" 132 #define CAN_SW_MAJOR_VERSION (10U) 135 #define CAN_SW_MINOR_VERSION (0U) 138 #define CAN_SW_PATCH_VERSION (0U) 147 #define CAN_AR_RELEASE_MAJOR_VERSION (4U) 149 #define CAN_AR_RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION (3U) 152 #define CAN_AR_RELEASE_REVISION_VERSION (1U) 160 #define CAN_VENDOR_ID (44U) 162 #define CAN_MODULE_ID (80U) 164 #define CAN_INSTANCE_ID (0U) 172 #define CAN_UNINIT ((uint8)0U) 174 #define CAN_READY ((uint8)1U) 185 #define CAN_INIT_ID (0x00U) 187 #define CAN_MAINFCT_WRITE_ID (0x01U) 189 #define CAN_SETCTR_ID (0x03U) 191 #define CAN_DIINT_ID (0x04U) 193 #define CAN_ENINT_ID (0x05U) 195 #define CAN_WRITE_ID (0x06U) 197 #define CAN_VERSION_ID (0x07U) 199 #define CAN_MAINFCT_READ_ID (0x08U) 201 #define CAN_MAINFCT_BO_ID (0x09U) 203 #define CAN_MAINFCT_WU_ID (0x0AU) 205 #define CAN_CKWAKEUP_ID (0x0BU) 207 #define CAN_MAINFCT_MODE_ID (0x0CU) 209 #define CAN_SETBAUDRATE_ID (0x0FU) 211 #define CAN_DEINIT_ID (0x10U) 213 #define CAN_GETCTRERRST_ID (0x11U) 215 #define CAN_GETCTRMODE_ID (0x12U) 217 #define CAN_LOOPBACK_ID (0x20U) 219 #define CAN_RXPROCESS_ID (0x21U) 229 #ifndef CAN_E_PARAM_POINTER 230 #define CAN_E_PARAM_POINTER (0x01U) 233 #ifndef CAN_E_PARAM_HANDLE 234 #define CAN_E_PARAM_HANDLE (0x02U) 237 #ifndef CAN_E_PARAM_DLC 238 #define CAN_E_PARAM_DLC (0x03U) 241 #ifndef CAN_E_PARAM_CONTROLLER 242 #define CAN_E_PARAM_CONTROLLER (0x04U) 246 #define CAN_E_UNINIT (0x05U) 249 #ifndef CAN_E_TRANSITION 250 #define CAN_E_TRANSITION (0x06U) 253 #ifndef CAN_E_DATALOST 254 #define CAN_E_DATALOST (0x07U) 257 #ifndef CAN_E_PARAM_BAUDRATE 258 #define CAN_E_PARAM_BAUDRATE (0x08U) 261 #ifndef CAN_E_ICOM_CONFIG_INVALID 262 #define CAN_E_ICOM_CONFIG_INVALID (0x09U) 265 #ifndef CAN_E_INIT_FAILED 266 #define CAN_E_INIT_FAILED (0x0AU) 279 #define CAN_CFG_ID_0 (0x01U) 282 #define CAN_CFG_ID_1 (0x02U) 284 #define CAN_CFG_ID_2 (0x04U) 286 #define CAN_CFG_ID_3 (0x08U) 289 #define CAN_CFG_ID_4 (0x10U) 292 #define CAN_CFG_ID_5 (0x20U) 294 #define CAN_CFG_ID_6 (0x40U) 302 #define MIXED_MODE_MB_ID (2U) 305 #if (STD_ON == CAN_SAFETY_DIAGNOSTIC) 313 #define MCAN_ERR_TYPE_PEA_ERROR (1U) 315 #define MCAN_ERR_TYPE_TOO_ERROR (2U) 323 #define MCAN_LSB_BIT_SET (1U) 370 #if (STD_ON == CAN_SAFETY_DIAGNOSTIC) 410 typedef struct Can_MaskStruct
419 typedef struct Can_HwFilterStruct
430 typedef struct Can_FdBaudConfigStruct
455 typedef struct Can_BaudConfigStruct
478 typedef struct Can_ControllerStruct
489 typedef struct Can_ControllerStruct_PC
512 typedef struct Can_MailboxStruct
543 typedef struct Can_MailboxStruct_PC
564 typedef struct Can_ConfigType_s
712 uint8 Controller, Can_ControllerStateType Transition);
744 FUNC(Std_ReturnType, CAN_CODE)
Can_Write(Can_HwHandleType Hth,
745 const Can_PduType *PduInfo);
871 #if (STD_ON == CAN_SET_BAUDRATE_API) 899 uint16 BaudRateConfigID);
991 #if (STD_ON == CAN_SAFETY_DIAGNOSTIC) 1018 VAR(uint8, AUTOMATIC)CanErrVar);
1046 VAR(uint8, AUTOMATIC)CanErrVar);
1197 Can_ControllerStateType* ControllerModePtr);
1224 (uint8 ControllerId, Can_ErrorStateType* ErrorStatePtr);
Std_ReturnType Can_EnableIntr(VAR(uint8,) Controller, VAR(uint8,) CanErrVar)
This service will Enable the interrupts.
Can_BaudConfigType * DefaultBaud
Definition: Can.h:480
Std_ReturnType Can_GetControllerMode(uint8 Controller, Can_ControllerStateType *ControllerModePtr)
This service reports about the current status of the requested CAN controller.
uint8 PropSeg
Definition: Can.h:459
void Can_DeInit(void)
This function de-initializes the module.
CAN IRQ status enum.
Definition: Can.h:374
uint8 CanFdPaddingValue
Definition: Can.h:530
uint32 CanReadBackRegCREL
Definition: Can.h:594
uint16 Baud
Definition: Can.h:432
boolean CanHardwareObjectUsesPolling
Definition: Can.h:536
Std_ReturnType Can_ClearIntrStatus(VAR(uint8,) Controller)
This service will clear the interrupt status.
Can mailox configuration definition.
Definition: Can.h:512
Can_MailboxType ** MailBoxList
Definition: Can.h:570
uint8 CanHandleType
Definition: Can.h:514
Can_ControllerInstance CanControllerInst
Definition: Can.h:503
uint32 CanReadBackRegENDN
Definition: Can.h:596
uint16 BrpValue
Definition: Can.h:469
void Can_EnableControllerInterrupts(uint8 Controller)
This function enables all allowed interrupts.
Std_ReturnType Can_SetControllerMode(uint8 Controller, Can_ControllerStateType Transition)
This function performs software triggered state transitions of the CAN controller State machine.
void Can_MainFunction_Read(void)
This function performs the polling of RX indications when CAN_RX_PROCESSING is set to POLLING.
Std_ReturnType Can_RegisterReadback(VAR(uint8,) Controller, Can_RegisterReadbackType *RegRbPtr)
This service will readback CAN registers.
void Can_MainFunction_BusOff(void)
This function performs the polling of bus-off events that are configured statically as 'to be polled'...
Can_TxRxProcessingType TxProcessingType
Definition: Can.h:499
Can_ControllerType ** CanControllerList
Definition: Can.h:566
uint32 CanReadBackRegRXF1C
Definition: Can.h:620
uint32 CanReadBackRegSIDFC
Definition: Can.h:612
uint32 CanReadBackRegNBTP
Definition: Can.h:606
Can Controller Pre Compile Configuration definition.
Definition: Can.h:489
uint32 Can_InterruptMask_Type
Can Interrupt Mask type.
Definition: Can.h:405
uint32 Mask
Definition: Can.h:423
uint32 CanReadBackRegPID
Definition: Can.h:590
Can Controller Instances enum.
Definition: Can_Cfg.h:377
Std_ReturnType Can_Write(Can_HwHandleType Hth, const Can_PduType *PduInfo)
This function is called by CanIf to pass a CAN message to CanDrv for transmission.
Can_TxRxProcessingType RxProcessingType
Definition: Can.h:497
Std_ReturnType Can_SetBaudrate(uint8 Controller, uint16 BaudRateConfigID)
This service shall set the baud rate configuration of the CAN controller. Depending on necessary baud...
Can_IdType IDValue
Definition: Can.h:421
Std_ReturnType Can_TestLoopBackModeDisable(uint8 Controller, uint8 Mode)
This service will disable CAN loopback mode.
boolean CntrActive
Definition: Can.h:493
boolean CanFDModeEnabled
Definition: Can.h:505
uint8 Pseg1
Definition: Can.h:461
uint8 CanControllerState_Type
Can Controller State enum type.
Definition: Can.h:400
uint32 MaxMbCnt
Definition: Can.h:572
Can_BaudConfigType ** BaudRateConfigList
Definition: Can.h:482
Dummy structure will be used if DMA support is required.
Definition: Can.h:552
Can mailox Pre compile configuration definition.
Definition: Can.h:543
void Can_MainFunction_Mode(void)
This function performs the polling of CAN controller mode transitions.
uint32 CanReadBackRegCCCR
Definition: Can.h:604
Std_ReturnType Can_GetControllerErrorState(uint8 ControllerId, Can_ErrorStateType *ErrorStatePtr)
This service obtains the error state of the CAN controller.
const Can_ControllerType_PC * Controller
Definition: Can.h:524
Can_FdBaudConfigType BaudFdRateConfig
Definition: Can.h:471
Can_MailBoxDirectionType MBDir
Definition: Can.h:522
uint32 CanReadBackRegTXBC
Definition: Can.h:622
Structure defining the CAN baud rate configuration.
Definition: Can.h:455
Can_HwFilterType ** HwFilterList
Definition: Can.h:526
uint32 CanHwObjectCount
Definition: Can.h:520
uint32 CanReadBackRegSTAT
Definition: Can.h:592
Can Tx/Rx processing enum.
Definition: Can.h:360
uint32 MBIdType
Definition: Can.h:516
uint8 PropSeg
Definition: Can.h:434
Structure defining the filter mask to be used.
Definition: Can.h:410
void Can_GetVersionInfo(Std_VersionInfoType *VersionInfo)
Function returns the version information of this module.
Std_ReturnType Can_DisableIntr(VAR(uint8,) Controller, VAR(uint8,) CanErrVar)
This service will Disable the Interrupts.
Can Controller Configuration definition.
Definition: Can.h:478
VAR(uint8, ETH_VAR_NO_INIT_128) Eth_Ctrl_0_Egress_BufferMem_0[24576U]
Can_HwHandleType HwHandle
Definition: Can.h:518
uint8 ControllerId
Definition: Can.h:491
uint16 BrpValue
Definition: Can.h:444
boolean BrsSwitch
Definition: Can.h:448
uint32 CanReadBackRegRXBC
Definition: Can.h:618
uint8 Pseg1
Definition: Can.h:436
uint16 Baud
Definition: Can.h:457
Definition: Can_Cfg.h:167
Structure defining the HW filter to be used.
Definition: Can.h:419
uint16 CanObjectId
Definition: Can.h:545
void Can_MainFunction_Write(void)
This function performs the polling of TX confirmation when CAN_TX_PROCESSING is set to POLLING.
void Can_IntISR_Function(Can_ControllerInstance CanInstanceID, uint32 baseAddr)
This function is the ISR for CAN controller 0/INT 0.
uint8 Sjw
Definition: Can.h:465
uint32 CanReadBackRegTXEFC
Definition: Can.h:626
Can MCAL root configuration structure.
Definition: Can.h:564
uint16 TimingValues
Definition: Can.h:442
uint16 TrcvCompDelay
Definition: Can.h:446
uint8 Pseg2
Definition: Can.h:463
Can_DmaPrms * DmaPrms
Definition: Can.h:576
This file contains generated pre compile configuration file for CAN MCAL driver.
uint8 CanMaxControllerCount
Definition: Can.h:568
uint32 CntrAddr
Definition: Can.h:495
uint32 CanReadBackRegGFC
Definition: Can.h:610
uint16 TimingValues
Definition: Can.h:467
uint32 CanReadBackRegRXF0C
Definition: Can.h:616
uint32 MaskValue
Definition: Can.h:412
uint32 CanReadBackRegTDCR
Definition: Can.h:608
Can Handle Type enum.
Definition: Can.h:349
Std_ReturnType Can_TestLoopBackModeEnable(uint8 Controller, uint8 Mode)
This service will enable CAN loopback mode.
Can Mailbox direction enum.
Definition: Can.h:338
uint32 CanReadBackRegCTRL
Definition: Can.h:598
void Can_MainFunction_Wakeup(void)
This function performs the polling of wake-up events that are configured statically as 'to be polled'...
uint32 CanReadBackRegTXESC
Definition: Can.h:624
void Can_DisableControllerInterrupts(uint8 Controller)
This function disables all interrupts for this CAN controller.
Structure defining the CAN FD data phase baud rate configuration.
Definition: Can.h:430
uint32 CanReadBackRegDBTP
Definition: Can.h:600
boolean BusOffProcessingInterrupt
Definition: Can.h:501
Can_IrqStatusType Can_GetIntrStatus(VAR(uint8,) Controller)
This service will provide the status of the interrupt.
uint8 Pseg2
Definition: Can.h:438
uint32 CanReadBackRegRWD
Definition: Can.h:602
uint8 Sjw
Definition: Can.h:440
Register Readback Structure.
Definition: Can.h:588
void Can_Init(const Can_ConfigType *CfgPtr)
This function initializes the module.
uint32 HwFilterCnt
Definition: Can.h:528
uint32 Reserved
Definition: Can.h:554
uint32 CanReadBackRegXIDFC
Definition: Can.h:614
void Can_IntISR_Fun(Can_ControllerInstance CanInstanceID)
This function is the ISR for CAN controller 0/INT 0.