AM64x MCU+ SDK  10.01.00


The Digital Watchdog Timer(DWT) generates reset after a programmable period, if not serviced within that period. In DWT, time-out boundary is configurable. In DWWD, along with configurable time-out boundary, the start time boundary is also configurable. The DWWD can generate Reset or Interrupt, if not serviced within window(Open Window) defined by start time and time-out boundary. Also the DWWD can generate Reset or Interrupt if serviced outside Open Window (within Closed Window). Generation * of Reset or Interrupt depends on the DWWD Reaction configuration.

The Digital Watchdog Timer(DWT) generates reset after a programmable period, if not serviced within that period. In DWT, time-out boundary is configurable. In DWWD, along with configurable time-out boundary, the start time boundary is also configurable. The DWWD can generate Reset or Interrupt, if not serviced within window(Open Window) defined by start time and time-out boundary. Also the DWWD can generate Reset or Interrupt if serviced outside Open Window (within Closed Window). Generation of Reset or Interrupt depends on the DWWD Reaction configuration.

Sub Modules

 RTI Data Structures
 RTI Enumerated Data Types
 RTI Functions
 RTI IP Functions