AM64x MCU+ SDK  10.01.00
Runtime Key Revision Update Example


This example demonstrates the runtime Key Revision update to switch the Root of Trust to the programmed Backup Keys (BMPK/BMEK). The example reads the programmed Key Count and Key Revision and perform checks on the read values to validate if the Key Revision can be updated. If validated, the example enables the VPP and performs the Key Revision update procedure using the dual signed certificate. If the procedure is successful, it means the Root of Trust has been switched to the Backup Keys.

This example is supported only in HS-SE devices. This is a special example, and is booted by ROM. Because of this it is to be treated like a bootloader application. It makes use of Sciclient API calls to do this, there are wrapper functions provided in the example for this.

Set this macro UPDATE_KEYREV in the {SDK_PATH}/examples/otp/runtime_keyrev/am64x-evm/r5fss0-0_nortos/main.c to update the KEY Revision.

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS r5fss0-0 nortos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang
Board am64x-evm
Example folder examples/otp/runtime_keyrev/

Steps to Run the Example

Generate the Dual Signed Certificate

This examples requires a dual signed certificate to securely update the KEYREV. This dual signed certificate is a concatenation of BMPK signed certificate and SMPK signed certificate. The dual signed certificate can be generated with the following steps:

  • Change the working directory to {SDK_PATH}/source/security/security_common/tools/boot/signing.
  • Run the following command to generate the dual_cert_keyrev.bin in the same directory. Replace the {SMPK_PATH} and {BMPK_PATH} with the actual paths to the SMPK and BMPK key respectively.
    python3 -s {SMPK_PATH} -b {BMPK_PATH}
  • Convert the dual_cert_keyrev.bin into a header file dual_cert_keyrev.h using the following command.
    cd `{SDK_PATH}/tools/bin2c`
    python3 dual_cert_keyrev.bin dual_cert_keyrev.h KEYREV_CHANGE_CERT
  • Replace the dual_cert_keyrev.h file in the {SDK_PATH}/examples/otp/runtime_keyrev folder with the file generated from dual signed certificate binary( file generated from above step).For example,
    cp dual_cert_keyrev.h {SDK_PATH}/examples/otp/runtime_keyrev/

Build the example

This example runs on HS-SE devices so the DEVICE_TYPE in {SDK_PATH}/devconfig/devconfig.mak must be set to HS.
  • When using CCS projects to build, import the CCS project for the required combination and build it using the CCS project menu (see Using SDK with CCS Projects).
  • When using makefiles to build, note the required combination and build using make command (see Using SDK with Makefiles)

Run the example

This example is a bootloader application and so can be booted over any ROM supported boot media. For typical use cases, following are the steps to flash and boot the example from OSPI.

  • Set the bootmode switches to UART bootmode.
  • Flash the example using the following command run from {SDK_PATH}/tools/boot
    python -p {COM_PORT} --cfg=../../examples/otp/runtime_keyrev/am64x-evm/r5fss0-0_nortos/default_runtime_keyrev_hs.cfg
  • After successful flashing, power off the board and set the bootmode to OSPI.
  • Power on the board. The example should boot with the logs appearing on MAIN_UART0.

Sample Output

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run:

Starting Runtime KEYREV writer
DMSC Firmware Version 10.0.8--v10.00.08 (Fiery Fox)
DMSC Firmware revision 0xa
DMSC ABI revision 4.0
Value of KEYREV: 0x1 and KEY Count: 0x2
Dual Certificate found: 0x7000bd80
Updating KEYREV value to 2 ...
Keyrev Writer Response : 0x2
Updating KEYREV successfull
All tests have passed!!

Post Updating KEYREVISION steps to be followed

If this example runs successfully, it means the KEYREV has been updated to 2 switching the Root of Trust to the backup keys (BMPK/BMEK). So, any existing images signed with SMPK and optionally encrypted with SMEK will fail to boot. The images needs to signed with the BMPK and optionally encrypted with the BMEK.

Backup Keys are named bmpk.pem and bmek.key, following are the steps to configure the signing of the images with Backup Keys:

  • Convert the encryption key bmek.key to a hex string and save as bmek.txt.
    $ cd $path of the folder containing Backup Keys
    $ xxd -p -c 10000 bmek.key | tr -d $'\n' | tee bmek.txt
  • Update the CUST_MPK and CUST_MEK variables according to the device in {SDK_PATH}/devconfig/devconfig.mak to refer to the Backup Keys.

After the above changes, rebuild the libs and examples being used.