AM64x MCU+ SDK  10.00.00
OSPI Flash Diagnostic


This is a diagnostic example for NOR-OSPI Flashes. This example doesn't use the flash driver and should ideally pass for any NOR-OSPI flash. For this particular example, the options in SysCfg like the number of transfer lines used, or the clock divider value are ignored. This example will always talk to the flash in the lowest settings possible. The flash device is reset, and is expected to support 1s1s1s mode after reset. Then the OSPI controller is programmed to work in 1s1s1s mode with 3 byte addressing mode.

The test itself is simple, first it tries to read the JEDEC ID of the flash which consists of the flash manufacturer ID and the flash device ID. These are then printed onto the logging console. When doing flash bring-ups in new boards, this example can be run first for sanity. Users can cross check the printed ID with the one in flash datasheet to confirm that basic communication with flash is working.

The test then tries to erase a flash memory block at an offset of 512 KB and then write some known data to that memory. This data is then read back and verified to confirm that reads and writes are working in 1s1s1s mode.

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS r5fss0-0 nortos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang
Board am64x-evm, am64x-sk
Example folder examples/drivers/ospi/ospi_flash_diag

Steps to Run the Example

See Also


Sample Output

[Cortex_R5_0] [OSPI Flash Diagnostic Test] Starting ...
[OSPI Flash Diagnostic Test] Flash Manufacturer ID : 0x9D
[OSPI Flash Diagnostic Test] Flash Device ID : 0x5A19
[OSPI Flash Diagnostic Test] Executing Flash Erase on first block...
[OSPI Flash Diagnostic Test] Done !!!
[OSPI Flash Diagnostic Test] Performing Write-Read Test...
[OSPI Flash Diagnostic Test] Write-Read Test Passed!
[QSPI Flash Diagnostic Test] SFDP Information :
SFDP Major Revision : 0x1
SFDP Minor Revision : 0x9
Number of Parameter Headers in this Table : 4
Types of Additional Parameter Tables in this flash
Parsing of OCTAL DDR MODE COMMAND SEQUENCE TABLE table not yet supported.
JSON Data for the flash :
"flashSize": 33554432,
"flashPageSize": 256,
"flashManfId": "0x9D",
"flashDeviceId": "0x5A19",
"flashBlockSize": 131072,
"flashSectorSize": 4096,
"cmdBlockErase3B": "0xD8",
"cmdBlockErase4B": "0xDC",
"cmdSectorErase3B": "0x20",
"cmdSectorErase4B": "0x21",
"protos": {
"p111": {
"isDtr": false,
"cmdRd": "0x03",
"cmdWr": "0x02",
"modeClksCmd": 0,
"modeClksRd": 0,
"dummyClksCmd": 0,
"dummyClksRd": 0,
"enableType": "0",
"enableSeq": "0x00",
"dummyCfg": null,
"protoCfg": null,
"strDtrCfg": null
"p112": null,
"p114": null,
"p118": {
"isDtr": false,
"cmdRd": "0x7C",
"cmdWr": "0x84",
"modeClksCmd": 0,
"modeClksRd": 1,
"dummyClksCmd": 0,
"dummyClksRd": 7,
"enableType": "0",
"enableSeq": "0x00",
"dummyCfg": null,
"protoCfg": null,
"strDtrCfg": null
"p444s": null,
"p444d": null,
"p888s": null,
"p888d": {
"isDtr": false,
"cmdRd": "0x0B",
"cmdWr": "0x12",
"modeClksCmd": 0,
"modeClksRd": 0,
"dummyClksCmd": 8,
"dummyClksRd": 14,
"enableType": "0",
"enableSeq": "0x00",
"dummyCfg": {
"isAddrReg": false,
"protoCfg": {
"isAddrReg": false,
"cmdRegRd": "0x00",
"cmdRegWr": "0x00",
"cfgReg": "0x00000000",
"shift": 0,
"mask": "0x00",
"bitP": 0
"strDtrCfg": {
"isAddrReg": false,
"cmdRegRd": "0x00",
"cmdRegWr": "0x00",
"cfgReg": "0x00000000",
"shift": 0,
"mask": "0x00",
"bitP": 0
"pCustom": {
"fxn": null
"addrByteSupport": "1",
"fourByteAddrEnSeq": "0xA1",
"cmdExtType": "REPEAT",
"resetType": "0x30",
"deviceBusyType": "0",
"cmdWren": "0x06",
"cmdRdsr": "0x05",
"srWip": 0,
"srWel": 1,
"cmdChipErase": "0xC7",
"rdIdSettings": {
"cmd": "0x9F",
"numBytes": 5,
"dummy4": 0,
"dummy8": 0
"xspiWipRdCmd": "0x00",
"xspiWipReg": "0x00000000",
"xspiWipBit": 0,
"flashDeviceBusyTimeout": 72000000,
"flashPageProgTimeout": 120
All tests have passed!!