EtherNet/IP™ Adapter3.02.00
Connection Manager Object (Class Code: 0x06)


The Connection Manager Class allocates and manages the internal resources associated with both I/O and Explicit Messaging Connections. The specific instance generated by the Connection Manager Class is referred to as a Connection Instance or a Connection Object.

The EtherNet/IP stack API supports registration of a user callback on the following service requests:

Connection Manager Object Object-Specific Services
Service Code Need In Implementation Service Name Service Description
Class Instance
0x4E n/a Conditional Forward_Close Closes a connection
0x54 n/a Conditional Forward_Open Opens a connection, maximum data size is 511 bytes
0x5B n/a Optional Large_Forward_Open Opens a connection, maximum data size is 65535 bytes


uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setCmgrCb (EI_API_ADP_CBCmgr fuCallback_p)
 Register callback function for ForwardOpen, LargeForwardOpen and ForwardClose. More...