EtherCAT Slave1.12.02
SDO Abort Codes Identifier


Abort error code index values. Use for mailbox callback return values.


 Index of "Toggle bit not changed". More...
 Index of "SDO timeout". More...
 Index of "Command specifier unknown". More...
 Index of "Out of memory". More...
 Index of "Unsupported Access". More...
 Index of "Write only entry". More...
 Index of "Read only entry". More...
 Index of "Object not existing". More...
 Index of "Object can not be mapped to PDO". More...
 Index of "Mapped Object exceeds PDO". More...
 Index of "Parameter is incompatible". More...
 Index of "Device incompatibility". More...
 Index of "Hardware error". More...
 Index of "Parameter length error". More...
 Index of "Parameter is too long". More...
 Index of "Parameter is too short". More...
 Index of "Subindex (Entry) not exists". More...
 Index of "Value exceeds". More...
 Index of "Value is too great". More...
 Index of "Value is too small". More...
 Index of "Unequal Module Id list". More...
 Index of "Value is less than minimum value". More...
 Index of "General error". More...
 Index of "Data can not be read or written". More...
 Index of "Data can not be accessed because of local control". More...
 Index of "Data can not be read or written in the current state". More...
 Index of "Object is not in the object dictionary". More...
 Index of "Entry can not be written because Subindex0 is not 0". More...
 The object can not be accessed via complete access. More...
 Index of application is handling the SDO request. More...