EtherCAT Slave1.12.02
SDO Abort Codes



#define ABORT_NOERROR   0x00000000
 No SDO error. More...
#define ABORT_TOGGLE_BIT_NOT_CHANGED   0x05030000
 Toggle bit not changed. More...
#define ABORT_SDO_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT   0x05040000
 SDO timeout. More...
 Command specifier unknown. More...
#define ABORT_OUT_OF_MEMORY   0x05040005
 Out of memory. More...
#define ABORT_UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS   0x06010000
 Unsupported Access. More...
#define ABORT_WRITE_ONLY_ENTRY   0x06010001
 Write only entry. More...
#define ABORT_READ_ONLY_ENTRY   0x06010002
 Read only entry. More...
#define ABORT_ENTRY_CANT_BE_WRITTEN_SI0_NOT_0   0x06010003
 Entry can not be written because Subindex0 is not 0. More...
 The object can not be accessed via complete access. More...
#define ABORT_OBJECT_NOT_EXISTING   0x06020000
 Object not existing. More...
 Object can not be mapped to PDO. More...
 Mapped Object exceeds PDO. More...
#define ABORT_PARAM_IS_INCOMPATIBLE   0x06040043
 Parameter is incompatible. More...
 Device incompatibility. More...
#define ABORT_HARDWARE_ERROR   0x06060000
 Hardware error. More...
#define ABORT_PARAM_LENGTH_ERROR   0x06070010
 Parameter length error. More...
#define ABORT_PARAM_LENGTH_TOO_LONG   0x06070012
 Parameter is too long. More...
#define ABORT_PARAM_LENGTH_TOO_SHORT   0x06070013
 Parameter is too short. More...
#define ABORT_SUBINDEX_NOT_EXISTING   0x06090011
 Subindex (Entry) not exists. More...
#define ABORT_VALUE_EXCEEDED   0x06090030
 Value exceeds. More...
#define ABORT_VALUE_TOO_GREAT   0x06090031
 Value is too great. More...
#define ABORT_VALUE_TOO_SMALL   0x06090032
 Value is too small. More...
#define ABORT_MODULE_ID_LIST_NOT_MATCH   0x06090033
 Detected Module Ident List (0xF030) and Configured Module Ident list (0xF050) does not match. More...
 Value is less than minimum value. More...
#define ABORT_GENERAL_ERROR   0x08000000
 General error. More...
 Data can not be read or written. More...
 Data can not be accessed because of local control. More...
 Data can not be read or written in the current state. More...
 Object is not in the object dictionary. More...