EtherCAT Slave1.12.02

◆ EC_API_SLV_PDO_getAssignmentInfo()

uint32_t EC_API_SLV_PDO_getAssignmentInfo ( EC_API_SLV_SHandle_t pEcSlaveApi_p,
bool  rx_p,
uint8_t *  pCount_p,
uint16_t *  pPdoIndexArray_p 

Get Rx or Tx PDO list.

Read from the corresponding syncManager the PDOs which are currently used.

[in]pEcSlaveApi_pThe pointer to the EtherCAT API instance.
[in]rx_pRxPDO true, TxPDO false.
[out]pCount_pNumber of PDOs assigned to the SyncManager.
[out]pPdoIndexArray_pList of PDO indexes assigned to the SyncManager.
#include <ecSlvApi.h>
// required variables
uint32_t retVal = 0;
// the Call
retVal = EC_API_SLV_PDO_getAssignmentData(pEcSlaveApi_p, tx_p, pCount_p, pPdoIndexArray_p)