AM64x MCU+ SDK  08.05.00
ADC Singleshot


This example uses ADC to convert all channels and store the results in the FIFO. After this all the results are printed to the console.

The example does the below

  • Configure the ADC to convert all the eight input channels.
  • ADC is configured in single shot mode.
  • ADC performs averaging of 16 samples to get the conversion result.
  • All the conversion results are stored in FIFO0.
  • After completion of all conversions, the results are read from the FIFO and displayed to the console.
  • Shows usage of ADC APIs

Supported Combinations

Steps to Run the Example

See Also


Sample Output

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run,

ADC Single Shot Test Started ...
Number of Samples in FIFO : 8
Step ID Voltage Level
------- -------------
1 874 mV
2 1143 mV
3 1266 mV
4 1331 mV
5 1334 mV
6 1427 mV
7 1452 mV
8 1544 mV
ADC Single Shot Test Completed!!
All tests have passed!!