AM64x MCU+ SDK  08.05.00
TI EtherCAT SubDevice Controller Register List

TI ESC is fully register compatible with ET1100 ASIC, for any exceptions to this please search for "Not available in TI ESC" and "PDI access is exception here for TI ESC" in below table. Please see TI EtherCAT SubDevice Controller Exceptions for additional details.

Register name Register offset Bit/s Permissions-ECAT Permissions-PDI Reset value Description
Type 0x0000
0-7 R/- R/- 0x90 Type of SubDevice controller
Revision 0x0001
0-7 R/- R/- 5/6 AM263x : 5
AM64x, AM243x : 6
Build 0x0002-0x0003
0-15 R/- R/- 0x50C Firmware build version
FMMUs supported 0x0004
0-7 R/- R/- 8 Number of FMMUs supported.
SyncManagers supported 0x0005
0-7 R/- R/- 8 Number of SMs supported.
RAM Size 0x0006
0-7 R/- R/- 59 Size of Process Data RAM (in KB)
Port Descriptor 0x0007 0x0f
0-1 R/- R/- 11b Port 0 description.
00 - not implemented
01 - not configured (SII EEPROM)
10 - EBUS
11 - MII / RMII
2-3 R/- R/- 11b Port 1 description
4-5 R/- R/- 00b Port 2 description - Not available in TI ESC
6-7 R/- R/- 00b Port 3 description - Not available in TI ESC
ESC Features supported 0x0008-0x0009 0x008c Features supported
0 R/- R/- 0b FMMU Operation. 0: byte oriented, 1: bit oriented.
TI-ESC supports read-only bit oriented FMMUs (LRD command)
1 R/- R/- Reserved. Reads 0
2 R/- R/- 1b Distributed clocks - 0: not available 1: available.
3 R/- R/- 1b Distributed clocks - 0: 32-bit 1: 64-bit
4 R/- R/- 0b Low jitter EBUS:
0 - not available (standard jitter)
1 - available (jitter minimised)
5 R/- R/- 0b Enhanced link detection EBUS:
0 - not available
1 - available
6 R/- R/- 0b Enhanced link detection MII
0 - not available
1 - available
7 R/- R/- 1b Separate handling of FCS errors
0 - not supported
1 - supported: frames with wrong FCS and additional nibble will be counted separately in Forwarded RX Error Counter
8 R/- R/- 0b Enhanced DC SYNC Activation
0 - not available
1 - available
9 R/- R/- 0b LRW Command support
0 - supported
1 - not supported
10 R/- R/- 0b BRW/APRW/FPRW Command support
0 - supported
1 - not supported
11 R/- R/- 0b Fixed SM/FMMU configuration
0 - variable configuration
1 - fixed configuration
12-15 R/- R/- Reserved
Configured Station Address 0x0010-0x0011
0-15 R/W R/- 0 Node address: used in FPRD/FPWR/FPRW commands
Configured Station Alias 0x0012-0x0013
0-15 R/- R/W 0 Alias addressed used in FPxx commands. Reset to EEPROM
0x0004. Activated by setting bit 0x100:24 / 0x103:0
0x0020-0x0021 Not available in TI ESC
0x0030-0x0031 Not available in TI ESC
0x0040-0x0041 Not available in TI ESC
ESC DL Control 0x0100-0x0103 1
0 R/W R/- 1b 0: Non-ECAT packets are forwarded
1: non-ECAT packets are destroyed
1 R/W R/- 0b 0: Settings written in 0x101 are for permanent use
1: New 0x101 settings are used for 1 s, then reverted
2-7 R/- R/- 0 Reserved
8-9 R/W R/- 00b Loop port 0
00 auto
01 auto-close / manual open
10 always open
11 always closed
10-11 R/W R/- 00b Loop port 1
12-13 R/W R/- 00b Loop port 2 - Not available in TI ESC
14-15 R/W R/- 00b Loop port 3 - Not available in TI ESC
16-23 Not available in TI ESC
24 R/W R/- 0b 0: Ignore station alias, 1: alias used for FPxx
25-31 R/- R/- Reserved
Physical Read/Write Offset 0x0108-0x0109 0
0-15 R/W R/- 0 Offset between Read and Write address for R/W Commands (FPRW, APRW).
RD_ADR = ADR, WR_ADR = ADR + Offset
ESC DL Status 0x0110-0x0111
0 R/- R/- 0: EEPROM not loaded, PDI not operational (no access to PD RAM)
1: EEPROM loaded correctly, PDI operational (access to PD RAM)
1 R/- R/- 0: PDI watchdog expired
1: PDI watchdog reloaded
2 R/- R/- Enhanced link detection
0: deactivated on all ports
1: activated on at least one port
3 R/- R/- Reserved
4 R/- R/- Physical link on port 0
0: no link
1: link detected
5 R/- R/- Physical link on port 1
6 R/- R/- Physical link on port 2 - Not available in TI ESC
7 R/- R/- Physical link on port 3 - Not available in TI ESC
8 R/- R/- Loop port 0
0: opened
1: closed
9 R/- R/- Communication on port 0
0: no stable communication
1: communication established
10 R/- R/- Loop port 1
11 R/- R/- Communication on port 1
12 R/- R/- Loop port 2 - Not available in TI ESC
13 R/- R/- Communication on port 2 - Not available in TI ESC
14 R/- R/- Loop port 3 - Not available in TI ESC
15 R/- R/- Communication on port 3 - Not available in TI ESC
AL Control 0x120-0x121 0
0-3 R/W R/- 0001: Request INIT state
0011: Request BOOTSTRAP state
0010: Request PREOP state
0100: Request SAFEOP state
1000: Request OP state
4 R/W R/- 0: no acknowledge of error in 0x130
1: acknowledge error ind in 0x130
5-15 R/- R/- Reserved
AL Status 0x0130-0x0131 0
0-3 R/- R/W Current state - 1: INIT, 3: BOOTSTRAP, 2: PREOP
4: SAFEOP, 8: OP
4 R/- R/W 0: Device in requested state or bit cleared by command
1: Device has not entered requested state or changed state
as a result of a local action
5-15 R/- R/- Reserved
AL Status Code 0x0134 0
0-15 R/- R/W AL status code
PDI Control 0x0140 PDI access is exception here for TI ESC
0-7 R/- RW- 0x80 PDI type / EEPROM 0x0000 On-chip bus
ESC Configuration 0x0141 0x0c PDI access is exception here for TI ESC
0 R/- RW- 0b Control of AL Status
0 - AL Status has to be set by PDI
1 - AL Status will be set to value written to AL Control register
1 R/- RW- 0b Enhanced link detection at all ports
0 - disabled
1 - enabled at all ports
2 R/- RW- 1b DC Sync Out unit
0 - disabled (power saving)
1 - enabled
3 R/- RW- 1b DC Latch In unit
4 R/- RW- 0b Enhanced link detection, port 0
5 R/- RW- 0b Enhanced link detection, port 1
6 R/- RW- Enhanced link detection, port 2 - Not available in TI ESC
7 R/- RW- Enhanced link detection, port 3 - Not available in TI ESC
PDI Configuration 0x0150 0xe0
0-4 R/- RW- 0 Reserved
5-7 R/- RW- 111b On chip bus
111: TI ESC
Sync/Latch PDI Configuration 0x0151 0x00
0-2 R/- R/- 00b Not available in TI ESC
3 R/- R/- 0b SYNC0 mapped to AL Event Request register 0x0220.2:
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
4-6 R/- R/- 00b Not available in TI ESC
7 R/- R/- 0b SYNC1 mapped to AL Event Request register 0x0220.3:
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
On-chip bus extended configuration 0x0152-0x0153 Not available in TI ESC
ECAT Event Mask 0x0200-0x0201
0-15 R/W R/- 0 For each bit
0 - Corresponding bit in 0x210-0x211 will not appear in ECAT IRQ (the IRQ bit is filled with 0 instead)
1 - Corresponding bit appears in IRQ
AL Event Mask 0x0204-0x0207
0-31 R/- R/W 0 For each bit
0 - Corresponding bit in 0x220-0x223 will not appear in PDI IRQ (the IRQ bit is filled with 0 instead)
1 - Corresponding bit appears in IRQ
ECAT Event Request 0x0210-0x0211 0
0 R/- R/- 0 - No change on DC latch inputs
1 - At least one change on DC latch inputs
Cleared by reading DC latch times (0x9AE) from ECAT
1 R/- R/- Reserved
2 R/- R/- 0 - No change in DL status
1 - DL status changed
Cleared by reading DL status (0x110) from ECAT
3 R/- R/- 0 - No change in AL status
1 - AL status changed
Cleared by reading AL status (0x130) from ECAT
4 R/- R/- SyncManager Channel 0 event:
0 - no pending event
1 - event pending
5 R/- R/- SyncManager Channel 1 event
(Cleared reading 0x806)
6 R/- R/- SyncManager Channel 2 event
7 R/- R/- SyncManager Channel 3 event
8 R/- R/- SyncManager Channel 4 event
9 R/- R/- SyncManager Channel 5 event
10 R/- R/- SyncManager Channel 6 event
11 R/- R/- SyncManager Channel 7 event
12-15 R/- R/- Reserved
AL Event Request 0x0220-0x0223 0
0 R/- R/- 0 - no request for change in AL state (0x120)
1 - request for change in AL state
1 R/- R/- 0 - no change in DC latch inputs
1 - at least one change in DC latch inputs
2 R/- R/- State of DC SYNC0 (if register 0x0151.3=1): Bit is cleared by reading SYNC0 status 0x098E from PDI)
3 R/- R/- State of DC SYNC1
4 R/- R/- SyncManager activation register
(SyncManager register offset 0x6) changed:
0 - No change in any SyncManager
1 - At least one SyncManager changed
(Bit is cleared by reading SyncManager Activation registers 0x0806 etc. from PDI)
5 R/- R/- 0 - no EEPROM command pending
1 - EEPROM command pending
6 R/- R/- Watchdog process data
0 - has not expired
1 - has expired
(Bit is cleared by reading Watchdog Status Process Data 0x0440 from PDI)
7 R/- R/- Reserved
8-23 R/- R/- 0 - No SM (bit number - 8) interrupt pending
1 - SM interrupt pending
24-31 R/- R/- Reserved
RX Error Counter 0x0300-0x0307 0
0-7 R/W R/- 0 Invalid frame counter port 0. Counting is stopped when 0xFF is reached. Cleared if any of the counters (0x300-0x30b) is written.The invalid frame counters are incremented if there is an error in the frame format (Preamble, SFD – Start of Frame Delimiter, FCS – Checksum, invalid length)
8-15 R/W R/- 0 RX Error counter port 0. Counting is stopped when 0xFF is reached. Cleared if any of the counters (0x300-0x30b) is written.
16-23 R/W R/- 0 Invalid frame counter port 1. Counting is stopped when 0xFF is reached. Cleared if any of the counters (0x300-0x30b) is written.The invalid frame counters are incremented if there is an error in the frame format (Preamble, SFD – Start of Frame Delimiter, FCS – Checksum, invalid length)
24-31 R/W R/- 0 RX Error counter port 1.Counting is stopped when 0xFF is reached. Cleared if any of the counters (0x300-0x30b) is written.
32-39 R/- R/- 0 Invalid frame counter port 2 - Not available in TI ESC
40-47 R/- R/- 0 RX Error counter port 2 - Not available in TI ESC
48-55 R/- R/- 0 Invalid frame counter port 3 - Not available in TI ESC
56-63 R/- R/- 0 RX Error counter port 3 - Not available in TI ESC
Forwarded RX Error Counter 0x0308-0x030B 0
0-7 R/W R/- 0 Forwarded error counter of Port 0 (counting is stopped when 0xFF is reached). Cleared if one of the RX Error counters 0x0300-0x030B is written.
8-15 R/W R/- 0 Forwarded error counter of Port 1 (counting is stopped when 0xFF is reached). Cleared if one of the RX Error counters 0x0300-0x030B is written.
16-23 R/- R/- 0 Forwarded error counter of Port 2 - Not available in TI ESC
24-31 R/- R/- 0 Forwarded error counter of Port 3 - Not available in TI ESC
ECAT Processing Unit Error Counter 0x030C
0-7 R/W R/- 0 ECAT Processing Unit error counter (counting is stopped when 0xFF is reached). Counts errors of frames passing the Processing Unit (e.g., FCS is wrong or datagram structure is wrong). Cleared if register is written.
PDI Error Counter 0x030D Not available in TI ESC
Lost Link Counter 0x0310-0x0313 0
0-7 R/W R/- 0 Lost Link counter of Port 0 (counting is stopped when 0xff is reached). Counts only if port loop is Auto or Auto-Close. Cleared if one of the Lost Link counter registers is written.
8-15 R/W R/- 0 Lost Link counter of Port 1
16-23 R/- R/- 0 Lost Link counter of Port 2 - Not available in TI ESC
24-31 R/- R/- 0 Lost Link counter of Port 3 - Not available in TI ESC
Watchdog Divider 0x0400-0x0401
0-12 R/W R/- 0x9c2 (Number of 25 MHz ticks representing basic clock increment for watchdog) - 2. Default value is 0x9c2 = 2498 i.e. 100 us per WD cycle.
NOTE: For TI ESC max value is:
  • 327.64 us or 8189 (13-bit wide and NOT 16-bit) for 200 MHz clock tick on PRU-ICSSG (AM64x/AM243x) and PRU-ICSSM (AM263x)
  • 196.6 us or 4915 (13-bit wide and NOT 16-bit) for 333 MHz clock tick on PRU-ICSSG (AM64x/AM243x)
Watchdog Time PDI 0x0410-0x0411
0-15 R/W R/- 0x3e8 Watchdog time PDI in cycles. Cycle defined by 0x400-0x401. Default value is 1000 for 100ms
Watchdog Time Process Data 0x0420-0x0421
0-15 R/W R/- 0x3e8 Watchdog time PD in cycles. Default value is 1000 for 100ms
Watchdog Status Process Data 0x0440-0x0441
0-15 R/- R/- 0 Process Data watchdog
0 - Expired
1 - Active or Disabled
Reading this from PDI clears 0x220.6
Watchdog Counter Process Data 0x0442
0-7 R/W R/- 0 Write from ECAT clears the register. Number of times PD watchdog expired. Counting stopped at 0xff. (Counter also increases by 1 every time PD watchdog is disabled.)
Watchdog Counter PDI 0x0443
0-7 R/W R/- 0 Write from ECAT clears the register. Number of times PDI watchdog expired. Counting stopped at 0xff. (Counter also increases by 1 every time PDI watchdog is disabled.)
EEPROM Configuration 0x0500 0
0 R/W R/- 0b 0 - EEPROM control is not offerred to PDI
1 - EEPROM control is offerred to PDI
1 R/W R/- 0b Force EEPROM access for ECAT
0 - Do not change bit 0x501.0
1 - Reset 0x501.0 to 0
2-7 R/- R/- Reserved
EEPROM PDI Access State 0x0501 0
0 R/- R/(W) 0b 0 - PDI releases EEPROM access
1 - PDI takes EEPROM access
PDI write access possible only when 0x500.0 = 1 and
0x500.1 = 0
EEPROM Control/Status 0x0502-0x0503 0x0060
0 R/W R/- 0b ECAT write enable - to be set whenever WRITE instruction is given from 0x502.8-10
1-4 R/- R/- Reserved
5 R/- R/- 1b EEPROM emulation
0 - normal operation. I2C is used
1 (TI) - PDI emulates EEPROM, I2C is not used
6 R/- R/- 1b Supported number of EEPROM bytes:
0 - 4 bytes
1 - 8 bytes
7 R/- R/- 0b EEPROM addressing:
0 - 1 address byte (1KBit – 16KBit EEPROMs)
1 - 2 address bytes (32KBit – 4 MBit EEPROMs)
8-10 R/(W) R/(W) 000b Write access depends on 0x500-0x501
EEPROM command
000 - no command (write clears EEPROM error bits)
001 - READ (causes 'EEPROM address' (0x504-0x507) to be read and data placed in EEPROM data (0x508-5x50f)
010 - WRITE
100 - RELOAD. Verify checksum, if valid, data in EEPROM to be written in configuration registers (except Station Alias, which needs reset for reload)
11 R/- R/- 0b Checksum error. Set when RELOAD is instructed with incorrect checksum. Reset when another EEPROM command is issued.
12 R/- R/- 0b EEPROM loading status
0 - completed successfully. EEPROM configuration available in registers.
1 - in progress or finished with failure
13 R/- R/(W) 0b W available for PDIs emulating EEPROM.
0 - Last EEPROM command carried out successfully
1 - Invalid EEPROM command or previous command not completed by emulator
14 R/- R/- 0b Set when WRITE is issued without 0x502.0 set. Reset when NO COMMAND is issued
15 R/- R/- 0b EEPROM interface is busy
EEPROM Address 0x0504-0x0507
0-32 R/(W) R/(W) 0 Write access depends on 0x500-0x501 EEPROM address on which EEPROM READ or WRITE is to be carried out
EEPROM Data 0x0508-0x050f
0-64 R/(W) R/(W) 0 Write access depends on 0x500-0x501. Data read from / to write in EEPROM Address (0x504-0x507)
MII Management 0x0510-0x0511 0 MII Settings
Control/Status 0
0 R/W R/- Write enable. Analogous to 0x502.0
1 R/W R/- 0: Only ECAT controls MII via these registers
1: PDI can also use these registers to modify MII settings.
Note: For TI SubDevices, PDI can modify MII settings using FWHAL API. See FWHAL API guide for details.
2 R/W R/- MI link detection (link configuration, link detection, registers 0x0518-0x051B):
0 - Not available
1 - MI link detection active
3-7 R/W R/- PHY address offset
8-9 R/W R/- Command register:
00 - no command
01 - read
10 - write
10-12 R/W R/- Reserved
13 R/W R/- Read error: bit set when error during MII read (PHY/register not available). Cleared by writing to this register.
14 R/W R/- Command error:
0 - last command was successful
1 - invalid command or Write without Write enable
15 R/W R/- 0 - MII control state machine is idle
1 - MII control state machine is busy
PHY Address 0x0512 0
0-4 R/W R/- 0 PHY address: Address PHY whose settings should be modified / read by next MII command
5-7 R/W R/- Reserved
PHY Register Address 0x0513
0-4 R/W R/- 0 Address of the register within the PHY
5-7 R/W R/- Reserved
PHY Data 0x0514-0x0515
0-15 R/W R/- 0 PHY read/write data
Logical Start Address FMMU 0 0x0600-0x0603
0-31 R/W R/- 0 FMMU 0: Logical address
Length FMMU 0 0x0604-0x0605
0-15 R/W R/- 0 FMMU 0: Length
Logical Start bit FMMU 0 0x0606 0
0-2 R/W R/- FMMU 0 start bit. Logical starting bit that shall be mapped (bits are counted from least significant bit (=0) to most significant bit(=7)
3-7 R/W R/- Reserved
Logical Stop bit FMMU 0 0x0607 0
0-2 R/W R/- FMMU 0 ending bit. Last logical bit that shall be mapped (bits are counted from least significant bit (=0) to most significant bit(=7)
3-7 R/W R/- Reserved
Physical Start Address FMMU 0 0x0608-0x0x609 0
0-15 R/W R/- FMMU 0 physical start address
Physical Start bit FMMU 0 0x060A 0
0-2 R/W R/- FMMU 0 physical start bit.
3-7 R/W R/- Reserved
Type FMMU 0 0x060B 0
0 R/W R/- 0 - Ignore FMMU 0 mapping for read accesses
1 - Use mapping for read accesses
1 R/W R/- 0 - Ignore FMMU 0 mapping for write accesses
1 - Use mapping for write accesses
2-7 R/W R/- Reserved
Activate FMMU 0 0x60C 0
0 R/W R/- Deactivate FMMU 0
1-7 R/W R/- Reserved
Reserved FMMU 0 0x060D-0x060F
0-23 R/- R/- Reserved
0x0610-0x061F 0-127 R/(W) R/- Configuration for FMMU 1
0x0620-0x062F 0-127 R/(W) R/- Configuration for FMMU 2
0x0630-0x063F 0-127 R/(W) R/- Configuration for FMMU 3
0x0640-0x064F 0-127 R/(W) R/- Configuration for FMMU 4
0x0650-0x065F 0-127 R/(W) R/- Configuration for FMMU 5
0x0660-0x066F 0-127 R/(W) R/- Configuration for FMMU 6
0x0670-0x067F 0-127 R/(W) R/- Configuration for FMMU 7
Physical Start Address SyncManager 0 0x0800-0x0801
0-15 R/W R/- 0 SM 0 starting physical address
Length SyncManager 0 0x0802-0x0803
0-15 R/W R/- 0 SM 0 Length: SM is disabled if length is equal to zero
Control Register SyncManager 0 0x0804 0 Note: Write access only when SM 0 is disabled
0-1 R/(W) R/- SM 0 mode:
00 - 3-buffer
10 - 1-buffer (mailbox)
01, 11 - reserved
2-3 R/(W) R/- SM 0 direction:
00 - ECAT read, PDI write
01 - ECAT write, PDI read
10, 11 - reserved
4 R/(W) R/- SM 0 interrupt in ECAT request register (0x210-0x211)
0 - no
1 - yes
5 R/(W) R/- SM 0 interrupt in PDI request register (0x220)
6 R/(W) R/- Watchdog trigger
0 - disabled
1 - enabled
7 R/- R/- Reserved
Status Register SyncManager 0 0x0805 0
0 R/- R/- Interrupt Write:
1: Interrupt after buffer was completely and successfully written
0: Interrupt cleared after first byte of buffer was read
1 R/- R/- Interrupt Read:
1: Interrupt after buffer was completely and successful read
0: Interrupt cleared after first byte of buffer was written
2 R/- R/- Reserved
3 R/- R/- Mailbox mode: mailbox status:
0: Mailbox empty
1: Mailbox full
Buffered mode: reserved
4-5 R/- R/- Buffered mode: buffer status (last written buffer):
Not available in TI ESC
00: 1. buffer
01: 2. buffer
10: 3. buffer
11: (no buffer written)
Mailbox mode: reserved
6 R/- R/- Read buffer in use (opened) Not available in TI ESC
7 R/- R/- Write buffer in use (opened) Not available in TI ESC
Activate SyncManager 0 0x0806 0
0 R/W R/- SyncManager Enable/Disable:
0: Disable: Access to Memory without SyncManager control
1: Enable: SyncManager is active and controls Memory area set in configuration
1 R/W R/- Repeat Request:
A toggle of Repeat Request means that a mailbox retry is needed (primarily used in conjunction with ECAT Read Mailbox)
2-5 R/W R/- Reserved
6 R/W R/- Latch Event ECAT: Not available in TI ESC
7 R/W R/- Latch Event PDI: Not available in TI ESC
PDI Activate SyncManager 0 0x0807 0
0 R/- R/W Deactivate SyncManager:
0: Normal operation, SyncManager activated.
1: SyncManager deactivated and reset SyncManager locks access to Memory area.
0: Activate SyncManager
1: Request SyncManager deactivation
NOTE: Writing 1 is delayed until the end of a frame which is currently processed.
1 R/- R/W Repeat Ack:
If this is set to the same value as set by Repeat Request, the PDI acknowledges the execution of a previous set Repeat request.
2-7 R/- R/W Reserved
0x0808-0x080F 0-63 Configuration for SM 1
0x0810-0x0817 0-63 Configuration for SM 2
0x0818-0x081F 0-63 Configuration for SM 3
0x0820-0x0827 0-63 Configuration for SM 4
0x0828-0x082F 0-63 Configuration for SM 5
0x0830-0x0837 0-63 Configuration for SM 6
0x0838-0x083F 0-63 Configuration for SM 7
Receive Time Port 0 0x0900-0x0903
0-31 R/W* R/- 0 Receive time port 0 :
A write access to register 0x0900 with BWR, APWR (any address) or FPWR (configured address) latches the local time of the beginning of the receive frame (start first bit of preamble) at respective port.
Local time of the beginning of the last receive frame containing a write access to this register. NOTE: The time stamps cannot be read in the same frame in which this register was written.
0-31 R/- R/- 0 Receive time port 1
0-31 R/- R/- 0 Receive time port 2 - Not available in TI ESC
0-31 R/- R/- 0 Receive time port 3 - Not available in TI ESC
System Time 0x0910-0x0917 0
0-63 R/- R/- ECAT read access: Local copy of the System Time when the frame passed the reference clock (i.e., including System Time Delay). Time latched at beginning of the frame (Ethernet SOF delimiter).
PDI read access: Local copy of the System Time. Time latched when reading first byte (0x0910)
0-31 W R/- Write access: Written value will be compared with the local copy of the System time. The result is an input to the time control loop.
Receive Time ECAT Processing Unit 0x0918-0x0919
0-63 R/- R/- 0 Local time of the beginning of a frame (start first bit of preamble) received at the ECAT Processing Unit containing a write access to Register 0x0900. NOTE: Example, if port 0 is open, this register reflects the Receive Time Port 0 as a 64 bit value.
System Time Offset 0x0920-0x0927
0-63 R/W R/- 0 Difference between local time and System Time. Offset is added to the local time.
System Time Delay 0x0928-0x092B
0-31 R/W R/- 0 Delay between Reference Clock and the ESC
System Time Difference 0x092C-0x092F 0
0-30 R/- R/- 0 Mean difference between local copy of System Time and received System Time values
31 R/- R/- 0 0: Local copy of System Time greater than or equal received System Time
1: Local copy of System Time smaller than received System Time
Speed Counter Start 0x0930-0x0931
0-14 R/W R/- 0
15 R/W R/- Reserved
Speed Counter Diff 0x0932-0x0933
0-15 R/- R/- Representation of the deviation between local clock period and Reference Clock's clock period (representation: two's complement) Range: ±(Speed Counter Start – 0x7F)
System Time Difference Filter Depth 0x0934
0-3 R/W R/- 0x4 Filter depth for averaging the received System Time deviation - TI ESC supports 0, 2, 4, 8, 16 only. Rounded to next larger power of 2. 0xc selects 16
4-7 R/W R/- Reserved
Speed Counter Filter Depth 0x0935
0-3 R/W R/- 0xc TI ESC supports 0, 2, 4, 8, 16 only. Rounded to next larger power of 2. 0xc selects 16
4-7 R/W R/- Reserved
Cyclic Unit Control 0x0980 0
0 R/- R/- 0b SYNC out unit control:
0: ECAT controlled
1: PDI controlled
1-3 R/- R/- Reserved
4 R/- R/- 0b Latch In unit 0:
0: ECAT controlled
1: PDI controlled
NOTE: Always 1 (PDI controlled) if System Time is PDI controlled. Latch interrupt is routed to ECAT/PDI depending on this setting.
5 R/- R/- 0b Latch In unit 1
6-7 R/- R/- Reserved
Activation register 0x0981 0
0 R/W R/- 0b Sync Out Unit activation:
0: Deactivated
1: Activated
NOTE: Write 1 after Start Time was written to generate SYNC signal
1 R/W R/- 0b SYNC0 generation:
0: Deactivated
1: SYNC0 pulse is generated
2 R/W R/- 0b SYNC1 generation:
0: Deactivated
1: SYNC1 pulse is generated
3-7 R/W R/- 00000b
Pulse Length of SyncSignals 0x0982-0x0983 EEPROM reload operation updates this field (like ET1100,unlike IP Core)
0-15 R/- RW- 0 Pulse length of SyncSignals (in Units of 10ns)
0: Acknowledge mode: SyncSignal will be cleared by reading SYNC0/SYNC1 Status register Loaded from EEPROM ADR: 0x2 (During reset/ reload command)
Activation Status 0x0984 0
0 R/- R/- 0b SYNC0 activation state:
0: First SYNC0 pulse is not pending
1: First SYNC0 pulse is pending
1 R/- R/- 0b SYNC1 activation state:
0: First SYNC1 pulse is not pending
1: First SYNC1 pulse is pending
2-7 R/- R/- Reserved
SYNC0 Status 0x098E 0
0 R/- R/- 0b SYNC0 state for Acknowledge mode.
SYNC0 in Acknowledge mode is cleared by reading this register from PDI, use only in Acknowledge mode
1-7 R/- R/- Reserved
SYNC1 Status 0x098F 0
0 R/- R/- 0b SYNC1 state for Acknowledge mode.
SYNC1 in Acknowledge mode is cleared by reading this register from PDI, use only in Acknowledge mode
1-7 R/- R/- Reserved
Start Time Cyclic Operation 0x0990-0x0997
0-63 R/W R/- 0 Write: Start time (System time) of cyclic operation
Read: System time of next SYNC0 pulse
Next SYNC1 Pulse 0x0998-0x099F
0-63 R/- R/- 0 System time of next SYNC1 pulse
SYNC0 Cycle Time 0x09A0-0x09A3
0-31 R/W R/- 0 Time between two consecutive SYNC0 pulses in ns 0: Single shot mode, generate only one SYNC0 pulse.
SYNC1 Cycle Time 0x09A4-0x09A7
0-31 R/W R/- 0 Time between SYNC1 pulses and SYNC0 pulse in ns
Latch0 Control 0x09A8 0
0 R/W R/- 0b Latch0 positive edge:
0: Continuous Latch active
1: Single event (only first event active)
1 R/W R/- 0b Latch0 negative edge
2-7 R/W R/- Reserved
Latch1 Control 0x09A9 0
0 R/W R/- 0b Latch1 positive edge
1 R/W R/- 0b Latch1 negative edge
2-7 R/W R/- Reserved
Latch0 Status 0x09AE 0
0 R/- R/- 0b Event Latch0 positive edge.
0: Positive edge not detected or continuous mode
1: Positive edge detected in single event mode only.
Flag cleared by reading out Latch0 Time Positive Edge.
1 R/- R/- 0b Event Latch0 negative edge.
2 R/- R/- 0b Latch0 pin state Not available in TI ESC
3-7 R/- R/- Reserved
Latch1 Status 0x09AF 0
0 R/- R/- 0b Event Latch1 positive edge.
1 R/- R/- 0b Event Latch1 negative edge
2 R/- R/- 0b Latch1 pin state Not available in TI ESC
3 R/- R/- Reserved
Latch0 Time Positive Edge 0x09B0-0x09B7
0-63 R/- R/- 0 Register captures System time at the positive edge of the Latch0 signal. Reading clears Latch0 Status 0x09AE[0]
Latch0 Time Negative Edge 0x09B8-0x09BF
0-63 R/- R/- 0 System time at the negative edge of the Latch0 signal.
Latch1 Time Positive Edge 0x09C0-0x09C7
0-63 R/- R/- 0 System time at the positive edge of the Latch1 signal.
Latch1 Time Negative Edge 0x9C8-0x9CF
0-63 R/- R/- 0 System time at the negative edge of the Latch1 signal.
EtherCAT Buffer Change Event Time 0x09F0-0x09F3 Not available in TI ESC
PDI Buffer Start Event Time 0x09F8-0x9FB Not available in TI ESC
PDI Buffer Change Event Time 0x09FC-0x09FF Not available in TI ESC
TI ESC Vendor Specific Registers
RX Port0 frame counter 0x0E00-0x0E03
0-31 R/- R/- 0 Number of valid frames seen at port 0.
Change in this register can be used to control the ACT LED.
RX Port1 frame counter 0x0E04-0x0E07
0-31 R/- R/- 0 Number of valid frames seen at port 1.
Change in this register can be used to control the ACT LED.
Port0 PHY address 0x0E08
0-7 R/- R/W 0 To specify PHY address of PHY connected to physical port0 to PRU firmware
Port1 PHY address 0x0E09
0-7 R/- R/W 0 To specify PHY address of PHY connected to physical port1 to PRU firmware
PDI ISR DIGIO pin selection register 0x0E0A
0-7 R/W R/W 0 PDI ISR DIGIO pin selection register, selects one of pr1_edio_data_outN pins as PDI ISR hw pin, configure 255 to disable. Set corresponding bitmask to enable. Application needs to configure pinmux correctly for this to work.
This feature is not available in SoCs with PRU-ICSSG
PRU MII RX LINK Polarity 0x0E0C
0-31 R/- R/W 0b Link LED signal polarity PHY address N (Bit N):
0 - Active high
1 - Active low
Port0 TX Start Delay 0x0E10
0-15 R/W R/W 0x50 TX_START_DELAY for port 0. Change from default values is not recommended.
Port1 TX Start Delay 0x0E12
0-15 R/W R/W 0x50 TX_START_DELAY for port 1. Change from default values is not recommended.
ESC Reset 0x0E14-0x0E17
0-31 R/W R/W 0 Vendor specific ESC WARM RESET register. Write "RST"(0x545352) or "rst"(0x747372) to force WARM RESET
NOTE: Normally one need not program any of these following registers(0x0E18-0x0E1F) and even access can be disabled via ECAT if not desired. This may be used to tweak DC drift compensation algorithm for PC based MainDevices (using higher ppm timer) as network clock reference instead of first DC enabled SubDevice in the network.
Aggressive DC drift compensation step register 0x0E18
0-7 R/W R/W 1 Vendor specific aggressive DC drift compensation step register 1 by default, if System Difference exceeds 0xE1D:0xE1C, compensate by additional steps specified here.
Speed counter scale factor register 0x0E19
0-7 R/W R/W 2 Speed counter is computed by default in 5ns units (this register is to scale this)
Drift compensation fast convergence 0x0E1A
0-7 R/W R/W 0 Vendor specific DC drift compensation fast convergence register takes into account System time diff sign if enabled.
0 : Enabled (default)
Otherwise : Disabled
Vendor specific DC drift compensation adjust max limit. 32 (default) 0x0E1B
0-7 R/W R/W 32 Vendor specific DC drift compensation adjust max limit. 32 (default)
Aggressive Drift compensation Trigger 0x0E1C-0x0E1D
0-15 R/W R/W 255 Vendor specific aggressive DC drift compensation trigger register. 255 ns by default
NOTE: Normally one need not program the following register and even access can be disabled via ECAT if not desired. This register is used to enable/disable Enhanced Process Data access latency feature (must be enabled in the application as well).
Enhanced Process Data buffer access latency mode control Register 0x0E24-0x0E25
0-15 R/W R/W 0 Vendor specific Enhanced Process Data buffer access latency mode control Register.
0 by default.
If set to 1 then firmware assumes that application has the Enhanced mode enabled and works accordingly. (Will not work correctly if not enabled from application side).
PHY RX Error Counter Register 0x0E28-0x0E29
0-15 - R/W 0 Address of PHY register maintaining RX Error (RX_ERR) count during frame (when RX_DV is asserted).
0 by default. If set to 0, no PHY register is read for updating 0x0301/0x0303 registers in TI ESC.
For TI DP83869/DP83867/DP82826E/DP83822 PHYs, 0x15 should be configured.
NOTE: This register should be programmed before PRU cores start running
PDI ISR Time Register 0x0E2C-0x0E33
0-63 - R/W 0 Register captures the System time when PDI ISR is triggered.
PRU Clock Frequency Selection Register 0x0E34-0x0E35
0-7 - R/W 0

Selection of 200 MHz or 333 MHz clock frequency for PRU-ICSS Core Clock and IEP Clock used by EtherCAT SubDevice Firmware.
0 : 200 MHz (default)
1 : 333 MHz
NOTE: This register should be programmed before PRU cores start running
This feature is not available in SoCs with PRU-ICSSM (AM263x)

MDIO Link Register for MDIO Manual Mode 0x0E4C-0x0E4F
0-31 R/- R/- 0 MDIO Link State register when the MDIO Manual Mode is enabled (Enabled by default in SoCs with PRU-ICSSG version 1.3 (AM243x, AM64x))
This register is updated after a read of the Generic Status Register of a PHY. The corresponding bit is set if the PHY with the corresponding address has link and the PHY acknowledges the read transaction. The bit is cleared to zero if the PHY indicates it does not have link or fails to acknowledge the read transaction.
This feature is not available in SoCs with PRU-ICSSM (AM263x)
MDIO User Access 0 Register for MDIO Manual Mode 0x0EC0-0x0EC3 MDIO User Access 0 Register when the MDIO Manual Mode is enabled (Enabled by default in SoCs with PRU-ICSSG version 1.3 (AM243x, AM64x))
This feature is not available in SoCs with PRU-ICSSM (AM263x)
0-15 R/W R/W 0 The data value read from or to be written to the specified PHY register.
NOTE: This register should be programmed with PHY address for Port 0, if MDIO Manual Mode is being used (Mandatory for AM243x and AM64x)
16-20 R/W R/W 0 This field specifies the PHY to be accessed for this transaction.
21-25 R/W R/W 0 This field specifies the PHY register to be accessed for this transaction.
26-28 R/W R/W 0 Reserved
29 R/W R/W 0 This bit is set if the PHY acknowledged the read transaction.
30 R/W R/W 0 Setting this bit to a 1 causes the MDIO transaction to be a register write, otherwise it is a register read.
31 R/W R/W 0 Go bit
Writing a 1h to this bit triggers an MDIO access when it is convenient for it to do so, this is not an instantaneous process.
Writing a 0h to this bit has no effect.
This bit will self clear when the requested access has been completed.
NOTE: Any writes to this register should be avoided when the go bit is 1h. If byte access is being used, the go bit should be written last.
MDIO User PHY Select 0 Register for MDIO Manual Mode 0x0EC4-0x0EC7 MDIO User PHY Select 0 Register when the MDIO Manual Mode is enabled (Enabled by default in SoCs with PRU-ICSSG version 1.3 (AM243x, AM64x))
This feature is not available in SoCs with PRU-ICSSM (AM263x)
0-4 R/W R/W 0 PHY address whose link status is to be monitored
NOTE: This register should be programmed with PHY address for Port 0, if MDIO Manual Mode is being used (Mandatory for AM243x and AM64x)
5 R/W R/W 0 Reserved
6 R/W R/W 0

Link change interrupt enable
Set to 1h to determine link status using the MLINK pin
NOTE: This field should be set to 1, if MDIO Manual Mode is being used (Mandatory for AM243x and AM64x)

7 R/W R/W 0 Link status determination select
Set to 1h to enable link change status interrupts for PHY address specified in bits 0-4. Link change interrupts are disabled if this bit is set to 0h.
NOTE: This field should be set to 1, if MDIO Manual Mode is being used (Mandatory for AM243x and AM64x)
8-31 R/W R/W 0 Reserved
MDIO User Access 1 Register for MDIO Manual Mode 0x0EC8-0x0ECB MDIO User Access 1 Register when the MDIO Manual Mode is enabled (Enabled by default in SoCs with PRU-ICSSG version 1.3 (AM243x, AM64x))
This feature is not available in SoCs with PRU-ICSSM (AM263x)
0-15 R/W R/W 0 The data value read from or to be written to the specified PHY register.
NOTE: This register should be programmed with PHY address for Port 0, if MDIO Manual Mode is being used (Mandatory for AM243x and AM64x)
16-20 R/W R/W 0 This field specifies the PHY to be accessed for this transaction.
21-25 R/W R/W 0 This field specifies the PHY register to be accessed for this transaction.
26-28 R/W R/W 0 Reserved
29 R/W R/W 0 This bit is set if the PHY acknowledged the read transaction.
30 R/W R/W 0 Setting this bit to a 1 causes the MDIO transaction to be a register write, otherwise it is a register read.
31 R/W R/W 0 Go bit
Writing a 1h to this bit triggers an MDIO access when it is convenient for it to do so, this is not an instantaneous process.
Writing a 0h to this bit has no effect.
This bit will self clear when the requested access has been completed.
NOTE: Any writes to this register should be avoided when the go bit is 1h. If byte access is being used, the go bit should be written last.
MDIO User PHY Select 1 Register for MDIO Manual Mode 0x0ECC-0x0ECF MDIO User PHY Select 1 Register when the MDIO Manual Mode is enabled (Enabled by default in SoCs with PRU-ICSSG version 1.3 (AM243x, AM64x))
This feature is not available in SoCs with PRU-ICSSM (AM263x)
0-4 R/W R/W 0 PHY address whose link status is to be monitored
NOTE: This register should be programmed with PHY address for Port 1, if MDIO Manual Mode is being used (Mandatory for AM243x and AM64x)
5 R/W R/W 0 Reserved
6 R/W R/W 0

Link change interrupt enable
Set to 1h to determine link status using the MLINK pin
NOTE: This field should be set to 1, if MDIO Manual Mode is being used (Mandatory for AM243x and AM64x)

7 R/W R/W 0 Link status determination select
Set to 1h to enable link change status interrupts for PHY address specified in bits 0-4. Link change interrupts are disabled if this bit is set to 0h.
NOTE: This field should be set to 1, if MDIO Manual Mode is being used (Mandatory for AM243x and AM64x)
8-31 R/W R/W 0 Reserved