AM64x MCU+ SDK  08.04.00
Enet Layer 2 CPSW SWITCH Example


The layer 2 cpsw switch example is dedicated to demonstrate usage of Enet CPSW3G peripheral operation as a basic switch.

On AM64X, we can do ethernet based communication using CPSW HW mechanism

  • This is a standard ethernet switch + port HW

This example do below:

  • Target-side application running on a Cortex R5F core.
    • Target-side application running on a Cortex R5F core.
    • Application receives the broadcast packet for switch operation, copies the payload into a new packet which is then sent back out to the source port as well as to all the other ports on the device.
    • The application has a menu to enable/disable features, such as getting mac address and stats. This menu along with application logs are implemented via UART.
  • Host-side functionality
    • Software applications like Colasoft Pkt Builder or packETH tool could be used to generate and send packets, Wireshark can be used to receive and verify packet contents
  • The data path enabled in this example is as follows:
    • Host side (PC) application sends a broadcast packet to MAC port.
    • Target side application receives the broadcast packet, updates the MAC addresses in the Layer-2 header and sends the packet out back out to the source port as well as to all the other ports on the device.
    • Application like Wireshark (PC) receives the packet and can be seen in the capture window.
  • AM64X-SK CPSW3G RGMII1 RX pins use IOset2 pinmux combination.
  • The phy address of CPSW ethernet PHY-2 is 0x0001 for AM64X-SK.
  • Use the default value in the AM64X-SK system configuration file for RX pins and phy addresses.

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS r5fss0-0_freertos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang
Board am64x-evm, am64x-sk
Example folder examples/networking/enet_layer2_cpsw_switch/V0

Steps to Run the Example

Build the example

  • When using CCS projects to build, import the CCS project for the required combination and build it using the CCS project menu (see Using SDK with CCS Projects).
  • When using makefiles to build, note the required combination and build using make command (see Using SDK with Makefiles)

HW Setup

Make sure you have setup the EVM with cable connections as shown here, EVM Setup. In addition do below steps.


For CPSW based example

  • Connect a ethernet cable to the EVM from host PC as shown below

Ethernet cable for CPSW based ethernet


For CPSW based example

  • Connect two ethernet cables to the CPSW RGMII 1 and CPSW RGMII 2 ports in AM64X-SK from host PC as shown below

Ethernet cable for CPSW based ethernet

Run the example

If you need to reload and run again, a CPU power-cycle is MUST
  • Launch a CCS debug session and run the example executable, see CCS Launch, Load and Run
  • You will see logs in the UART terminal as shown in the next section.
  • Launch a CCS debug session and run the example executable, see CCS Launch, Load and Run
  • You will see logs in the UART terminal as shown in the next section.
  • We can start sending multicast packets from Colasoft Pkt Builder or packETH tool.
    • In the Colasoft Pkt Builder, click on Add icon , select any layer2 Packet and click ok.
    • Edit the source and destination address in the decode editor.
    • Click on send icon and select the ethernet adapater.
    • Click start, packets will be send to the target.
  • Capture the packets in Wireshark.

Colasoft Pkt Builder to generate and send packets.

Sample output for Multiport example

Layer 2 CPSW SWITCH Test
Init all peripheral clocks
Enabling clocks!
Create RX tasks
cpsw-3g: Create RX task
Open all peripherals
cpsw-3g: Open enet
EnetAppUtils_reduceCoreMacAllocation: Reduced Mac Address Allocation for CoreId:1 From 4 To 2
Init all configs
cpsw-3g: init config
cpsw-3g: Open port 1
cpsw-3g: Open port 2
PHY 0 is alive
PHY 3 is alive
Attach core id 1 on all peripherals
cpsw-3g: Attach core
cpsw-3g: Open DMA
initQs() txFreePktInfoQ initialized with 16 pkts
cpsw-3g: Waiting for link up...
MAC Port 2: link up
MAC Port 1: link up
cpsw-3g: Port 1 link is up
cpsw-3g: Port 2 link is up
cpsw-3g: MAC port addr: f4:84:4c:fd:a6:00
Enet L2 cpsw Menu:
's' - Print statistics
'r' - Reset statistics
'm' - Show allocated MAC addresses
'p' - Enable Policer for rate limiting
'x' - Stop the test
Print statistics
cpsw-3g - Port 1 statistics
cpsw-3g - Port 2 statistics
Rate limiting Enabled port 1 on Src MAC 02:00:00:00:00:08
Print statistics
rxGoodFrames = 100000
rxOctets = 101800000
txGoodFrames = 100000
txBcastFrames = 100000
txOctets = 101800000
octetsFrames512to1023 = 200000
netOctets = 203600000
txPri[0] = 100000
txPriBcnt[0] = 101800000
cpsw-3g - Port 1 statistics
txGoodFrames = 150000
txBcastFrames = 100000
txOctets = 152700000
octetsFrames512to1023 = 150000
netOctets = 152700000
txPri[0] = 150000
txPriBcnt[0] = 152700000
rxGoodFrames = 100000
rxOctets = 101800000
txGoodFrames = 100000
txBcastFrames = 100000
txOctets = 101800000
octetsFrames512to1023 = 200000
netOctets = 203600000
txPri[0] = 100000
txPriBcnt[0] = 101800000
cpsw-3g - Port 2 statistics
rxGoodFrames = 100000
rxBcastFrames = 100000
rxOctets = 101800000
txGoodFrames = 50000
txOctets = 50900000
octetsFrames512to1023 = 150000
netOctets = 152700000
aleUnknownBcast = 1
aleUnknownBcastBcnt = 1018
txPri[0] = 50000
txPriBcnt[0] = 50900000
Starting NULL Bootloader ...
DMSC Firmware Version 8.4.7--v08.04.07 (Jolly Jellyfi
DMSC Firmware revision 0x8
DMSC ABI revision 3.1
INFO: Bootloader_runCpu:155: CPU r5f1-0 is initialized to 800000000 Hz !!!
INFO: Bootloader_runCpu:155: CPU r5f1-1 is initialized to 800000000 Hz !!!
INFO: Bootloader_runCpu:155: CPU m4f0-0 is initialized to 400000000 Hz !!!
INFO: Bootloader_loadSelfCpu:207: CPU r5f0-0 is initialized to 800000000 Hz !!!
INFO: Bootloader_loadSelfCpu:207: CPU r5f0-1 is initialized to 800000000 Hz !!!
INFO: Bootloader_runSelfCpu:217: All done, reseting self ...
Layer 2 CPSW SWITCH Test
Init all peripheral clocks
Enabling clocks!
Create RX tasks
cpsw-3g: Create RX task
Open all peripherals
cpsw-3g: Open enet
EnetAppUtils_reduceCoreMacAllocation: Reduced Mac Address Allocation for CoreId:1 From 4 To 2
Init all configs
cpsw-3g: init config
cpsw-3g: Open port 1
cpsw-3g: Open port 2
PHY 0 is alive
PHY 3 is alive
Attach core id 1 on all peripherals
cpsw-3g: Attach core
cpsw-3g: Open DMA
initQs() txFreePktInfoQ initialized with 16 pkts
cpsw-3g: Waiting for link up...
MAC Port 1: link up
MAC Port 2: link up
cpsw-3g: Port 1 link is up
cpsw-3g: Port 2 link is up
cpsw-3g: MAC port addr: f4:84:4c:fd:a6:00
Enet L2 cpsw Menu:
's' - Print statistics
'r' - Reset statistics
'm' - Show allocated MAC addresses
'p' - Enable Policer for rate limiting
'x' - Stop the test
Print statistics
cpsw-3g - Port 1 statistics
cpsw-3g - Port 2 statistics
Rate limiting Enabled port 1 on Src MAC 02:00:00:00:00:08
Print statistics
rxGoodFrames = 25000
rxOctets = 25450000
txGoodFrames = 25000
txBcastFrames = 25000
txOctets = 25450000
octetsFrames512to1023 = 50000
netOctets = 50900000
txPri[0] = 25000
txPriBcnt[0] = 25450000
cpsw-3g - Port 1 statistics
rxGoodFrames = 50000
rxBcastFrames = 50000
rxOctets = 50900000
txGoodFrames = 25000
txOctets = 25450000
octetsFrames512to1023 = 75000
netOctets = 76350000
portMaskDrop = 25000
alePolicyMatch = 50000
alePolicyMatchRed = 25000
txPri[0] = 25000
txPriBcnt[0] = 25450000
rxGoodFrames = 25000
rxOctets = 25450000
txGoodFrames = 25000
txBcastFrames = 25000
txOctets = 25450000
octetsFrames512to1023 = 50000
netOctets = 50900000
txPri[0] = 25000
txPriBcnt[0] = 25450000
cpsw-3g - Port 2 statistics
txGoodFrames = 25000
txBcastFrames = 25000
txOctets = 25450000
octetsFrames512to1023 = 25000
netOctets = 25450000
txPri[0] = 25000
txPriBcnt[0] = 25450000
  • On Wireshark we can see the packets received:

Wireshark log for Layer 2 CPSW Example

Testing Switch Policer configuration

  • Enable the policer using 'p' option in target UART terminal menu option.
  • Send Layer-2 packets with bellow configurations
    • source MAC address - 02:00:00:00:00:08
    • ingress port - PORT 1
    • Destination MAC address - any
    • Ether_type = 0x8600
    • Data rate - more than 25 mbps
  • Observe that packets are switched by limiting data rate to 25 mpbs.
  • Observe that the dropped packets are marked with 'alePolicyMatchRed' in CPSW statistics print.

See Also
