PROFINET Device  v1.04.02
Physical Device API


PROFINET Physical Device


 Physical Device Error Codes


void PN_API_PDEV_init (void)
 Initialize physical device, ethernet interface, ip stack, and IO device. More...
uint32_t PN_API_PDEV_start (void)
 Start physical device, ethernet interface, ip stack, and IO device. More...
uint32_t PN_API_PDEV_run (void)
 Run physical device, ethernet interface, ip stack, and IO device. More...
uint32_t PN_API_PDEV_delete (void)
 Deletes IO device, ethernet interface, ip stack and physical device. More...
uint32_t PN_API_PDEV_applyConfiguration (const PN_API_PDEV_SConfiguration_t *pConfiguration_p)
 Apply configuration of physical device. More...