EtherNet/IP™ Adapter  1.03.04
User Reference Manual
Identity Object (Class Code: 0x01)


This object provides identification of and general information about the device and optionally its subsystem. Instance one (1) of the Identity Object shall be present in all devices.

Instance one (1) shall identify the whole device. It alone shall be used for electronic keying, by applications wishing to determine what nodes are on the network and to match an EDS with a product on the network.

Other instances are optional. They may be provided by a device to give additional information about a device, such as its embedded components and/or subsystems.

Instances greater that one (1) that are used to report the revision of embedded components shall be assigned the Embedded Component (0xC8) device type. These instances exist to enable the manufacturer to report the revision of the embedded components of its choosing. See section 6-44 Embedded Component for attribute and service requirements for this purpose.

Instances greater that one (1) may also be used to identify internal subsystems that execute semi-independently. For example, a device may be designed to accept a 3rd party communications card.

Instance attributes with application access
Attribute ID Access Rule NV Name Data Type Value Description
1 Get,
Set ¹
NV Vendor ID UINT Default: 806
Identification of each vendor by number
The Vendor IDs are managed by ODVA. The value 0 is not valid.
Here: 806 (Vendor ID of TI)
2 Get,
Set ¹
NV Device Type UINT Default: 12
Identification of general type of product
The Device Type value is used to identify the device profile (see THE CIP NETWORKS LIBRARY, Volume 1, Edition 3.27 - Chapter 6) that a particular product is using. Device profiles define minimum requirements a device must implement, as well as common options.
The list of public device profiles is managed by ODVA.
Here: 12 = Communications Adapter
3 Get,
Set ¹
NV Product Code UINT Default: 8
Identification of a particular product of an individual vendor
The vendor assigned Product Code identifies a particular product within a device type. Each vendor assigns this code to each of its products.
4 Get,
Set ¹
NV Revision STRUCT of: Revision of the item the Identity Object represents
The Revision attribute consists of Major and Minor Revision.
Typically displayed as: <Major-No.>.<Minor-No.>
e.g.: 1.2
Major Revision USINT <Major-No.>
Minor Revision USINT <Minor-No.>
6 Get,
Set ¹
NV Serial Number UDINT <Serial-No.> Serial number of device
The Serial Number is used in conjunction with Vendor ID to form a unique identifier for each device on a CIP network.
The value 0 is not a valid serial number.
7 Get,
Set ¹
NV Product Name SHORT_STRING Default: EtherNet/IP Adapter Human readable identification
The text string shall represent a short description of the product represented by the Product Code in attribute 3.
Default value: EtherNet/IP Adapter

Table Footnotes:
¹ Set access only with application's Set function


uint32_t EI_API_ADP_getVendorId (T *pAdp_p, uint16_t *pVendorId_p)
 Get the adapter vendor identifier (Instance Attribute ID: 1). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setVendorId (T *pAdp_p, uint16_t vendorId_p)
 Set the adapter vendor identifier (Instance Attribute ID: 1). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_getDeviceType (T *pAdp_p, uint16_t *pDeviceType_p)
 Get the adapter device type (Instance Attribute ID: 2). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setDeviceType (T *pAdp_p, uint16_t deviceType_p)
 Set the adapter device type (Instance Attribute ID: 2). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_getProductCode (T *pAdp_p, uint16_t *pProductCode_p)
 Get the adapter product code (Instance Attribute ID: 3). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setProductCode (T *pAdp_p, uint16_t productCode_p)
 Set the adapter product code (Instance Attribute ID: 3). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_getRevision (T *pAdp_p, EI_API_ADP_SRevision_t *pRevision_p)
 Get the adapter revision (Instance Attribute ID: 4). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setRevision (T *pAdp_p, EI_API_ADP_SRevision_t revision_p)
 Set the adapter revision (Instance Attribute ID: 4). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_getSerialNumber (T *pAdp_p, uint32_t *pSerialNumber_p)
 Get the adapter serial number (Instance Attribute ID: 6). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setSerialNumber (T *pAdp_p, uint32_t serialNumber_p)
 Set the adapter's unique serial number (Instance Attribute ID: 6). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_getProductName (T *pAdp_p, char *pProductName_p)
 Get the adapter product name (Instance Attribute ID: 7). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setProductName (T *pAdp_p, const char *pProductName_p)
 Set the adapter product name (Instance Attribute ID: 7). More...