Go to the documentation of this file.
42 #include <drivers/hw_include/cslr_soc.h>
43 #include <drivers/ipc_rpmsg/include/ipc_rpmsg_linux_resource_table.h>
84 #define RPMESSAGE_VRING_SIZE(numBuf, bufSize) (((numBuf)*(uint16_t)((bufSize) + 32U)) + 32U)
100 #define RPMESSAGE_VRING_SIZE_PDK(numBuf, bufSize) (2 * ((numBuf)*((bufSize))))
110 typedef struct RPMessage_Object_s {
131 void *
data, uint16_t dataLen,
132 uint16_t remoteCoreId, uint16_t remoteEndPt);
165 uint16_t remoteCoreId, uint16_t remoteEndPt,
const char *remoteServiceName);
263 void *controlEndPtCallbackArgs);
351 uint16_t remoteCoreId,
352 uint16_t remoteEndPt,
378 uint16_t *remoteCoreId, uint32_t *remoteEndPt, uint32_t timeout);
Definition: cslr_soc_defines.h:78
void(* RPMessage_ControlEndPtCallback)(void *arg, uint16_t remoteCoreId, uint16_t remoteEndPt, const char *remoteServiceName)
Callback that is invoked when a annoucement message is received on the control end point.
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:164
void RPMessage_unblock(RPMessage_Object *obj)
Unblocks RPMessage_recv, for the input object, if it is blocked waiting on messages and users want to...
Opaque RPMessage object used with the RPMessage APIs.
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:110
uint32_t vringSize
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:203
uint16_t localEndPt
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:182
int32_t RPMessage_construct(RPMessage_Object *obj, const RPMessage_CreateParams *createParams)
Create a RPMessage object to receive messages at a specified end-point.
int32_t RPMessage_waitForLinuxReady(uint32_t timeout)
Wait for linux side RPMessage to be ready.
RPMessage_RecvNotifyCallback recvNotifyCallback
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:185
void RPMessage_deInit(void)
De-Initialize RPMessage module.
uint32_t data
Definition: tisci_rm_psil.h:1
int32_t RPMessage_init(const RPMessage_Params *params)
Initialize RPMessage module.
uint16_t RPMessage_getLocalEndPt(const RPMessage_Object *obj)
Return local end point of a RPMessage_Object.
void(* RPMessage_RecvNotifyCallback)(RPMessage_Object *obj, void *arg)
Callback that is invoked when a message is received from any CPU at the specified local end point.
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:147
const RPMessage_ResourceTable * linuxResourceTable
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:206
RPMessage_RecvCallback recvCallback
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:183
void RPMessage_Params_init(RPMessage_Params *params)
Set default values to RPMessage_Params.
int32_t RPMessage_announce(uint16_t remoteProcId, uint16_t localEndPt, const char *name)
Announce a local end point at which a service is created to a remote core.
uint32_t vringMsgSize
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:205
void * recvCallbackArgs
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:184
uint16_t linuxCoreId
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:211
void RPMessage_CreateParams_init(RPMessage_CreateParams *params)
Set default values to RPMessage_CreateParams.
void(* RPMessage_RecvCallback)(RPMessage_Object *obj, void *arg, void *data, uint16_t dataLen, uint16_t remoteCoreId, uint16_t remoteEndPt)
Callback that is invoked when a message is received from any CPU at the specified local end point.
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:130
uint32_t vringNumBuf
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:204
uint8_t vringAllocationPDK
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:212
Parameters passed to RPMessage_init, these are generated via SysCfg.
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:200
Parameters passed to RPMessage_construct.
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:181
void * recvNotifyCallbackArgs
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:186
int32_t RPMessage_recv(RPMessage_Object *obj, void *data, uint16_t *dataLen, uint16_t *remoteCoreId, uint32_t *remoteEndPt, uint32_t timeout)
Blocking API to wait till a message is received from any CPU at the specified local end point.
void RPMessage_controlEndPtCallback(RPMessage_ControlEndPtCallback controlEndPtCallback, void *controlEndPtCallbackArgs)
Callback to call when a control message is received on a control end point.
int32_t RPMessage_send(void *data, uint16_t dataLen, uint16_t remoteCoreId, uint16_t remoteEndPt, uint16_t localEndPt, uint32_t timeout)
Send a message to a remote core at a specified remote end point.
Size of RPMessage_Object.
Definition: ipc_rpmsg.h:105
void RPMessage_destruct(RPMessage_Object *obj)
Delete a previously created RPMessage object.