Features Supported
- Provide system tick functionality using a single timer to periodically interrupt the CPU
- Default tick period is 1000 usecs
- Using this system tick,
- Users can create arbitrary number of clock objects
- When a clock object expires, a user specified callback is called
- Clock expiry time is specified in units of clock ticks
- Each clock can be started in one-shot callback or periodic callback mode
- Provides APIs to wait 'n' clock ticks, get current clock ticks
- Provides APIs to convert clock ticks to time in usecs and vica versa
- API to get current time in units of usecs
Features NOT Supported
Important Usage Guidelines
- The user specific callback can be called in interrupt, SWI or task context depending on the underlying RTOS that is used
- In no-RTOS case, the callback is called in interrupt context
- It is recommended to assume that the callback is called in ISR context and not block within the callback.
- Typically one should do very limited work within the callback itself and defer the larger part of the work to a task via a semaphore post.
- ClockP_usleep and ClockP_sleep will block until the user specified time is expired.
- In no-RTOS case, there is only a single main task and that will block or spin until the ticks have elasped
- In RTOS case, the current executing task will 'pend' and schedular will switch to another ready task
- In both cases ISR's are still active
- In RTOS case, actual sleep will be in the range of
sleep time - ClockP_ticksToUsec(1)
to sleep time
. If you need to guarantee atleast minimum sleep of sleep time
, you need to sleep for sleep time + ClockP_ticksToUsec(1)
, i.e there will be a error on 1 OS tick at max.
- When using multiple CPUs, make sure each CPU uses a different HW timer else the tick ISR will not trigger as expected.
- Recommended value of tick period is 1ms or 1000us
- Adding any module in SysConfig, automatically adds a clock module with a timer configured for 1ms. The default timer is chosen such that it does not overlap with a timer from another CPU.
- In M4F, the M4F internal SysTick timer is used.
Example Usage
Include the below file to access the APIs,
Example callback that increments a global counter based on the clock that invoked the callback
uint32_t gOneShotCount = 0;
uint32_t gPeriodicCount = 0;
uint32_t *
value = (uint32_t*)arg;
Example usage to create a clock in one shot mode wit timer expiery of 10ms
args = &gOneShotCount;
Example usage to create a clock in one shot mode with timer period of 100ms
args = &gPeriodicCount;
Example usage to measure time and profile a function
APIs for Clock