- Attention
- Please note that this driver is supported only on DM R5(WKUP R5) as part SBL examples. It is not supported on MCU-M4.
Multi-Media Card Secure Digital (MMCSD) peripheral is a driver which provides an interface with storage devices which follows MMC/SD/SDIO protocol. The driver supports single bit, four bit and eight bit data lines to communicate with the connected media.
Features Supported
- 64-bit data, address width System Bus Interface
- MMCSD0 supports eMMC 5.1, and also backward compatible withe earlier eMMC standards
- MMCSD1 supports SD card HC 4.10 and SD Physical Layer v3.01, SDIO v3.00
SysConfig Features
- Note
- It is strongly recommend to use SysConfig where it is available instead of using direct SW API calls. This will help simplify the SW application and also catch common mistakes early in the development cycle.
Features not Supported
- MMCSD0 does not support SD card, SDIO and voltages 3.3V, 3.0V, 1.2V and HS400 DDR
- MMCSD1 does not support MMC card, UHS-II SD card and SDR104
- DMA not supported
Example Usage
Include the below file to access the APIs
Instance Open Example
Instance Close Example