Module | Supported CPUs | SysConfig Support | OS Support | Key features tested | Key features not tested |
TSN | A53 | NO | FreeRTOS | [Experimental] gPTP IEEE 802.1 AS-2020 compliant gPTP stack, End Nodes and Bridge mode support, YANG data model configuration | Multi-Clock Domain |
LwIP | A53 | YES | FreeRTOS | [Experimental] TCP/UDP IP networking stack with and without checksum offload enabled, TCP/UDP IP networking stack with server and client functionality, basic Socket APIs, netconn APIs and raw APIs, DHCP, ping, TCP iperf, scatter-gather, DSCP priority mapping, LwIP bridge, shared memory driver | Other LwIP features |
Ethernet driver (ENET) | A53 | YES | FreeRTOS | [Experimental] Ethernet as port using CPSW, MAC loopback and PHY loopback, Layer 2 MAC, Packet Timestamping, CPSW Switch, Policer and Classifier, MDIO Manual Mode, CBS (IEEE 802.1Qav) on CPSW, IET (IEEE 802.1Qbu) on CPSW, Strapped PHY (Early Ethernet), cut through switch on CPSW | RMII mode |
ID | Head Line | Module | Applicable Releases |
EXT_SITMPUSW-34 | SBL_UART_UNIFLASH_STAGE2 build fails on removing OSPI and FLASH module in Sysconfig | Uniflasher | 10.01.00 |
EXT_SITMPUSW-5 | Potential Infinite loop in OSPI_utilLog2 defined in ospi_v0.c | OSPI | 10.01.00 |
EXT_SITMPUSW-35 | MMCSD_initSD always returns SUCCESS | SD | 10.01.00 |
EXT_SITMPUSW-36 | MMCSD_initSD does not check the retry variable for failure for OCR command | SD | 10.01.00 |
EXT_SITMPUSW-37 | Misleading "File read from SD card" bootloader profile point in the SBL_SD bootloader | Bootloader | 10.01.00 |
EXT_SITMPUSW-38 | Remote core getting hangs when doing IPC with HLOS | IPC | 10.01.00 |
EXT_SITMPUSW-39 | Error in the CCS build of the SBL examples | SBL | 10.01.00 |
EXT_SITMPUSW-40 | The SYSFW_IMAGE_INTEGRITY OID is incorrectly mentioned in the comment | Bootloader | 10.01.00 |
EXT_SITMPUSW-41 | ClockP_getTicks to use xTaskGetTickCountFromISR() freeRTOS function if it is from ISR | DPL | 10.01.00 |
EXT_SITMPUSW-3 | EMMC:The tuning algorithm to re-execute up to 10 times if there is no failing or passing itapdly. | EMMC | 10.01.00 |
EXT_SITMPUSW-42 | Enable floating point task save restore for all tasks by default | DPL | 10.01.00 |
EXT_SITMPUSW-43 | MMCSD driver doesn't implement the recovery steps for CRC errors | EMMC | 10.01.00 |
EXT_SITMPUSW-44 | DebugP_log API returning wrong value | DPL | 10.01.00 |
EXT_SITMPUSW-45 | Memcpy: Utils_memcpyWord function doesn't work on 64 bit systems | Utils | 10.01.00 |
EXT_SITMPUSW-46 | SK-AM62-LP: LPM: MCU only mode unable to resolve with uart | IPC | 10.01.00 |
PROC_SDL-8139 | SDL ECC example application exits with failure on UC-2 | SDL | 10.01.00 |
PROC_SDL-8137 | PBIST example app fails when built for freertos | SDL | 10.01.00 |
PROC_SDL-8134 | POK example app fails when built for freertos | SDL | 10.01.00 |
SITSW-3685 | DM Sciclient ignores flags field for TIFS bound messages | DM | 08.03.00 onwards |
SITSW-4773 | DM is ignoring the exact flags sent in TISCI message | DM | 08.03.00 onwards |
SITSW-5794 | TISCI Messages from A53_4 are not receiving a response | DM | 08.06.00 onwards |
SYSFW-5992 | Unable to set exact pixel clock for OLDI LCD display / HDMI Pixel clock | DM | 08.05.00 onwards |
SYSFW-6432 | Set device API doesn't return Error when PD is in transition state | DM | 08.03.00 onwards |
SYSFW-7559 | In MCU-Only mode resume path the MCU_M4 LPSC is ON | DM (LPM) | 10.00.00 onwards |
SYSFW-7571 | Device IDs higher than 255 does not work with set device constraint API | DM (LPM) | 10.00.00 onwards |
SYSFW-7602 | RTC count value not getting updated after DeepSleep exit | DM (LPM) | 08.03.00 onwards |
SYSFW-7614 | Unable to configure DSS clock below 15.625MHz | DM | 10.00.00 onwards |
SYSFW-7617 | LPM mode selection logic does not check for constraints on all the hosts/devices | DM (LPM) | 10.00.00 onwards |
SYSFW-7740 | Only the last latency constraint value passed from a host considered in LPM selection | DM (LPM) | 10.00.00 onwards |
SYSFW-7760 | LPM: MCU subsystem (GPIO) clock should not be changed in MCU Only mode | DM (LPM) | 10.00.00 onwards |
SYSFW-6426 | Ownership of a firewall region can be transferred to an invalid host | TIFS | 08.03.00 onwards |
SYSFW-7739 | LPM constraint messages received by TIFS not forwarded to DM | TIFS | 10.00.00 |
ID | Head Line | Module | Reported in release | Workaround |
MCUSDK-208 | gmake with -j can sometimes lock up Windows command prompt | Build | 07.03.00 | Use bash for windows as part of git for windows or don't use -j option |
SYSFW-7781 | Get device API does not return error when the LPSC is in transition state | DM | 10.01.00 | None. |
SYSFW-7884 | There is an additional divide by 4 on all clocks of WKUP/MCU GPIO clock mux | DM | 10.01.00 | None. |
SYSFW-7898 | Switching between MCU-Only and DeepSleep mode fails after some iterations | DM (LPM) | 10.01.00 | None. |
PROC_SDL-8582 | VTM Example is failing in no-bootmode for M4F core | SDL | 10.01.00 | Use UART Bootmode |
PROC_SDL-8404 (CSI), PROC_SDL-8872 (WKUP_R5F), PROC_SDL-8865 (ICSS) | ECC is not supported for some instances. These are SDL_CSI_RX_IF0_CSI_RX_IF_ECC_AGGR SDL_WKUP_R5FSS0_PULSAR_UL_CPU0_ECC_AGGR SDL_ICSSM0_ICSS_M_CORE_BORG_ECC_AGGR | SDL | 10.01.00 (WKUP_R5F,ICSS), 09.01.00 (CSI) | None |
PROC_SDL-8861 | ECC is not supported for some instances due to firewall. These are SDL_SA3_SS0_SA3SS_AM62_DMSS_ECCAGGR SDL_SMS0_SMS_HSM_ECC SDL_SMS0_SMS_TIFS_ECC | SDL | 10.01.0 | None |
PROC_SDL-8792 | System_deinit error in MCRC Semi CPU and Auto CPU examples | SDL | 10.01.00 | None |
PROC_SDL-8870 | VTM Example is failing on R5F core | SDL | 10.01.00 | Generate binary for M4F core |
PROC_SDL-8890 | ECC TCM Example is failing | SDL | 10.01.00 | None
EXT_SITMPUSW-55 | AM62x: ENET : A53 : TCP Throughput drop in iperf application running on FreeRTOS A53 core | Ethernet | 10.01.00 | Issue is seen only with 1Gbps Full Duplex link speed. Any other link speed such as 100 Mbps link speed shall work seemlessly |