AM62x MCU+ SDK  09.02.01


This example generates 1b and 2b ECC error for DDR. The M4 enables the ESM instances (MAIN ESM0 and MCU ESM0). On generating an ECC error, the M4 receives the interrupt from MCU ESM (through the MAIN ESM error signal output routed to the MCU ESM). On receiving the interrupt, the handler clears the corresponding ECC error bit and restore the original value. If the interrupt is not received the test fails.

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS m4fss0-0 nortos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang
Board am62x-sk, am62x-sk-lp, am62x-sip-sk
Example folder examples/drivers/ddr/ddr_ecc_test_mcu_esm/

Steps to Run the Example

DDR inline ECC can be configured in the sysconfig of other SBLs as well. If you are configuring ECC for different address region, change the DDR_ECC_REGION0_START macro in the example file for testing.

See Also


Sample Output

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run,

Waiting on Single bit Error Correction Interrupt...
1b ECC error detected
Waiting on Dual bit error detection Interrupt...
2b ECC error detected
All tests have passed!!