AM62x MCU+ SDK  08.04.00

SBL EMMC Linux boots from the boot partition 1 of eMMC and does not use a filesystem boot. The appimage is flashed to the offsets in eMMC as configured using syscfg.
Care should be taken to ensure that the R5, M4 appimage and the Linux appimage flashed does NOT overwrite the Linux binaries in eMMC.
The load address of resource table for R5 and M4 cores must be consistant with the address in the Linux dts file.


This is a bootloader example, which shows an example of booting Linux on A53 core and RTOS/NORTOS applications on R5 and M4 cores from eMMC.

The booting is done in 2 stages(2 bootloader applications).

  • The stage1 of the bootloader runs from the HSM RAM. It boots MCU M4 with RTOS/NORTOS application and initializes the DDR. Then it loads the stage2 of the bootloader to DDR and stats running it.
  • The stage2 of the bootloader boots Linux on A53 and then self loads DM firmware on the DM R5.

The SBL uses 6 appimages

  • A Linux appimage containing the Linux binaries (ATF, OPTEE, SPL).
  • Appimage for SBL stage1
  • Appimage for SBL stage2
  • Appimage for MCU M4
  • Appimage for HSM M4
  • DM firmware appimage for DM R5

The bootloader does SOC initializations and parses the multicore appimage present at 0x800000 in eMMC boot partition 1, splits it into RPRCs for each core applicable. Each core is then initialized, RPRC image is loaded, entry points are set and the core is released from reset.

For booting Linux, SBL parses the Linux appimage present at 0xA00000 in eMMC boot partition, splits it into individual linux binaries (ATF, OPTEE, SPL). SBL loads the Linux binaries, entry point is set to the start address of ATF and A53 core is released from reset.

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS r5fss0-0 nortos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang
Board am62x-sk, am62x-sk-lp
Example folder examples/drivers/boot/sbl_emmc_linux_multistage

Steps to Run the Example

Build the example

  • When using CCS projects to build, import the CCS project for the required combination and build it using the CCS project menu (see Using SDK with CCS Projects).
  • When using makefiles to build, note the required combination and build using make command (see Using SDK with Makefiles)

Flash the eMMC with the default linux image

This needs to be the first step as later the tiboot3.bin at the starting of the bootpartition will be overwritten by sbl_emmc_linux.tiimage .
  • For booting A53 with linux, eMMC needs to be flashed with the Linux image. Refer to Processor SDK Linux user guide on how to flash eMMC to boot Linux.

Create Linux Appimage

Change DEVICE_TYPE to HS in ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/devconfig/devconfig.mak and then generate Linux Appimage for HS-SE device.
For HS, Instructions to build A53 uboot can be found in the SDK Linux documentation at Foundational Components » U-Boot » User’s Guide » General Information » Build U-Boot
Copy ATF, OPTEE from ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/board-support/prebuilt-images and ${OUTPUT_PATH_OF_U-BOOT_A53}/a53/spl/u-boot-spl.bin (unsigned image) to a new folder.
Change PSDK_LINUX_HS_IMAGE_PATH to the path where A53 spl images (ATF, OPTEE, A53 uboot) are copied.
  • Create a Linux Appimage containing the Linux binaries (ATF, OPTEE, SPL)
  • This can be done by running the makefile at {SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/tools/boot/linuxAppimageGen after setting the PSDK path in file config.mak
  • Refer Linux Appimage Generator Tool for more details

Create Device Manager (DM) Appimage

Create HSM Appimage

  • Create a HSM Appimage
  • This can be done by running the makefile at {SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/tools/boot/HSMAppimageGen
  • Refer HSM Appimage Generator Tool for more details

Run the example

  • This example is the SBL which needs to be flashed on the eMMC, along with sample application images for R5, M4 CPUs and Linux Appimage.
    Use default_sbl_emmc_linux_hs.cfg when flashing to HS devices
  • There is a default flash config file as shown below which flashes this SBL and the IPC RPMsg Linux echo applications
  • Make sure IPC rpmsg linux echo application is built before running the flash script. (see IPC RP Message Linux Echo)
For IPC rpmsg linux echo, the resource table entity must be placed at the beginning of remoteproc memory section as mentoined in Linux dts file.
  • To flash to the EVM, refer to Flash a Hello World example . Only when giving the flash config file, point to the default_sbl_emmc_linux.cfg shown above.
  • Example, assuming SDK is installed at C:/ti/mcu_plus_sdk and this example and IPC application is built using makefiles, and Linux Appimage is already created, in Windows,
      cd C:/ti/mcu_plus_sdk/tools/boot
      python -p COM13 --cfg=C:/ti/mcu_plus_sdk/examples/drivers/boot/sbl_emmc_linux_multistage/sbl_emmc_linux_stage2/am62x-sk/r5fss0-0_nortos/default_sbl_emmc_linux.cfg
  • If Linux PC is used, assuming SDK is installed at ~/ti/mcu_plus_sdk
      cd ~/ti/mcu_plus_sdk
      python -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --cfg=~/ti/mcu_plus_sdk/examples/drivers/boot/sbl_emmc_linux_multistage/sbl_emmc_linux_stage2/am62x-sk/r5fss0-0_nortos/default_sbl_emmc_linux.cfg
  • Boot the EVM in eMMC boot mode to boot Linux on A53 and RTOS/Baremetal application on R5 and M4 cores.
User might be required to set environmet variables from uBooot prompt to boot linux kernel from eMMC. Refer to Processor SDK Linux user guide for details.

See Also


Sample Output

After flashing and booting the EVM, you will see below output on the UART console (Complete log is not shown)

DMSC Firmware Version 8.4.7--v08.04.07 (Jolly Jellyfi
DMSC Firmware revision 0x8
DMSC ABI revision 3.1

[BOOTLOADER_PROFILE] Boot Media       : eMMC
[BOOTLOADER_PROFILE] Boot Media Clock : 200.000 MHz
[BOOTLOADER_PROFILE] Boot Image Size  : 152 KB
[BOOTLOADER_PROFILE] Cores present    :
[BOOTLOADER PROFILE] System_init                      :      27757us
[BOOTLOADER PROFILE] Drivers_open                     :     764670us
[BOOTLOADER PROFILE] Board_driversOpen                :          0us
[BOOTLOADER PROFILE] Sciclient Get Version            :      10115us
[BOOTLOADER PROFILE] App_loadImages                   :     129890us
[BOOTLOADER_PROFILE] SBL Total Time Taken             :    1090861us

Image loading done, switching to application ...
Starting MCU-m4f and 2nd stage bootloader

DMSC Firmware Version 8.4.7--v08.04.07 (Jolly Jellyfi
DMSC Firmware revision 0x8
DMSC ABI revision 3.1

[BOOTLOADER_PROFILE] Boot Media       : eMMC
[BOOTLOADER_PROFILE] Boot Media Clock : 200.000 MHz
[BOOTLOADER_PROFILE] Boot Image Size  : 853 KB
[BOOTLOADER_PROFILE] Cores present    :
[BOOTLOADER PROFILE] System_init                      :       2714us
[BOOTLOADER PROFILE] Drivers_open                     :     764715us
[BOOTLOADER PROFILE] Board_driversOpen                :          0us
[BOOTLOADER PROFILE] Sciclient Get Version            :      10181us
[BOOTLOADER PROFILE] App_loadImages                   :      51580us
[BOOTLOADER PROFILE] App_loadSelfcoreImage            :     334055us
[BOOTLOADER_PROFILE] SBL Total Time Taken             :    1544969us

Image loading done, switching to application ...
Starting linux and RTOS/Baremetal applications
NOTICE:  BL31: v2.7(release):v2.7.0-dirty
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 16:38:50, Sep  8 2022
I/TC: OP-TEE version: 3.17.0-125-g15a746d28 (gcc version 9.2.1 20191025 (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 9.2-2019.12 (arm-9.10))) #1 Thu Sep  8 16:42:29 UTC 2022 aarch64
I/TC: Primary CPU initializing
I/TC: SYSFW ABI: 3.1 (firmware rev 0x0008 '8.4.7--v08.04.07 (Jolly Jellyfi')
I/TC: HUK Initialized
I/TC: Primary CPU switching to normal world boot

U-Boot SPL 2021.01-gb8840490a1 (Sep 08 2022 - 16:42:45 +0000)
SYSFW ABI: 3.1 (firmware rev 0x0008 '8.4.7--v08.04.07 (Jolly Jellyfi')
Trying to boot from MMC1


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