AM62Px MCU+ SDK  10.01.00


This datasheet provides the performance numbers of various device drivers in MCU PLUS SDK for AM62PX

Generic Setup details

SOC Details Values
Core R5F
Core Operating Speed 800 MHz
Cache Status Enabled
Optimization Details Values
Build Profile Release
R5F Compiler flags -mcpu=cortex-r5 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -Wall -Werror -g -mthumb -Wno-gnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end -Wno-unused-function
R5F Linker flags -Wl,–diag_suppress=10063 -Wl,–ram_model -Wl,–reread_libs
Code Placement HSM RAM (For SBL Stage1), DDR (SBL Stage2 and others)
Data Placement HSM RAM (For SBL Stage1), DDR (SBL Stage2 and others)

Performance Numbers

SBL OSPI NOR performance (HS-FS)

  • Software/Application used : sbl_emmc_linux_multistage, ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux, linux and HSM App Images
  • Cores booted by stage1 SBL : wkup-r5f0-0
  • Cores booted by stage2 SBL : hsm-m4f0-0 mcu-r5f0-0 a530-0
  • Size of images loaded by stage1 : 233 KB
  • Size of images loaded by stage2 : 859 KB
  • Boot Media Clock : 166.667 MHz
  • Mode : PHY enabled, DMA enabled
  • Protocol : 8D-8D-8D
SBL Stage1 boot time breakdown Time (ms)
SBL Stage1: System_init 38.276
SBL Stage1: App_waitForMcuPbist 0.002
SBL Stage1: Board_init 0.000
SBL Stage1: Drivers_open 0.091
SBL Stage1: SBL Drivers_open 0.134
SBL Stage1: Board_driversOpen 0.008
SBL Stage1: SBL Board_driversOpen 1.269
SBL Stage1: App_loadSelfcoreImage 4.535
-------------------------------------— -----------—
SBL Stage1: Total time taken 44.320
SBL Stage2 boot time breakdown Time (ms)
SBL Stage2: System_init 2.148
SBL Stage2: Board_init 0.003
SBL Stage2: FreeRtosTask Create 0.260
SBL Stage2: SBL Drivers_open 1.011
SBL Stage2: SBL Board_driversOpen 0.130
SBL Stage2: App_loadImages 3.694
SBL Stage2: App_loadMCUImages 6.539
SBL Stage2: App_loadLinuxImages 18.973
-------------------------------------— -----------—
SBL Stage2: Total time taken 32.759
  • Here the CPU load or section copy takes place from the OSPI memory to DDR, this would be slower that mem to mem copy.
  • The time taken for Sciclient Get Version can be avoided if the version check is disabled
  • Out of the ~38 ms taken for System Init is mostly attributed to DDR initialization.

SBL EMMC performance (HS-FS)

  • Software/Application used : sbl_emmc_linux_multistage, ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux, linux and HSM App Images
  • Cores booted by stage1 SBL : wkup-r5f0-0
  • Cores booted by stage2 SBL : hsm-m4f0-0 mcu-r5f0-0 a530-0
  • Size of images loaded by stage1 : 206 KB
  • Size of images loaded by stage2 : 914 KB
  • Boot Media Clock : 200.00 MHz
  • Mode : HS400
SBL Stage1 boot time breakdown Time (ms)
SBL Stage1: System_init 38.159
SBL Stage1: Board_init 0.000
SBL Stage1: Drivers_open 0.000
SBL Stage1: SBL Drivers_open 20.582
SBL Stage1: Board_driversOpen 0.000
SBL Stage1: App_loadSelfcoreImage 9.201
-------------------------------------— -----------—
SBL Stage1: Total time taken 67.944
SBL Stage2 boot time breakdown Time (ms)
SBL Stage2: System_init 2.053
SBL Stage2: Board_init 0.000
SBL Stage2: FreeRtosTask Create 0.260
SBL Stage2: SBL Drivers_open 22.975
SBL Stage2: App_loadImages 5.220
SBL Stage2: App_loadMCUImages 7.951
SBL Stage2: App_loadLinuxImages 19.305
-------------------------------------— -----------—
SBL Stage2: Total time taken 57.767
  • The emmc driver initialization is done as part of Drivers_open.
  • The time taken for Sciclient Get Version can be avoided if the version check is disabled
  • Out of the ~38 ms taken for System Init is mostly attributed to DDR initialization.

CPSW Performance

TCP Test

  • Software/Application used : enet_lwip_cpsw
  • iperf test type : TCP iperf
  • iperf command used : iperf -c -i 10 -t 100 -r

TCP Performance(AM62PX-SK):

TCP direction B/W (Mb/s) CPU load(%)
TCP RX 206 87.87
TCP TX 165 99.62
TCP Biderectional TX = 91.9 + RX = 93.4 100

UDP Test

  • Software/Application used : enet_lwip_cpsw
  • iperf test type : UDP iperf
  • iperf command used : iperf -c -u -b 60M -l 256 -i 10 -t 100 -r

UDP TX Performance(AM62PX-SK):

  • For Packet Size: 1500 B
Tx Side BW/Packet Size CPU load(%) Packet loss(%) Latency
25 Mbps 100 0 -
50 Mbps 100 0 -
100 Mbps 100 0 -
Max(372 Mbps) 100 0.1 -

UDP RX Performance(AM62PX-SK):

  • For Packet Size: 256 B
Rx Side BW/Packet Size CPU load(%) Packet loss(%) Latency
25 Mbps 61 0.5 -
50 Mbps 100 16 -
100 Mbps - - -
  • For Packet Size: 512 B
Rx Side BW/Packet Size CPU load(%) Packet loss(%) Latency
25 Mbps 34 0.01 -
50 Mbps 65 0.20 -
100 Mbps 100 21 -
  • For Packet Size: 1500 B
Rx Side BW/Packet Size CPU load(%) Packet loss(%) Latency
25 Mbps 17 0 -
50 Mbps 30 0 -
100 Mbps 56 0.08 -
Max(177 Mbps) 99.83 0.33 -

IPC performance


  • 10000 messages are sent and average one way message latency is measured
Local Core Remote Core Average Message Latency (us)
wkup-r5f0-0 mcu-r5f0-0 1.23


  • 1000 messages are sent and average one way message latency is measured
Local Core Remote Core Message Size Average Message Latency (us) Max Latency (us) Message Count
wkup-r5f0-0 mcu-r5f0-0 32 14.696 15 1000
wkup-r5f0-0 mcu-r5f0-0 64 21.326 21 1000
wkup-r5f0-0 mcu-r5f0-0 112 30.804 31 1000

EMMC Performance

Mode Data size(MiB) Write speed(MiBps) Read speed(MiBps)
SDR50 1 31.61 45.01
SDR50 4 41.38 45.55
SDR50 6 41.59 44.25
DDR50 1 53.25 81.85
DDR50 4 53.62 83.63
DDR50 6 71.20 79.33
HS200 1 70.56 157.70
HS200 4 109.64 169.40
HS200 6 74.31 152.66
HS400 1 71.93 249.19
HS400 4 109.97 267.29
HS400 6 108.35 226.37

OSPI NOR Flash Performance

  • Flash protocol: FLASH_CFG_PROTO_8D_8D_8D
  • PHY : enabled
  • DMA : enabled
Data size(MiB) Write speed(MiBps) Read speed(MiBps)
1 0.43 283.56
5 0.44 284.78
10 0.45 284.93
DQS Tuning Algorithm Tuning Time (ms)
Default Tuning Window 3.45 ms
Fast Tuning Window 1.15 ms

GPIO latency

GPIO latency is measured by connecting 2 GPIOs externaly and configuring one GPIO as input and the other as output. Then 1 is written to GPIO output and measure the time between writing 1 to GPIO output to rececving the interrupt at GPIO input.

Core GPIO In GPIO Out Latency (us)
mcu-r5f MCU_GPIO0_15 MCU_GPIO0_16 2