This datasheet provides the performance numbers of various device drivers in MCU PLUS SDK for AM62PX
Generic Setup details
SOC Details | Values |
Core | R5F |
Core Operating Speed | 800 MHz |
Cache Status | Enabled |
Optimization Details | Values |
Build Profile | Release |
R5F Compiler flags | -mcpu=cortex-r5 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -Wall -Werror -g -mthumb -Wno-gnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end -Wno-unused-function |
R5F Linker flags | -Wl,–diag_suppress=10063 -Wl,–ram_model -Wl,–reread_libs |
Code Placement | HSM RAM (For SBL Stage1), DDR (SBL Stage2 and others) |
Data Placement | HSM RAM (For SBL Stage1), DDR (SBL Stage2 and others) |
Performance Numbers
SBL OSPI NOR performance (HS-FS)
- Software/Application used : sbl_emmc_linux_multistage, ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux, linux and HSM App Images
- Cores booted by stage1 SBL : wkup-r5f0-0
- Cores booted by stage2 SBL : hsm-m4f0-0 mcu-r5f0-0 a530-0
- Size of images loaded by stage1 : 233 KB
- Size of images loaded by stage2 : 859 KB
- Boot Media Clock : 166.667 MHz
- Mode : PHY enabled, DMA enabled
- Protocol : 8D-8D-8D
SBL Stage1 boot time breakdown | Time (ms) |
SBL Stage1: System_init | 38.276 |
SBL Stage1: App_waitForMcuPbist | 0.002 |
SBL Stage1: Board_init | 0.000 |
SBL Stage1: Drivers_open | 0.091 |
SBL Stage1: SBL Drivers_open | 0.134 |
SBL Stage1: Board_driversOpen | 0.008 |
SBL Stage1: SBL Board_driversOpen | 1.269 |
SBL Stage1: App_loadSelfcoreImage | 4.535 |
-------------------------------------— | -----------— |
SBL Stage1: Total time taken | 44.320 |
SBL Stage2 boot time breakdown | Time (ms) |
SBL Stage2: System_init | 2.148 |
SBL Stage2: Board_init | 0.003 |
SBL Stage2: FreeRtosTask Create | 0.260 |
SBL Stage2: SBL Drivers_open | 1.011 |
SBL Stage2: SBL Board_driversOpen | 0.130 |
SBL Stage2: App_loadImages | 3.694 |
SBL Stage2: App_loadMCUImages | 6.539 |
SBL Stage2: App_loadLinuxImages | 18.973 |
-------------------------------------— | -----------— |
SBL Stage2: Total time taken | 32.759 |
- Here the CPU load or section copy takes place from the OSPI memory to DDR, this would be slower that mem to mem copy.
- The time taken for Sciclient Get Version can be avoided if the version check is disabled
- Out of the ~38 ms taken for System Init is mostly attributed to DDR initialization.
SBL EMMC performance (HS-FS)
- Software/Application used : sbl_emmc_linux_multistage, ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux, linux and HSM App Images
- Cores booted by stage1 SBL : wkup-r5f0-0
- Cores booted by stage2 SBL : hsm-m4f0-0 mcu-r5f0-0 a530-0
- Size of images loaded by stage1 : 206 KB
- Size of images loaded by stage2 : 914 KB
- Boot Media Clock : 200.00 MHz
- Mode : HS400
SBL Stage1 boot time breakdown | Time (ms) |
SBL Stage1: System_init | 38.159 |
SBL Stage1: Board_init | 0.000 |
SBL Stage1: Drivers_open | 0.000 |
SBL Stage1: SBL Drivers_open | 20.582 |
SBL Stage1: Board_driversOpen | 0.000 |
SBL Stage1: App_loadSelfcoreImage | 9.201 |
-------------------------------------— | -----------— |
SBL Stage1: Total time taken | 67.944 |
SBL Stage2 boot time breakdown | Time (ms) |
SBL Stage2: System_init | 2.053 |
SBL Stage2: Board_init | 0.000 |
SBL Stage2: FreeRtosTask Create | 0.260 |
SBL Stage2: SBL Drivers_open | 22.975 |
SBL Stage2: App_loadImages | 5.220 |
SBL Stage2: App_loadMCUImages | 7.951 |
SBL Stage2: App_loadLinuxImages | 19.305 |
-------------------------------------— | -----------— |
SBL Stage2: Total time taken | 57.767 |
- The emmc driver initialization is done as part of Drivers_open.
- The time taken for Sciclient Get Version can be avoided if the version check is disabled
- Out of the ~38 ms taken for System Init is mostly attributed to DDR initialization.
CPSW Performance
TCP Test
- Software/Application used : enet_lwip_cpsw
- iperf test type : TCP iperf
- iperf command used : iperf -c -i 10 -t 100 -r
TCP Performance(AM62PX-SK):
TCP direction | B/W (Mb/s) | CPU load(%) |
TCP RX | 206 | 87.87 |
TCP TX | 165 | 99.62 |
TCP Biderectional | TX = 91.9 + RX = 93.4 | 100 |
UDP Test
- Software/Application used : enet_lwip_cpsw
- iperf test type : UDP iperf
- iperf command used : iperf -c -u -b 60M -l 256 -i 10 -t 100 -r
UDP TX Performance(AM62PX-SK):
Tx Side BW/Packet Size | CPU load(%) | Packet loss(%) | Latency |
25 Mbps | 100 | 0 | - |
50 Mbps | 100 | 0 | - |
100 Mbps | 100 | 0 | - |
Max(372 Mbps) | 100 | 0.1 | - |
UDP RX Performance(AM62PX-SK):
Rx Side BW/Packet Size | CPU load(%) | Packet loss(%) | Latency |
25 Mbps | 61 | 0.5 | - |
50 Mbps | 100 | 16 | - |
100 Mbps | - | - | - |
Rx Side BW/Packet Size | CPU load(%) | Packet loss(%) | Latency |
25 Mbps | 34 | 0.01 | - |
50 Mbps | 65 | 0.20 | - |
100 Mbps | 100 | 21 | - |
Rx Side BW/Packet Size | CPU load(%) | Packet loss(%) | Latency |
25 Mbps | 17 | 0 | - |
50 Mbps | 30 | 0 | - |
100 Mbps | 56 | 0.08 | - |
Max(177 Mbps) | 99.83 | 0.33 | - |
IPC performance
- 10000 messages are sent and average one way message latency is measured
Local Core | Remote Core | Average Message Latency (us) |
wkup-r5f0-0 | mcu-r5f0-0 | 1.23 |
- 1000 messages are sent and average one way message latency is measured
Local Core | Remote Core | Message Size | Average Message Latency (us) | Max Latency (us) | Message Count |
wkup-r5f0-0 | mcu-r5f0-0 | 32 | 14.696 | 15 | 1000 |
wkup-r5f0-0 | mcu-r5f0-0 | 64 | 21.326 | 21 | 1000 |
wkup-r5f0-0 | mcu-r5f0-0 | 112 | 30.804 | 31 | 1000 |
EMMC Performance
Mode | Data size(MiB) | Write speed(MiBps) | Read speed(MiBps) |
SDR50 | 1 | 31.61 | 45.01 |
SDR50 | 4 | 41.38 | 45.55 |
SDR50 | 6 | 41.59 | 44.25 |
DDR50 | 1 | 53.25 | 81.85 |
DDR50 | 4 | 53.62 | 83.63 |
DDR50 | 6 | 71.20 | 79.33 |
HS200 | 1 | 70.56 | 157.70 |
HS200 | 4 | 109.64 | 169.40 |
HS200 | 6 | 74.31 | 152.66 |
HS400 | 1 | 71.93 | 249.19 |
HS400 | 4 | 109.97 | 267.29 |
HS400 | 6 | 108.35 | 226.37 |
OSPI NOR Flash Performance
- Flash protocol: FLASH_CFG_PROTO_8D_8D_8D
- PHY : enabled
- DMA : enabled
Data size(MiB) | Write speed(MiBps) | Read speed(MiBps) |
1 | 0.43 | 283.56 |
5 | 0.44 | 284.78 |
10 | 0.45 | 284.93 |
DQS Tuning Algorithm | Tuning Time (ms) |
Default Tuning Window | 3.45 ms |
Fast Tuning Window | 1.15 ms |
GPIO latency
GPIO latency is measured by connecting 2 GPIOs externaly and configuring one GPIO as input and the other as output. Then 1 is written to GPIO output and measure the time between writing 1 to GPIO output to rececving the interrupt at GPIO input.
Core | GPIO In | GPIO Out | Latency (us) |
mcu-r5f | MCU_GPIO0_15 | MCU_GPIO0_16 | 2 |