AM62Ax MCU+ SDK  09.02.00


RM Safety Checker (SAFETY_CHECKERS-RM) provided APIs which are integrated into the safety application to verify the RM modules configuration and validate the runtime RM moudules configuration against golden reference.

SAFETY_CHECKERS-RM library includes the following implementation:

  1. Reading the RM modules configuration registers, below are the modules included:
    • IR
    • IA IMAP
    • Ring Accelerator
    • DMA
  2. Validation of current RM modules configuration registers against golden reference.

This example demonstrates how to use SAFETY_CHECKERS-RM library APIs.

In generation of RM modules config, Safety application shall call the RM read APIs to access the configuration registers from the Safety Checkers library running in the Safety Core. Safety checkers returns RM modules config to the safety application. Safety application validates the RM modules configuration and save it as a golden reference in a non-volatile memory. This initializes the Safety Application and gathers the initial configuration data.

In validate RM module config stage, Safety application provides golden reference to the RM safety checker and Safety checker will validates at defined intervals. RM safety checker reads the RM modules registers at runtime and validate they are matching with the golden state for modules in safety loop. Safety checker will return success or failure after validates against the golden reference.

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS mcu-r5fss0-0 freertos
r5fss0-0 freertos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang**
Boards am62ax-sk
Example folder source/safety_checkers/examples/

Steps to Run the Example

See Also


Sample Output

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run,

RM register blob test match !!!