AM62Ax MCU+ SDK  10.01.00
Bootloader Test Example


This is a bootloader test application which demonstrates booting an encrypted application signed with certificate generated for inplace auth type .The example is supported only on HS-SE device. In this example the image information such as header, image residing address after auth and decryption and image size are obtained as a response from Sciclient_procBootAuthAndStart api. In this example the appimage is copied from flash to ddr memory to do authentication and decryption, as decryption can't be done in flash memory.

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS r5fss0-0 nortos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang
Boards am62ax-sk
Example folder examples/security/boootloader_test

Steps to Run the Example

Build the example

Since this is a bootloader application, the example will be run every time you boot an application using this example. It is run from a OSPI boot media unlike other examples which are usually loaded with CCS. Nevertheless, you can build this example like you do for the others using makefile or build it via CCS by importing as a project.

This example runs on HS-SE devices so the DEVICE_TYPE in {SDK_PATH}/devconfig/devconfig.mak must be set to HS.
  • When using CCS projects to build, import the CCS project for the required combination and build it using the CCS project menu (see Using SDK with CCS Projects).
  • When using makefiles to build, note the required combination and build using make command (see Using SDK with Makefiles)
  • Refer to the page Basic steps to flash files to flash this bootloader along with the application to boot.

Run the example

  • This example is the SBL which needs to be flashed on the EVM flash, along with application images for MCU R5 Appimage.
    For HS-SE device, use default_security_bootloader_test_hs.cfg as the cfg file.
  • There is a default flash config file as shown below which flashes this SBL and the Mcu Core Test Application applications
  • Make sure mcu_core_test_app application is built before running the flash script. (see Mcu Core Test Application )
  • To flash to the EVM, refer to Flash an example application . Only when giving the flash config file, point to the default_security_bootloader_test_hs.cfg shown above.
  • Example, assuming SDK is installed at C:/ti/mcu_plus_sdk and this example and mcu_core_test_app application is built using makefiles, in Windows,
      cd C:/ti/mcu_plus_sdk/tools/boot
      python -p COM13 --cfg=C:/ti/mcu_plus_sdk/examples/security/bootloader_test/am62ax-sk/default_security_bootloader_test_hs.cfg
  • If Linux PC is used, assuming SDK is installed at ~/ti/mcu_plus_sdk
      cd ~/ti/mcu_plus_sdk/tools/boot
      python -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --cfg=~/ti/mcu_plus_sdk/examples/security/bootloader_test/am62ax-sk/default_security_bootloader_test_hs.cfg
  • Boot the EVM in OSPI NAND boot mode.

Sample Output

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run,

Image residing at address: 0x84000000
Image size: 0x8970