AM62Ax MCU+ SDK  09.00.00


This example configures a GPIO pin connected to an LED on the EVM in output mode. The application toggles the LED on/off for 10 seconds and exits.

We do not have any LED connected direct from MCU connection for testing gpio pins on the board, So we are using MCU_HEADER pins for gpio pins for glowing LED. Make the following connections for this example to work on the SK-AM62A.

  • Connect LED(high) to Pin 18 of J9.
  • Connect LED(ground) to Pin 27 of J9.

To modify the example to use main domain GPIO, refer Accessing main and wakeup domain peripherals from MCU domain

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS mcu-r5fss0-0 nortos
mcu-r5fss0-0 freertos
a53ss0-0 nortos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang
Board am62ax-sk
Example folder examples/drivers/gpio/gpio_led_blink/

Steps to Run the Example

See Also


Sample Output

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run,

GPIO LED Blink Test Started ...
LED will Blink for 10 seconds ...
GPIO LED Blink Test Passed!!
All tests have passed!!