Go to the documentation of this file.
33 #ifndef BOOTLOADER_SOC_AM273X_H_
34 #define BOOTLOADER_SOC_AM273X_H_
42 #include <drivers/hw_include/cslr_soc.h>
58 #define BOOTLOADER_DEVTYPE_GP (0x03U)
60 #define BOOTLOADER_CLIENT_ID (0x02)
67 #define BOOTLOADER_SOC_EFUSE_REG_ROW11 (0x030E0424)
70 #define BOOTLOADER_SOC_DSP_PART_450MHZ (0x00)
71 #define BOOTLOADER_SOC_DSP_PART_480MHZ (0x10)
72 #define BOOTLOADER_SOC_DSP_PART_500MHZ (0x20)
73 #define BOOTLOADER_SOC_DSP_PART_550MHZ (0x30)
74 #define BOOTLOADER_SOC_DSP_PART_600MHZ (0x40)
76 #define BOOTLOADER_SOC_DSP_PART_300MHZ (0x60)
78 #define BOOTLOADER_SOC_R5_FREQ_MASK (uint32_t)(1U << 21U)
79 #define BOOTLOADER_SOC_R5_PART_400MHZ (0x00000000)
80 #define BOOTLOADER_SOC_R5_PART_200MHZ (uint32_t)(1U << 21U)
82 #define BOOTLOADER_SOC_EFUSE_DUAL_CORE_DIS_MASK (uint32_t)(1U << 14U)
83 #define BOOTLOADER_SOC_VARIANT_DUAL_R5F (0x00000000)
84 #define BOOTLOADER_SOC_VARIANT_SINGLE_R5F (uint32_t)(1U << 14U)
106 typedef struct Bootloader_socCoreOpModeConfig_s
int32_t Bootloader_socCpuSetClock(uint32_t cpuId, uint32_t cpuHz)
Set the clock of a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC.
char * Bootloader_socGetCoreName(uint32_t cpuId)
Get the name of a core.
int32_t Bootloader_socCpuRequest(uint32_t cpuId)
Request for a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC.
void Bootloader_socConfigurePll(void)
int32_t Bootloader_socCpuSetEntryPoint(uint32_t cpuId, uintptr_t entryPoint)
Set entry point for self CPU in the AM64x SOC from reset.
uint32_t Bootloader_socIsAuthRequired(void)
API to check if authentication is required for the device. Checks the SYS_STATUS register to see if d...
This is a HSMClient type which holds the information needed by hsm client to communicate with HSM .
Definition: hsmclient.h:90
int32_t Bootloader_socCpuPowerOnReset(uint32_t cpuId, void *socCoreOpMode)
Do power-on-reset of a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC.
Data structure containing information about the operating mode specific to the SOC.
Definition: bootloader_soc.h:107
uint32_t defaultClockHz
Definition: bootloader_soc.h:95
int32_t Bootloader_socCpuResetRelease(uint32_t cpuId, uintptr_t entryPoint)
Release a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC from reset.
void Bootloader_socLoadHsmRtFw(HsmClient_t *gHSMClient, const uint8_t *HsmRtFw, uint32_t hsmRTSize)
API to load hsm runtime firmware.
Data structure containing information about a core specific to the AM273x SOC.
Definition: bootloader_soc.h:94
uint32_t Bootloader_socRprcToCslCoreId(uint32_t rprcCoreId)
Obtain the CSL core ID of a CPU from its RPRC core ID.
uint64_t Bootloader_socCpuGetClock(uint32_t cpuId)
Get the clock of a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC.
void Bootloader_socGetBootSeqOid(uint8_t *boot_seq_oid)
API to get boot sequence oid.
int32_t Bootloader_socCpuRelease(uint32_t cpuId)
Release a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC.
uint32_t Bootloader_socGetCoreVariant(void)
API to check R5F core variant of the SOC - whether it's a dual core or a single core variant.
int32_t Bootloader_socCpuResetReleaseSelf(void)
Release self CPU in the AM64x SOC from reset.
int32_t Bootloader_socAuthImage(uint32_t certLoadAddr)
API to authenticate (and decrypt if needed) an appimage using SYSFW.
uint32_t Bootloader_socTranslateSectionAddr(uint32_t cslCoreId, uint32_t addr)
Translate a CPU address to the SOC address wherever applicable.
uint32_t * Bootloader_socGetSelfCpuList(void)
Get the list of self cpus in the SOC.
uint32_t Bootloader_socCpuGetClkDefault(uint32_t cpuId)
Get the default clock of a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC.
int32_t Bootloader_socSecHandover(void)
API to trigger the security handover from SYSFW.
uint32_t r5fss0_opMode
Definition: bootloader_soc.h:108
int32_t Bootloader_socMemInitCpu(uint32_t cpuId)
Initialize the core memories of a specific core.