AM273x MCU+ SDK  09.02.00
Ethernet LLDP Stack - API and Integration Guide


Reader are expected to have basic knowledge on below IEEE specifications

  • Standard ethernet (IEEE 802.1)
  • Link Layer Discovery Protocol - LLDP (IEEE 802.1AB-2016)
  • LLDP Amendment 1: YANG Data Model (IEEE 802.1ABcu-2021)


This guide is intended to enhance user's understanding of the LLDP stack and provide guidance on how to seamlessly integrate LLDP modules into their own applications.

Demo and Examples

Ethernet LLDP Example

TSN Stack


The compilation of library is similar with Ethernet TSN and gPTP Stack - API and Integration Guide.


The TSN Stack library is composed of the following source modules:

Module Name lcoation Description
Unibase <mcu_plus_sdk>/source/networking/tsn/tsn_unibase Universal utility libraries that are platform-independent
Combase <mcu_plus_sdk>/source/networking/tsn/tsn_combase Communication utility libraries that provide support for functions like sockets, mutexes, and semaphores
Uniconf <mcu_plus_sdk>/source/networking/tsn/tsn_uniconf Universal configuration daemon for Yang, provides APIs for developing a client application which retreives/writes yang parameters from/to database
LLDP <mcu_plus_sdk>/source/networking/tsn/tsn_lldp Implementation of the IEEE 802.1 AB LLDP

Stack Initialization

Refer Ethernet TSN and gPTP Stack - API and Integration Guide. Stack Initialization section


Refer Ethernet TSN and gPTP Stack - API and Integration Guide. Logging section

Starting uniconf and LLDP applications

Refer Ethernet TSN and gPTP Stack - API and Integration Guide. Starting uniconf and gPTP section.

This function will start:

  • The uniconf task as 1st priority task to be init
  • Initial uniconf DB after uniconf is finished by uniconf runtime config or yang config file.
  • After uniconf and DB initialization is finished, lldp task is able to start

LLDP Deinitialization

Refer Ethernet TSN and gPTP Stack - API and Integration Guide. TSN Deinitialization section


Source integration

Refer Ethernet TSN and gPTP Stack - API and Integration Guide. Source integration section

Uniconf configuration

Refer Ethernet TSN and gPTP Stack - API and Integration Guide. Uniconf configuration section

LLDP configuration parameters

This section describes the standard Yang parameters utilized for LLDP. The LLDP Yang structure is defined in IEEE 802.1ABcu 2021 Amendment 1: YANG Data Model.

To configure LLDP params, refer EnetApp_setLldpRtConfig which is generating per-system and per-port configurations.

For ex, to configure LLDP global timer values like tx-interval, fast init, .... User can update the table accordingly.

static EnetApp_DbNameVal_t gLldpGlobalData[] =
{"message-fast-tx" , "1"},
{"message-tx-hold-multiplier" , "4"},
{"message-tx-interval" , "30"},
{"reinit-delay" , "2"},
{"tx-credit-max" , "5"},
{"tx-fast-init" , "2"},

To update local information data which is use to build LLDPDU, User can update the table below accordingly.

static EnetApp_DbNameVal_t gLldpLocalSysData[] =
// local system data
{"chassis-id-subtype" , "7"}, // '7' mean local filled, in case of more than one ports, subtype='4' MAC address cannot apply.
{"chassis-id" , "00-01-02-03-04-05"}, // Just a simple string in case of subtype is 'local (7)'
{"system-name" , "tilld"},
{"system-description" , "tilld"},
{"system-capabilities-supported" , "11111111111"},
{"system-capabilities-enabled" , "11110111011"},

Current LLDP application support up to 3 destination MAC Addresses per one port. The supported destination MAC Addresses should be match with LLDP 802.1AB specification.

  • Nearest bridge 01-80-C2-00-00-0E
  • Nearest non-TPMR bridge 01-80-C2-00-00-03
  • Nearest Customer Bridge 01-80-C2-00-00-00

To configure per-port/dest-mac information, User can update the table gLldpPortCfgData accordingly. These Destination MAC Addresses are corresponding to below configuration value.

static EnetApp_LldpPortCfg_t gLldpPortCfgData[] =
.dest_mac = "01-80-c2-00-00-0e",
.cfg_kv =
{"admin-status", "3"},
{"tlvs-tx-enable", "1111"},
{"port-id-subtype", "3"}, // If PortId subtype = P_MAC_Address (3), MAC addr will be re-correct follow hw info.
{"port-id", "3c-e0-64-62-e3-03"}, // <- this value will be correct in runtime
{"port-desc", "tilld"},
{"message-fast-tx", "2"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used
{"message-tx-hold-multiplier" , "4"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used
{"message-tx-interval" , "30"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used
{"reinit-delay" , "2"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used
{"tx-credit-max" , "5"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used
{"tx-fast-init" , "2"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used
.dest_mac = "01-80-c2-00-00-03",
.cfg_kv =
{"admin-status", "3"},
{"tlvs-tx-enable", "1111"},
{"port-id-subtype", "3"}, // If PortId subtype = P_MAC_Address (3), MAC addr will be re-correct follow hw info.
{"port-id", "3c-e0-64-62-e3-03"}, // <- this value will be correct in runtime
{"port-desc", "tilld"},
{"message-fast-tx", "2"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used
{"message-tx-hold-multiplier" , "4"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used
{"message-tx-interval" , "20"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used
{"reinit-delay" , "2"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used
{"tx-credit-max" , "5"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used
{"tx-fast-init" , "2"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used
.dest_mac = "01-80-c2-00-00-00",
.cfg_kv =
{"admin-status", "3"},
{"tlvs-tx-enable", "1111"},
{"port-id-subtype", "3"}, // If PortId subtype = P_MAC_Address (3), MAC addr will be re-correct follow hw info.
{"port-id", "3c-e0-64-62-e3-03"}, // <- this value will be correct in runtime
{"port-desc", "tilld"},
{"message-fast-tx", "2"}, // Diff with global system config
{"message-tx-hold-multiplier" , "4"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used
{"message-tx-interval" , "25"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used
{"reinit-delay" , "2"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used
{"tx-credit-max" , "5"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used
{"tx-fast-init" , "2"}, // <- In case of any field missing, global value gLldpGlobalData will be used

In case of User want to support only one Destination MAC address, the entry of gLldpPortCfgData can be reduced accordingly.

See Also

Ethernet And Networking