AM273x MCU+ SDK  08.06.00


This example demonstrates SEC and DED on MSS TPTC FIFO memories.

Use Cases

Use Case Description
UC-1 Single bit error injection.
UC-2 Double bit error injection.

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS r5fss0-0 nortos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang
Board am273x-evm
Example folder examples/sdl/ecc/sdl_ecc_mss_tptc/

Steps to Run the Example

See Also

ECC : Error Correcting Code

Sample Output

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run,

ECC Example Application
ECC UC-1 and UC-2 Test
[EDMA] Interrupt Transfer Test Started...
ESM_Test_init: Init MSS ESM single bit complete
ESM_Test_init: Init MSS ESM double bit complete
ECC_Test_init: MSS ECC AGGR initialization is completed
MSS TPTC_A0 Single bit error inject: test starting
ESM Call back function called : instType 0x1, grpChannel 0x1, intSrc 0x12
Take action
ECC Error Call back function called : eccMemType 2, errorSrc 0x1, ramId 5, bitErrorOffset 0x00000001, bitErrorGroup 0
MSS TPTC_A0 Single bit error inject at pErrMem 0x00000000
[EDMA] Interrupt Transfer Test Completed!!
All tests have passed!!
All tests have passed.