AM263x MCU+ SDK  08.05.00
ADC Burst Mode EPWM


This example sets up ePWM0 to periodically trigger a burst mode conversions of burst size 3 on ADC1 for conversion of inputs on ADC_AIN0, ADC_AIN1, ADC_AIN2, ADC_AIN3 and burst mode conversion on ADC_AIN3. This demonstrates a batch of conversion on ADC0 (inputs on ADC_AIN0 and ADC_AIN1) and burst mode conversion on ADC0 (input ADC_AIN3). ADC0 Interrupt ISR is used to read results of ADC0 (i.e. digital representations of inputs ADC_AIN0, ADC_AIN1 and average of oversampled ADC_AIN3)

Example Block diagram

Example Description

The example demonstrates Burst mode of ADC periodically triggered by trigger from EPWM0.

SOC Configurations

  • SOC0 - SOC6 are configured High priority
  • SOC7 - SOC15 are configured for Burst mode, with Burst size of 3 i.e., SOC(7,8,9), SOC(10,11,12), SOC(13,14,15) act as bursts and
  • EPWM0SOCA is selected as trigger for Burst mode.
  • SOC(7,10,13, 14) sample on ADC 1 Channel 0
  • SOC(8,11) sample on ADC 1 Channel 1
  • SOC(9,12) sample on ADC 1 Channel 2
  • SOC(15) sample on ADC 1 Channel 3

Interrupt Configurations

  • ADC1 INT 1 is generated at the EOC/SOC9
  • ADC1 INT 2 is generated at the EOC/SOC12
  • ADC1 INT 3 is generated at the EOC/SOC15


  • ADC INT 1,2,3 are configured to same ISR, App_adcISR.
  • reads which EOC generated Interrupt and reads the respective result registers.

Watch Variables

  • gAdc1Result0[] : Digital representation of the voltage, averaged on burst sample on pin ADC0_AIN0
  • gAdc1Result1[] : Digital representation of the voltage, averaged on burst sample on pin ADC0_AIN1
  • gAdc1Result2[] : Digital representation of the voltage sampled on pin ADC0_AIN2
  • gAdc1result3[] : Digital representation of the voltage sampled on pin ADC0_AIN3

External Connections :

AM263x-CC :

Feed analog voltages on

  • ADC1_AIN0, i.e., HSEC PIN 18
  • ADC1_AIN1, i.e., HSEC PIN 20
  • ADC1_AIN2, i.e., HSEC PIN 21
  • ADC1_AIN3, i.e., HSEC PIN 23

AM263x-LP :

Feed analog voltages on

  • ADC1_AIN0, i.e., J1/3 PIN 24
  • ADC1_AIN1, i.e., J1/3 PIN 29
  • ADC1_AIN2, i.e., J5/7 PIN 67
  • ADC1_AIN3, i.e., J1/3 PIN 6

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS r5fss0-0 nortos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang
Board am263x-cc, am263x-lp
Example folder examples/drivers/adc/adc_burst_mode_epwm/

Steps to Run the Example

  • When using CCS projects to build, import the CCS project for the required combination and build it using the CCS project menu (see Using SDK with CCS Projects).
  • When using makefiles to build, note the required combination and build using make command (see Using SDK with Makefiles)
  • Establish connections as mentioned in External Connections section.
  • Launch a CCS debug session and run the executable, see CCS Launch, Load and Run
  • Using the watch variables, view the ADC conversion results.
  • View the ADC conversion results in UART console logs

See Also


Sample Output

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run,

ADC Burst Mode EPWM Test Started ...
ADC1Digital Converted Values
Channel0 : Channel1 : Channel2 : Channel3
766 : 769 : 1533 : 766
775 : 777 : 1550 : 777
771 : 773 : 1546 : 769
775 : 775 : 1546 : 772
781 : 783 : 1556 : 780
776 : 777 : 1545 : 770
785 : 784 : 1569 : 781
780 : 777 : 1554 : 778
782 : 781 : 1564 : 781
789 : 789 : 1576 : 787
781 : 784 : 1561 : 785
ADC Burst Mode EPWM Test Passed
All tests have passed!!