AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01

The EPWM driver provides API to configure the EPWM module. Below are the high level features supported by the EPWM driver.

Features Supported

  • Scaling the time-base clock relative to ePWM clock using TimeBase submodule.
  • Count-up, Count-down and Count-up-and-down modes for time-base counter.
  • Configuring time-base counter behaviour during emulation.
  • Synchronizing time-base counter of different ePWM instances.
  • Specifying the PWM duty cycle for output ePWMxA and ePWMxB using Counter Compare submodule.
  • Specifying actions taken on different events using Action Qualifier submodule.
  • Configuring rising-edge-delay and falling-edge-delay using Deadband submodule.
  • Creating chopping (carrier) frequency using Chopper submodule.
  • Configuring ePWM to react to one, all or none of the trip zone signals or digital comapre events.
  • Triggering an ADC Start of conversion using Event trigger submodule.
  • Specifying rate at which events cause trigger using Event trigger submodule.

SysConfig Features

It is strongly recommend to use SysConfig where it is available instead of using direct SW API calls. This will help simplify the SW application and also catch common mistakes early in the development cycle.
  • Selecting the group of the EPWM instance.
  • Specifying the EPWM clock prescaler by selecting Time-Base clock divider and High Speed clock divider.
  • Specifying the behaviour of the Time Base Counter on an emulation event.
  • Specifying the Time Base period.
  • Selecting Time Base period load mode and event.
  • Specifying Time Base Counter Mode.
  • Configuring Counter Compare value and selecting counter compare shadow load event.
  • Specifying action for various events in the Action Qualifier module.
  • Specifying actions for various trip zone events.
  • Configuring Digital Compare events.
  • Configuring EPWM Dead Band module by specifying values and polarity of Rising Edge Delay and Falling Edge Delay.
  • Configuring the chopper module by specifying duty cycle and frequency.
  • Enabling and configuring interrupts in the EPWM event trigger submodule.

Features NOT Supported

  • APIs for OTTOCAL module.

Important Usage Guidelines


Example Usage

Include the below file to access the APIs

#include <drivers/epwm.h>


