AM243x MCU+ SDK  10.00.00
ADS131 Implementation Details

Implementation Details

The control of ADC pins is divided between PRU and R5F cores.

In example, the interfacing with ADS131M08 operates in following configuration:

  • 8 simultaneously sampling differential inputs
  • Programmable data rate up to 32 kSPS
  • Continous sampling of data
  • Signal trace for the current implementation is shown in figure below (can check timing details from this)

R5F Function:

  • Write PRU firmware instructions into IRAM of PRU
  • Configure the IO Expander to connect the PRU IOs to HSE
  • Send ADC register configuration information to the PRU core
  • Send instructions to PRU core
  • Wait for interrupt from PRU indicating 1 block of adc samples has been received
  • On interrupt fetch the block id to read and read the samples
  • Process them as needed
/* Total number of Commands to send to ADC */
uint32_t noOfCommands = 2;
/* Commands array
* Add your commands to this (maximum = noOfCommands)
uint32_t adcConfigCommands[2] = {0x00618400,0x00FF0200};
ADC_configure(noOfCommands, adcConfigCommands);
/* Get ADC data from PRU */
PRU_IPC_getData(gPruIpc0Handle, samples);

PRU Function:

  • Wait for commands from R5F and do accordingly While executing ADC interface section:
  • Wait for ADC Busy to go low indicating conversion has completed
  • Start reading samples from each ADC channel
  • Preprocess samples as required
  • Send samples to shared memory using ipc
  • Repeat above steps again
; Wait for DRDY to go low indicating conversion has completed
; DRDY: _᠆᠆᠆᠆_____________________________________________________
; SDI: _____| Status | < Channel 0 - 7 Data > | CRC |____
m_wait_high_pulse 2, DRDY_PIN
m_wait_nano_sec 10
m_pru_clr_pin ADC_CS_PIN ; set CS low
m_wait_nano_sec 10
;Fetch status register value using serial interface
m_read_packet_spi_mode1_msb_gpo_sclk TEMP_REG_1, 24, R11.b0, SCLK_PIN, SDI_PIN, 8, 4
; Fetch samples using serial interface from each 8 channels
m_read_packet_spi_mode1_msb_gpo_sclk ADC_DATA_REG_1, 24, R11.b0, SCLK_PIN, SDI_PIN, 8, 4
m_read_packet_spi_mode1_msb_gpo_sclk ADC_DATA_REG_2, 24, R11.b0, SCLK_PIN, SDI_PIN, 8, 4
m_read_packet_spi_mode1_msb_gpo_sclk ADC_DATA_REG_3, 24, R11.b0, SCLK_PIN, SDI_PIN, 8, 4
m_read_packet_spi_mode1_msb_gpo_sclk ADC_DATA_REG_4, 24, R11.b0, SCLK_PIN, SDI_PIN, 8, 4
m_read_packet_spi_mode1_msb_gpo_sclk ADC_DATA_REG_5, 24, R11.b0, SCLK_PIN, SDI_PIN, 8, 4
m_read_packet_spi_mode1_msb_gpo_sclk ADC_DATA_REG_6, 24, R11.b0, SCLK_PIN, SDI_PIN, 8, 4
m_read_packet_spi_mode1_msb_gpo_sclk ADC_DATA_REG_7, 24, R11.b0, SCLK_PIN, SDI_PIN, 8, 4
m_read_packet_spi_mode1_msb_gpo_sclk ADC_DATA_REG_8, 24, R11.b0, SCLK_PIN, SDI_PIN, 8, 4
;Fetch crc register value using serial interface
m_read_packet_spi_mode1_msb_gpo_sclk TEMP_REG_1, 24, R11.b0, SCLK_PIN, SDI_PIN, 8, 4
m_wait_nano_sec 10
m_pru_set_pin ADC_CS_PIN ; set CS high
;Convert each sample to 32-bit
m_sign_ext 24, 32, ADC_DATA_REG_1, EXTEND_0
m_sign_ext 24, 32, ADC_DATA_REG_2, EXTEND_0
m_sign_ext 24, 32, ADC_DATA_REG_3, EXTEND_0
m_sign_ext 24, 32, ADC_DATA_REG_4, EXTEND_0
m_sign_ext 24, 32, ADC_DATA_REG_5, EXTEND_0
m_sign_ext 24, 32, ADC_DATA_REG_6, EXTEND_0
m_sign_ext 24, 32, ADC_DATA_REG_7, EXTEND_0
m_sign_ext 24, 32, ADC_DATA_REG_8, EXTEND_0
;Send samples to shared memory using ipc
ldi R1.b0, &ADC_DATA_REG_1
qba START ; loop to continue collecting samples
Tips to Modify PRU Firmware: Refer to PRU Source Macros Documentation for making changes to PRU firmware.