AM243x MCU+ SDK  09.02.01


This example demonstrates basic read and write to PSRAM using GPMC. The GPMC is configured to operate without DMA. APIs from RAM driver are used to read and write to the psram. The underlying reads and writes are taken care by the PSRAM APIs.

The example writes known data to a particular offset in the psram and then reads it back. The read back data is then compared with the written known data. When both the data match, throughput is calculated & test result is passed otherwise failed.

An external PSRAM needs to be connected to the device via GPMC interface.

  • TI GPMC Daughter Card: A 16-bit pSRAM of 64Mb capacity is present on board.
  • For 16-bit devices, the address lines SoC_GPMC A1 should be conected to Device A0 & so on. On Daughter Card, SoC_GPMC A0 is connected to Device A0 line.
  • Due to this only half the capacity is accessible (32Mb of 64Mb) & addresses are accessed in alternate manner (address 0, 2, 4 ..) with each address corresponding to 16 bits of data.

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS r5fss0-0 nortos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang
Board am243x-evm
Example folder examples/drivers/gpmc/gpmc_psram_io/

Steps to Run the Example

See Also


Sample Output

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run,

Write Speed: 0.000066 Mbps
Read Speed: 53.597580 Mbps
All tests have passed!!