EtherCAT Slave  1.04.06

Supported EtherCAT Functionality

Feature Description Implementation
Distributed Clocks By using distributed clocks the EtherCAT real-time Ethernet protocol is able to synchronize the time in all local bus devices within a very narrow tolerance range. Yes
Object Dictionary freely definable, only limited by ressources available. Yes
CiA 402 This profile standardizes the functional behavior of controllers for servo drives, frequency inverters, and stepper motors. Yes
Mailbox Queue Mailbox services will be stored in a queue. Mailbox services can be processed in parallel. Yes
AoE ADS over EtherCAT service support. No
CoE CANopen over EtherCAT service support. Yes
Complete Access support Accessing all entries of an object with one SDO service is supported. Yes
Segmented SDO support Segmented SDO service is supported. Yes
SDO Response Interface If a SDO response cannot be generated immediately, return ABORTIDX_WORKING. Yes
Diagnosis support Diagnosis messages are supported. Yes
Emergency support Emergency messages are supported. Yes
VoE Vendor Specific Protocol over EtherCAT service support. No
SoE Sercos over EtherCAT service support. Planned
EoE Ethernet over EtherCAT service support. Planned
FoE File access over EtherCAT service support. Planned
OP State requires process data Transition from SafeOP to OP State requires process data. Yes
Explicit device ID Explicit device ID requests are handled. No
Error Counters RX Invalid Frame Counter Port 0/1 Yes
RX ERR Counter Port 0/1 Yes
Forward Error Counter Port 0/1 Yes
EtherCAT Processing Unit Counter Port 0/1 Yes

Key Performance Parameters

Feature Detail Value
EtherCat Commands FMMU 4
SYNC Master 4
Processdata Maximum Input 1024 Bytes
Maximum Output 1024 Bytes
Cycletime 31.25 µs
Distributed Clocks Cycletime 50 µs
Accuracy 64-bit
SYNC0 generation single shot and cyclic mode support
SYNC1 SYNC1 cycle time multiple of SYNC0 cycle time
SYNC jitter TBD
Latency Process path TBD
Auto forward path TBD
Cable redundancy support (only for AM243x EVM and not AM243x LP)

General Stack Parameters

Stack Memory Usage
AM243x EVM Simple DemoRead Only Memory244530Bytes
Random Access Memory135774


AM243x EVM CiA402 DemoRead Only Memory245298Bytes
Random Access Memory136517


AM243x EVM Conformance Test DemoRead Only Memory243763Bytes
Random Access Memory135646


AM243x LP Simple DemoRead Only Memory245155Bytes
Random Access Memory135407


AM243x LP CiA402 DemoRead Only Memory245923Bytes
Random Access Memory136150


AM243x LP Conformance Test DemoRead Only Memory244388Bytes
Random Access Memory135279Bytes