OAD Target

Table of Contents


The oad_target is used for on-chip Over the Air Download (OAD) firmware update, and is to be used with the Boot Image Manager (BIM) project. See the OAD section of the Bluetooth low energy Software Developer’s Guide for more information.

Hardware Prerequisites

The default OAD Target configuration uses the LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2. This hardware configuration is shown in the below image:

For custom hardware, see the Running the SDK on Custom Boards section of the TI Bluetooth low energy Software Developer’s Guide.

Software Prerequisites

For information on what versions of Code Composer Studio and IAR Embedded Workbench to use, see the Release Notes located in the docs/blestack folder. For information on how to import this project into your IDE workspace and build/run, please refer to The CC2640R2F Platform section in the Bluetooth low energy Software Developer’s Guide.


This application acts as a peripheral device that can be used as the target device for OAD. It advertises upon startup, and a central device can connect with it to initiate an OAD. It contains the OAD profile, and using it with the bim_oad_onchip project allows for an image sent over the air to the device to be downloaded without using any external memory. By default, it has no peripherals (buttons, display). For details on using this project for on-chip OAD, see the OAD section of the Bluetooth low energy Software Developer’s Guide.