Texas Instruments

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TI Cortex-M4 Timing Benchmarks

Target Platform: ti.platforms.tiva:TM4C123GH6PM:1

Tool Chain Version: 16.12.0

BIOS Version: bios_6_50_00_06_eng

XDCTools Version: xdctools_3_50_00_09_eng

Benchmark Cycles
Interrupt Latency 102
Hwi_restore() 6
Hwi_disable() 8
Hwi dispatcher prolog 90
Hwi dispatcher epilog 187
Hwi dispatcher 267
Hardware Interrupt to Blocked Task 440
Hardware Interrupt to Software Interrupt 305
Swi_enable() 60
Swi_disable() 8
Post Software Interrupt Again 30
Post Software Interrupt without Context Switch 84
Post Software Interrupt with Context Switch 161
Create a New Task without Context Switch 1527
Set a Task Priority without a Context Switch 133
Task_yield() 168
Post Semaphore No Waiting Task 42
Post Semaphore No Task Switch 156
Post Semaphore with Task Switch 213
Pend on Semaphore No Context Switch 62
Pend on Semaphore with Task Switch 225
Clock_getTicks() 7
POSIX Create a New Task without Context Switch 3021
POSIX Set a Task Priority without a Context Switch 180
POSIX Post Semaphore No Waiting Task 51
POSIX Post Semaphore No Task Switch 167
POSIX Post Semaphore with Task Switch 223
POSIX Pend on Semaphore No Context Switch 74
POSIX Pend on Semaphore with Task Switch 238

The benchmark application was built using BIOS.LibType_Custom with the following BIOS.customCCOpts settings: “–endian=little -mv7M4 –float_support=vfplib –abi=eabi -q -ms –opt_for_speed=2 –program_level_compile -o3”.

To minimize the effects of wait states, the performance measurements are collected at optimal CPU clock speeds on MSP432 and Tiva devices.

See the SYS/BIOS User’s Guide for more information regarding how interrupt latency is calculated.