TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
multi.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Multi layer interface.

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Data Structures

union  gapMultiRoleEvent_t
 Multi GAPRole Event Structure. More...
struct  gapRole_updateConnParams_t
 Multi GAPRole Parameter Update Structure. More...
struct  gapRolesCBs_t
 Multi GAPRole Callback structure. More...


 Which channels to advertise on (Read/Write) More...
 Direct Advertisement Address (Read/Write) More...
 Direct Advertisement Type (Read/Write) More...
#define GAPROLE_ADV_EVENT_TYPE   0x309
 Advertisement Types (Read/Write) More...
 Policy for filtering advertisements (Read/Write) More...
 Enable / Disable non-connectable advertising (Read/Write) More...
#define GAPROLE_ADVERT_DATA   0x307
 Advertisement data (Read/Write) More...
 Enable/Disable Connectable Advertising (Read/Write) More...
 How long to remain off (in sec) after advertising stops before starting again (Read/Write) More...
#define GAPROLE_BD_ADDR   0x304
 Device Address read from the controller (Read-only) More...
#define GAPROLE_IRK   0x301
 Identity Resolving Key (Read/Write) Size is uint8_t[KEYLEN]. More...
 Accept all parameter update requests.
 Notify app for it to decide.
 Number of options. Used for parameter checking.
 Reject all parameter update requests.
 Maximum connection interval (n * 1.25 ms) to use when performing param update (Read/Write) More...
#define GAPROLE_MAX_SCAN_RES   0x404
 Maximmum number of scan reports to store from GAPCentralRole_StartDiscovery (Read/Write) More...
 Minimum connection interval (n * 1.25 ms) to use when performing param update (Read/Write) More...
 Take no action upon unsuccessful parameter updates.
 This parameter will return GAP Role type (Read-only) More...
 Continue to resend request until successful update.
#define GAPROLE_SCAN_RSP_DATA   0x308
 Scan Response Data (Read/Write) More...
 Sign Counter (Read/Write) More...
 Slave latency to use when performing param update (Read/Write) More...
#define GAPROLE_SRK   0x302
 Signature Resolving Key (Read/Write) More...
 Terminate link upon unsuccessful parameter updates.
 Supervision timeout (n x 10 ms) to use when performing param update (Read/Write) More...


typedef void(* paramUpdateAppDecision_t) (gapUpdateLinkParamReq_t *pReq, gapUpdateLinkParamReqReply_t *pRsp)
 Callback for the app to decide on a parameter update request. More...
typedef uint8_t(* passThroughToApp_t) (gapMultiRoleEvent_t *pEvent)
 Multi Event Callback Function. More...


bStatus_t GAPRole_CancelDiscovery (void)
 Cancel a device discovery scan. More...
bStatus_t gapRole_connUpdate (uint8_t handleFailure, gapRole_updateConnParams_t *pConnParams)
 Send a connection parameter update to a connected device. More...
bStatus_t GAPRole_EstablishLink (uint8_t highDutyCycle, uint8_t whiteList, uint8_t addrTypePeer, uint8_t *peerAddr)
 Establish a link to a peer device. More...
bStatus_t GAPRole_GetParameter (uint16_t param, void *pValue, uint8 connHandle)
 Get a GAP Role parameter. More...
bStatus_t GAPRole_SetParameter (uint16_t param, uint8_t len, void *pValue, uint8 connHandle)
 Set a GAP Role parameter. More...
bStatus_t GAPRole_StartDevice (gapRolesCBs_t *pAppCallbacks, uint8_t *numConns)
 Initialize the GAP layer. More...
bStatus_t GAPRole_StartDiscovery (uint8_t mode, uint8_t activeScan, uint8_t whiteList)
 Start a device discovery scan. More...
bStatus_t GAPRole_TerminateConnection (uint16_t connHandle)
 Terminates the existing connection. More...
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