TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
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gapbondmgr.h File Reference

Detailed Description

GAPBondMgr layer interface.

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Data Structures

struct  gapBondEccKeys_t
 Public and Private ECC Keys. More...
struct  gapBondOobSC_t
 Secure Connections Out of Band. More...


#define ECC_KEYLEN   32
 256 bit keys
#define GAP_BONDINGS_MAX   10
 Maximum number of bonds that can be saved in NV.
#define GAP_CHAR_CFG_MAX   4
 Maximum number of characteristic configuration that can be saved in NV.
 Enable / Disable Device Privacy Mode for Bonded devices without RPAO Characteristic (Read/Write) More...
#define GAPBOND_AUTO_SYNC_WL   0x40D
 Synchronize the whitelist with bonded devices (Read/Write) More...
#define GAPBOND_BOND_COUNT   0x40E
 Gets the total number of bonds stored in NV (Read-only) More...
 The action that the device takes after an unsuccessful bonding attempt (Write-only) More...
 Whether to request bonding during pairing (Read/Write) More...
 This parameter is only used by the Host Test app Application (network processor) The Id of this parameter is used to store the password locally. the GAP Bond manager is not storing any default password anymore, everytime a password is needed, pfnPasscodeCB_t will be call. More...
#define GAPBOND_ECC_KEYS   0x413
 The private and public keys to use for Secure Connections pairing (Read/Write) More...
 ECC Key Regeneration Policy (Read/Write) More...
 Erase all bonds from SNV and remove all bonded devices (Write) More...
 Erase a single bonded device (Write-only) More...
 Initiate pairing upon unsuccessful bonding.
 Take no action upon unsuccessful bonding.
 Terminate link and erase all existing bonds on device upon unsuccessful bonding.
 Terminate link upon unsuccessful bonding.
 The amount of time (in ms) to wait for a pairing request before sending the slave initiate request (Read/Write) More...
 Display Only Device.
 Display and Yes and No Capable.
 Both Keyboard and Display Capable.
 Keyboard Only.
 No Display or Input Device.
 The I/O capabilities of the local device (Read/Write) More...
#define GAPBOND_KEY_DIST_LIST   0x407
 Key distribution list for pairing (Read/Write) More...
 Master Encrypton Key.
 Master IRK and ID information.
 Master Link Key.
 Master CSRK.
 Slave Encryption Key.
 Slave IRK and ID information.
 Slave Link Key.
 Slave CSRK.
#define GAPBOND_KEYSIZE   0x40C
 Key Size used in pairing. (Read/Write) More...
 Local OOB Secure Connections Data (Read/Write) More...
 Validate Local OOB Secure Connections Data (Read/Write) More...
 Enable / Disable LRU Bond Replacement Scheme (Read/Write) More...
 Whether to use authenticated pairing (Read/Write) More...
#define GAPBOND_OOB_DATA   0x405
 OOB data to use for pairing (Read/Write) More...
#define GAPBOND_OOB_ENABLED   0x404
 Whether to use OOB for pairing (Read/Write) More...
#define GAPBOND_PAIRING_MODE   0x400
 Whether to allow pairing, and if so, whether to initiate pairing. (Read/Write) More...
 Don't wait, initiate a pairing request or slave security request.
 Pairing is not allowed.
 Wait for a pairing request or slave security request.
 Bonding record saved in NV.
 Bonding Complete. More...
 Central Address Resolution Characteristic Read.
 Pairing Complete. More...
 Resolvable Private Address Only Characteristic Read.
 Pairing Started. More...
 Regenerate after each usage.
 Never regenerate, always use the same pair.
 Remote OOB Secure Connections Data (Read/Write) More...
 Validate Remote OOB Secure Connections Data (Read/Write) More...
 Define Secure Connections Usage during Pairing (Read/Write) More...
 Secure Connections are supported.
 Secure Connections not supported.
 Secure Connections Only Mode.
 The pairing procedure can't be performed as authentication requirements can't be met due to IO capabilities of one or both devices.
 The SMP command received is not supported on this device.
 The confirm value doesn't match the calculated compare value.
 Indicates to the remote device that the DHKey Check value received does not match the one calculated by the local device.
 The resultant encryption key size is insufficient for the security requirements of this device.
 Indicates that the command length is invalid or that a parameter is outside of the specified range.
 Pairing isn't supported by the device.
 Indicates that the confirm value in the numeric comparison protocol do not match.
 The OOB data is not available.
 The user input of the passkey failed, for example, the user cancelled the operation.
 Pairing or authentication procedure is disallowed because too little time has elapsed since the last pairing request or security request.
 Pairing failed due to an unspecified reason.


typedef void(* pfnPairStateCB_t) (uint16 connectionHandle, uint8 state, uint8 status)
 Pairing State Callback Function. More...
typedef void(* pfnPasscodeCB_t) (uint8 *deviceAddr, uint16 connectionHandle, uint8 uiInputs, uint8 uiOutputs, uint32 numComparison)
 Passcode and Numeric Comparison Callback Function. More...


uint8 GAPBondMgr_CheckNVLen (uint8 id, uint8 len)
 This function will check the length of a Bond Manager NV Item. More...
bStatus_t GAPBondMgr_GetParameter (uint16 param, void *pValue)
 Get a GAP Bond Manager parameter. More...
bStatus_t GAPBondMgr_LinkEst (uint8 addrType, uint8 *pDevAddr, uint16 connHandle, uint8 role)
 Notify the Bond Manager that a connection has been made. More...
void GAPBondMgr_LinkTerm (uint16 connHandle)
 Notify the Bond Manager that a connection has been terminated. More...
bStatus_t GAPBondMgr_PasscodeRsp (uint16 connectionHandle, uint8 status, uint32 passcode)
 Respond to a passcode request. More...
uint8 GAPBondMgr_ProcessGAPMsg (gapEventHdr_t *pMsg)
 This is a bypass mechanism to allow the bond manager to process GAP messages. More...
bStatus_t GAPBondMgr_ReadGattChar (uint16 connectionHandle, uint16 uuid)
 Send Read By Type Request to retrieve the value of a characteristic with the specified uuid. More...
void GAPBondMgr_Register (gapBondCBs_t *pCB)
 Register callback functions with the bond manager. More...
uint8 GAPBondMgr_ResolveAddr (uint8 addrType, uint8 *pDevAddr, uint8 *pResolvedAddr)
 Resolve an address from bonding information. More...
bStatus_t GAPBondMgr_ServiceChangeInd (uint16 connectionHandle, uint8 setParam)
 Set/clear the service change indication in a bond record. More...
bStatus_t GAPBondMgr_SetParameter (uint16 param, uint8 len, void *pValue)
 Set a GAP Bond Manager parameter. More...
void GAPBondMgr_SlaveReqSecurity (uint16 connHandle, uint8 authReq)
 Notify the Bond Manager that a Slave Security Request is received. More...
uint8 GAPBondMgr_SupportsEnhancedPriv (uint8 *pPeerIdAddr)
 Determine if peer device supports enhanced privacy by checking the Enhanced Privacy state flag of the bond record that corresponds to the peer's identity address. More...
bStatus_t GAPBondMgr_syncResolvingList (void)
 This function will add all device address and IRK pairs from bond records to the Controller. Used with PRIVACY_1_2_CFG. More...
bStatus_t GAPBondMgr_UpdateCharCfg (uint16 connectionHandle, uint16 attrHandle, uint16 value)
 Update the Characteristic Configuration in a bond record. More...
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